Prove me wrong

Attached: circumcision.jpg (1000x1400, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Im happy im circumsized. Its cleaner and healthier not having a foreskin

there's no penetration, dumbass. sexual assault at best.

you dont need consent to preform life-saving surgery. why would you doom a boy to eternal virginity so he can have a disgusting dick that makes women sick?

How the fuck would you know? You had it removed when you were an infant.

I agree but
>prove me wrong
Is bad logic; you cannot prove a negative.

I'm hoping that some user dumps the resources on circumcision's ill physical and psychological effects, I forgot to save them.

It's the same thing as saying, "I'm happy being celibate. I never had sex so I don't miss it."

genital mutilation for sure

Being this delusional. COPE

You do realize a bigger population of the world is uncircumcised? And they're breeding like rabbits and living long healthy lives.

It is literally illegal here because of that.

Nice try shlomo

Yes goyim, its healthier

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I support

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It happened to me and I don't wish it anyone. I just want to know what's it like to be a complete male so badly.

Gonna get banned, delete that one.

your friend from norwegen.

you're right. who in their
right minds thinks it's ok
to do this while there are
consent laws.

no one wants to give a
child a chance? just force?


maybe girls would care
if they had their clits lopped
off in solidarity.

>slides the probe under the foreskin
>pushes an object inside of a heretofore sealed area

I don't have a collection to dump but I have this.

Attached: 1529481576529.png (1105x1661, 223K)

>I'm hoping that some user dumps the resources on circumcision's ill physical and psychological effects, I forgot to save them.
bumping for this

Rape? It's fucking mutilation.


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>cutting isn’t penetration

The doctor that did my circumcision fucked it up and I had to be rushed to a different hospital for proper surgery. I have scarring down the front of my dick and two really sensitive areas on it that are uncomfortable to have touched.

But I have literally never bitched about it or really cared because I'm not a attention whoring woman.

so you dont mind the same happening to your son? end yourself my man.

>Prove me wrong.

Child circumcision is a crime

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Imagine being the father of a perfect baby boy only to have one of his first experiences in this world to be torture by genital mutilation which will render him incapable of experiencing sex in its true form and will cause sever psychic trauma because you have been brainwashed by the jews that it looks better and its a little cleaner

Attached: 141202-strochlic-circumcision-tease_rnwlgt.jpg (1480x832, 79K)

It's not rape, but it is infant genital mutilation, which is a particularly bad felony

My doctor was a German he didn’t believe in them my mom followed suit

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>Gonna get banned, delete that one.
>your friend from norwegen.

Do you really think I'll get banned for this?

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Yes, man. Been on twitter since the beginning, 50+ accounts, half of them banned, I've got a feel for it now.

this. don't forget to put your mutilated dick under your pillow to get prizes from the jew fairy

>Yes, man. Been on twitter since the beginning, 50+ accounts, half of them banned, I've got a feel for it now.

I did just get a smack down.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at 9.10.52 AM.png (923x516, 75K)

People who do the procedure belong either behind bars or in a psych ward.

I deleted it to fight another day.

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And I hope you have a great day, my friend. We're going to do great things in the future when we work out the details in a way that's secure for the both of us.

What about when the Rabbi puts the little baby boy's bloody penis in his mouth and sucks out the blood?

>And I hope you have a great day, my friend. We're going to do great things in the future when we work out the details in a way that's secure for the both of us.

Thanks Norwegian Bro. I'll send you an email.

The real rapey part is when that elderly man sucks on that baby's penis. God, I wish that sentence wasn't real.

That's actually not common. Only hardcore fundamentalist Jews do that.

>don't forget to put your mutilated dick under your pillow to get prizes from the jew fairy
Damn it you faggot, you got me to kek

If a grown adult man converts to Judaism and gets circumcised, will the Rabbi suck on his bloody dick too, or is this something reserved only for baby boys (meaning that Judaism is a literal pedophile cult)?


I'm circumcised and I'm not Jewish. It was this big trendy hooplah in the 70s and 80s because "it's cleaner."

I'm not traumatized because someone cut off my foreskin when I was 2 hours or less old, I am traumatized because I failed out of graduate school and am $56k in debt at the age of 26.

>giving away prizes

>I failed out of graduate school and am $56k in debt at the age of 26
You wouldn't be such a failure if (((they))) didn't cut your dick off.

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I guess I just didn't drink enough bagged milk or suck enough dog dick in my life, leaf.

They don't have that here, south of your border.

>I'm not traumatized because someone cut off my foreskin when I was 2 hours or less old
You wouldn't know because that trauma became your "normal." If you were in pain from the moment you were born, how would you know you were experiencing pain if you have never known not-pain to compare it with?

can confirm,same here
fucking kikes

Because most people don't remember every single second of their lives - trauma or no trauma.

Also I would put "cutting off foreskin when I was 20 minutes old - now that I'm 26" a little lower than say...the kid who kills himself at 15 because when he was 8 his uncle used to fuck him raw every Christmas, but stopped when he turned 14 and he misses it.

That kid has real issues.

Consciously remembering has nothing to do with it

"You're telling me I'm traumatized, therefore, I'm traumatized."

Nice meme.

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The fact that someone else has had worse trauma does not invalidate your lesser trauma. That's the kike brainwashing talking.
The prevailing theory in the 80s and 90s was that the baby won't remember it or isn't conscious enough to feel pain, but that has been disproved. There is even an animal equivalent which is performed on horses specifically for the purpose of behavior control, and you want to argue that cutting the most sensitive part of a boys body without pain relief, as one of the very first experiences of his life outside the womb, somehow does not affect long term mental health? No.

ITT ass blasted cut fag incels who are mad at mom and dad.

Stop obsessing with other mens penises faggots.

You'll burn with the Jew doctors.

Disproved by whom? Source or eat a dick, faggot.
You're pretending to be mad to further hate the jews more than ever, when the fact of the matter is nobody is ever going to see most of your dicks because you're too much of a pussy faggot to ask a girl out with a swipe on an app.

you're not thinking big here. We shouldn't allow this to be done to Jewish babies either.

Jewish parents who don't like it can leave

Technically everytime your parents bathed you growing was child molestation, since you never asked to be bathed.

What now, salty uncutfags?

>bathing = cutting off parts of your body
Why don't you have a seat right over here, in my oven

>implying you have to be conscious and self-aware to have your brain rewired
Not at all.
>implying that any trauma is okay as long as someone else has it worse
See? This sort of downplaying of the pain of others is textbook circumcision-induced brain damage.

Circumcision is baby rape has potential for becoming a great meme.

Americans need to be discouraged from circumcising their children, because not only its better for babies to not go through that trauma, but also to separated and distinguish them from Jews and Muslims.

I read these threads only to see Americans defend their mutilated dicks

Replied in 3 disjointed parts

Technically, every time a white man beats off its an act of molestation. They all need to go to jail.

I won't prove you wrong because you're right. I am VERY HAPPY that I still have my foreskin. FUCK CIRCUMCISION AND FUCK KIKES!!!!!

Fuck off, Shlomo.

I honestly can't blame someone for thinking like this. It's like the ultimate cope against the ultimate injustice. Unfortunately I don't have it in my to deny reality this hard so being circumcised is something I will forever have a chip on my shoulder about.

I think it has something to do with priming the male nervous system to demoralization and to expect violence in this life. The utterly hapless infant, the only thing it knows is it is completely vulnerable and reliant on its parents to survive, is subjected to mutilation that it can do nothing to prevent. In the infants mind the parents have failed it by allowing it to come to harm and the maimed flesh is a permanent reminder of this as it grows into an adult. The mind may forget but the flesh remembers everything. Sex is not as gratifying and thus the male will feel nothing is worth fighting for as an individual because the greatest physical pleasure in life they have felt is not worth fighting for. Might be bullshit but I can't shake the intuition that it is a method of control.

You nailed it all. Also, the extreme pain during and after the procedure rewires brains in such a way to increase aggressiveness and submission. Immerman & Mackey
t.cut in early 20s, kinda wish I hadn't in my early 40s

Nah your wrong

It's sexual assault at the very least, but considering how much is lost and the trauma it causes rape would fit the description.

Attached: circumcision is sexual assault.jpg (1600x1600, 403K)

Considering the practice of Metzitzah B'Peh is not banned, which is the biting or scratching off of the foreskin then having the mutilated baby penis sucked by a rabbi, that's 100% infant rape

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If rape causes trauma and infant genital mutilation causes enough trauma to damage the brain of a newborn then it's rape:
>Extreme trauma from male circumcision causes damage to areas of brain

Attached: circumcision - pain.jpg (1031x1200, 156K)

If you want to cut your own dick, that's fine for whatever reason you need to tell yourself, just leave babies alone so they can grow up to make that decision, otherwise you are allowing a heinous act to continue

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This barbaric act comes with too high a price, and if infant female genital mutilation is banned why aren't male babies protected?
Why aren't women defending their own baby boys when they will defend their baby girls?

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Do all women support the sexual assault and battery of infant boys?
Sadly that appears to be the case

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More uncircumcised people obsessed with cut people. Like any of us give a fuck that we’re cut.

I dont bash people who are uncut, but you wont give me the same level of respect.

don't say "us" when you mean "(((us)))"

>More uncircumcised people obsessed with cut people.
>I dont bash people who are uncut
in the same post
can you be a little less contradictory?
no, you can't
and the thread is not about you, it's about babies being assaulted which must stop.
You won't understand though

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Well it is uncut people who bash cut people? So i’ll call them out on it. However I wouldn’t bash someone about what type of penis they have.

Well considering I was cut when I was a baby, this tread is implying that I was “baby raped” so yeah it is kinda about me. Stop being so close minded.

I respect this position however.
As someone who is cut I do see this as a rational position.

Being circumcised where no one else is is really nice

called it, you didn't understand a thing and kept it on a personal level.
you're not worth another reply

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Stop raping babies for profit

Attached: Circumsion - foreskin market.jpg (1763x2966, 480K)

Protect male babies just like female babies are protected.
If this is too much to ask then you're a baby rapist by proxy

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I think its 1 in 500 that have complications from surgery. admitted by a jew.

be me in the hospital with my son after he is born. literal west african nigger doctor comes by to circumsize him. I say no thank you, do not touch my child. nigger is sad a walks away dejectedly.

the plastic surgery industry wants this barbaric act to continue because of the profit they gain from repairing something that never should have been done in the first place

Attached: male genital mutilation complications.jpg (1920x1766, 529K)

It's worse than rape because it leaves permanent damage branding the poor bastard as Israeli property for the rest of his life, like the way they used to brand slaves. Poor circumcucks on this thread have the Star of David for the head of their penis, there to remind them everyday of their status as Jewish property.

You should scout around the web for some of the drama around residents who perform circumcision. Sometimes, residents stop just short of fist fights in deciding who gets to do the next circ. There is a very profound psychosexual component on both ends of the knife.

good, they need to keep their hands off out kids man

infant genital mutilation is even known to be a fetish

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