Test your level of anti-semitism

Attached: hey-you-page-001.jpg (1275x1650, 294K)

Perfect score.
Of NOs.

Attached: 1541466044154.jpg (861x895, 105K)

Same except for the "seeing more movies about the Holocaust" one. Better than porn.

Greenhouse gas turned the world into a sauna,
The trauma of mortars,
Of partners,
Fathers and daughters,
They chased us,
Caught us,
Numbered us to sort us,
Raped us,
Scorned us,
To break us (((they))) bought us,
What happened to the cubs?
(((they))) fed em to the wolves,
Set a trial for the pedophiles,
(((they))) let em in the schools,
Set 'em on the students,
Turned em on the kids,
And everyone responsible should burn for what they did,
And if (((they))) try to deny then an eye for an eye,
The government and church on which we try to rely,
Both rob us till it hurts chasing lie after lie,
Generation X and generation Y,
And the generation NEXT will degenerate and DIE,
Would we look them in the eye,
Could we look back?
Cause when we look back at what we have done,
Can you believe what we have become?

I get the point of the graph, which i agree with. However, due to the absence of a hispanic category, i assume they were counted as white. This happens a lot in the US, notably crime stats. So maybe the number of US european billionairs is greater than what is displayed here

27. is confusing because its a double negative if you chose no.

so 0 to 1 depending on how you read 27.

Should have included something about the USS Liberty in that list :/

Only one yes since I consider myself better at making money

>The First Amendment was never meant to protect hate speech.
>Yes, it was never meant to protect hate speech.
>No, it was meant to protect hate speech.
It's not that difficult.
Saying yes means that there is an exception to free speech, saying no means that there isn't any one exception.

Why would we call this Jew York number.

I dont need a test. Gas them

>I would like to see more movies about holocaust
>answering yes is bad.
Fuck you niggah, I like sci-fi movies.

I got a 1... never noticed any jews is a chinese restaurant... mostly because I dont go to chinese restaurants.

There are black billionaires? Is this serious? How the fuck did that happen?

That's York, PA not Jew York

Lebron James

Some of the questions are missleading and can be interpreted in different ways.
I got a straight zero, but I could change some answers to yes
>would you like to see more movies about the holocaust
Yes, movies that debunk the holocaust. Movies where nazis are the good guys etc.
>jews deserve special status
If by special you mean getting exterminated

sports figures

This York, you dumb fuck

Attached: Downtown-York-PA-by-WabbyTwaxx.jpg (960x640, 164K)

Probably Oprah, and maybe Michael Jordan? Really any of these nigger minstrels or gladiators who is at the top of their field could invest their money in trust and set up their children and grandchildren to be in that category provided any of them could NOT act like a nigger and piss the money away the instant hey had it in their paws.

Got 2, but I don't want to join your (((glowing))) tra- organization

what's that number too