What's life like in South Africa?

What's life like in South Africa?

Attached: southafrica.webm (720x404, 2.15M)

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what a bunch of retards

same as detroit. same as anywhere with a large population of niggers

violence, crime, low societal trust, rape, destruction of society. they ruin everything

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She's about get get BLACKED, whyte boi, and there's nothing you can do about it

Its africa and majority low iq blacks, what do you think?

It's absolute Kino.

And bonerific

i hope the puppers is okay

Liberia is where the high iq blacks live.

Attached: actual-liberian-flag.png (1100x660, 35K)

You dont stop at red lights incase you get jacked

Did she survive?

Mother nature had them ear marked for extinction.

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The problem is that White Mix.

In Australia we had a lot of Anglo-Celts and a smaller number of Dutch. In South Africa they had WAY more Dutch.

This meant they were too cucked to provide the solution to the Native Question, as we did. We will feel guilty every once in awhile about doing what had to be done, but at least we will still exist in a decade, unlike white Seff Afrikans.

My aunt lives there, she shot a nigger trying to burgle her home.


Shake it off!

That retard didn't blade his car for cover or use it to block them in, but that was one damn good reverse drill. Whites get a point in this one.

lmao she knew exactly what to do, wonder if this has happened to her before?

>aiming for the face/mouth and not the head
lol what brutal cunts.

Redpill factory with the dial stuck at 11

Attached: south africa.png (523x503, 391K)


It's not that at all.
Blacks in the lands surrounding SA outnumbered whites something like 20-1

>He's swinging the fucking thing backwards
Niggers really are something special.

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Violence and entitled shits everywhere.

So pretty good.

Dey gud boys just like duh rest uf us dey din du nuffin!

Attached: dindus.jpg (512x429, 258K)

There are ways of fixing that.

Good riddance. She burned the coal and paid the toll.

Attached: Africa.webm (422x338, 2.96M)

Also, that description is hilariously inaccurate. Did some delusional feminist bull dyke write it?

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lol that ambulance service.

Depends where you live

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Its like what California will be in ~30 years.

You have this tiny core of high-skill high IQ people who live in tiny fortified zones. They live first world lives, quite luxurious, quite excellent.

Surrounding them is an ocean of low-iq low skill, violent, volatile blacks and browns who are generally exploited as a cheap energy source (low skill labour).


i was looking at properties near johnesburg, i saw apartments 2bed 1bth for 30 to 60k usd. I mean is that right?

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That can't be right. Unless they were posh penthouses with other extras that weren't mentioned, and the prices were probably in Rands, not dollars.

hes like rocky balboa
keeps getting up after clubber langs punches

Attached: day at the beach.png (698x154, 101K)

Attached: Nig parenting 101.webm (360x360, 1.95M)

Yeah, but what areas though?

Location is everything in JHB
>Inside the fortified zone
>or outside

Open up a map of JHB, find the Johannesburg Zoo (Saxonwold is the suburb) everything North is good. Everything east of Houghton Estate is shit, everything west of Northcliff is shit.

To be fair, the west isnt *that* bad. It just contains whats left of the white-working class, so cheap property and thus high risk of infestation.

>under a million
No, thats normall for an apartment in Rosebank, Oaklands, Norwood etc


We also have our fair share of narcissistic, Jersey Shore wannabe bitch boys in South Africa.

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Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-08-11-17-31.png (720x1280, 589K)

>"Gibs me dat"

This is the sort of thing that antifa want. The police are barbaric, but mob rule is progressive.

What a horrific way to go.

The middle east used to be white and was the cultural center of the world (hell, even egypt was white)
Then it was greece; greece used be white
then italy used to be white and important
same with spain
today: france is the first to go
the future: germany and london will fall
what's the next cultural capital of the world? or is there no place left to retreat to in the north?

The Dutch did exceptionally well untill they literally got overrun by nogs coming from surrounding countries claiming rights to the lands. Also, the stop of apartheid was forced by the big anglo countries.


smart doggo

Die Antwoord is such garbage.

It's all so tiring. Yesterday I had to shoot nigger dogs that flood out of the squatter camps. They form packs and start ravaging the local wildlife.

was a nice place when ghouls were slaves like they should be

Burn the coal

>so brave.
Toll paid

it's catchy garbage though, i fire some up for a laugh every couple years or so

>implying Russia is, or ever was, white.

>what color is it

Grey. Just like your people.

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Get your eyes checked.

You like Insane Clown Posse too

Point out the white, Ivan. And no, Russia does not have ownership over clouds.

>I didn't want to post this because this is what my city looks like too :(

Attached: y0bi6uiouba11.jpg (1387x791, 282K)

fucking kike

? Sorry bud, Russia isn't white. Or are you not familiar with the history of Russia?

Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I thought we were talking about people.

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if every morning you have to burn flat your hair as well as threaten murder if anybody touches it, then no. You're not the master race.

if you have to apply moisturizer over your entire body to just keep your skin from falling off then no. You are not the masterrace.

If your entire history is defined by smaking sticks on trees until mangoes fall off and then being repeatedly raped to actually make your future offspring competitive in the world market then no. You are not the masterrace.

If your nose is so wide that just breathing in cold air makes your lungs hurt then no. You are not the masterrace.

If literally zero (0) ZERO inventions, nor Noble prize lauriets (not in literature), nor human achievement goals ever have been given to someone below the sahara then no. You are not the masterrace.

If you think mixing with white people and permanently ruining white DNA suddenly fixes these issue you are mistaken. A wolfdog still bites. The wild unitellectual side always wins out, because that is the path of least resistance. Africans are human unevolved to Farming and a detriment to any society they are a part of.

What did she do?

I was. My dude, when I look out my window all I see is white people. And not 56% mutt creatures; People that look almost indistinguishable from those in your photo.

Know what the issue is? For everyone one of those people, there's 10 more shitskins. Russia is no different. Hell, just wait. You all can laugh at America, but you'll be lamenting the day when your country can't even be called 56% white.

>as if that isn't already the case

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Accused of witchcraft probably.

>but in future!!!
so much for the russia not white meme

>playing soccer with a person

lol what a dummies. they could easily cut the head und use it as a ball.

she lost

What in the absolute fuck? Like why? That's the reason I hate niggers.

It's a Kang jungle dude.
You've got subhuman level IQ blacks Larping as high IQ individuals.
They say stupid shit like 'decolonize your white mind' as a legitiment argument in situations.
. Niggers are nothing better than a cheap workforce

Joburg jews dominate this.
Capetown faggots are just soibois/gym rats in the making

Life in South Africa is basically the sort of existence that Varg Vikernes thinks he's capable of surviving

>greece used to be white
>italy used to be white
>spain used to be white

Are all americans this fucking retarded?

White Americans would have stood there like a dope and gotten skinned. The Jew Media in America and Public School /University Democrats have conditioned them to accept their eradication and not fight back against shitskins.

>Didn't relax
Smart woman

london is fucking gone mate
2011 census listed as 45% white
there is no way it hasn't tanked below 40

I spend most days wondering this. Where should the white man go? Every homogeneous white society has been destroyed, and there are no new frontiers for us to settle.

She's fast. Definitely she didn't relaxed

>big Anglo cuntries
I hate the Anglo as much as the next guy, but the overthrow was orchestrated by the media. Without the media we'd still live as we did.

Our grandchildren will know the same conditions.

she almost died for that stupid dog

you wouldnt understand whiteboy

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I did not even notice that it was a man who drove
Wheel on the right side

lmao me either. explains alot

egypt was not white
not niggers either, though

>White colony expands
>The ANGLO give coloureds the vote to counter Dutch votes
>the ANGLO destroys Boer Republics
>the ANGLO miners import muh based black labourer

Daar's letterlik niks verkeerd met GYMMING BRU

Gigaba is bad but Dlamini is the worst

Bathabile dlamini must be the stupidest person on planet earth, but you can see the low evil in her eyes. She knows exactly what she's doing, but is still retarded. Do you know what I mean?

Ja, klap daai gym.
Wanna hook up in Century city virgin active my Bru?

It's like a zombie apocalypse, except none of the liberal media are reporting on it, the zombies are able to use guns, and kill you by strapping you to a chair and torturing you with hot water and forks instead of eating your brains.

Australia needs to give them refugee status and send an armed ship to rescue them from planet of the apes desu.

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