Your entire worldview is incoherent, not to mention inconsistent with biology, anthropology, history, etc :)

>Your entire worldview is incoherent, not to mention inconsistent with biology, anthropology, history, etc :)

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What's the purpose of this thread?

Just gas everybody on that website

look at his flag ya dummy

Shh never give away the ending. It spoils it for the rest of us.

anthropology is a pseudo at best. 9 out of 10 cant deduce shit if they found remnants in an outhouse.

I wonder how these people react to race realism, oh wait I know, they deny it because they're cognitive dissonant

Cheddar Man wasn't black, fucking reddit tards

after Trump got elected we'd lose 80% of this site too. It wouldn't be a bad thing at all. The_donald needs to die.

Doesn’t “cheddar man” just confirm that whites (and other races) evolved from blacks

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Is this a serious post? I feel like reading led dit might give me brain damage with posts that stupid.


i love anthropology

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please delete!

>some random WHG asshole that walked into what is now Britain 10k years ago was swarthy, therefor you have to let in Bantus
How coherent, how consistent with biology, anthropology, history, etc!

Cheddar man belonged to the Western Hunter Gatherer groups inhabitting Europe since paleolithic times.
The WHG groups are the ancestors of Europens, they bare 0 semblance to African ape negroids or their hunter gatherer ancestors.

His skin shade was tanned, not black. The geneticists who found cheddar man said publicly that the reconstruction of him as coal black was wrong. He had gene alleles for tanning, and he was as southern Euros get in Summer with bronze coloring.

Your propaganda will fail as all your incoherent illogical worldview which attacks the divine order.

See you in battle....

>not realizing this makes white people the more evolved ones.

yes, this also means blacks are an inferior race and need to be erased

``Because X happened in Y time period, we should do Z, haha checkmate ignoramus

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ah ah Jow Forums is trully reddit

Wait, I thought Cheddar Man was President?

>the eternal anglo evolve from cheese

Dark skinned caucasians aren't negroids.

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White man come from white superior monkeys
Black man come from black retarded monkeys

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That dude aint white though maf’k


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Is that fucking monkey doing the merchant hand-rub? That's too fucking perfect if so. Especially for Brody.

different types of monkeys lead to different human species

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