Here's a scenario for you Jow Forums

>it's time for Trump to pick a new SCOTUS seat
>Pelosi gives Trump an offer
>In exchange for complete border wall funding through 2020, as well as tax reform support,trump must pick a centrist judge
Should he accept?

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Dont make deals with terrorists

no, pelosi will renig.
do not trust them.

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He should nominate Hitler for her obscene lie of an offer.

We've made this deal before.

Amnesty for border security. They got amnesty, and stabbed us in the back over funding border security.

We hold the cards.

Pelosi aint that smart

Their definition of "centrist" would be Hillary Clinton.

Trump can nominate whoever he wants, it’s Senate’s job to confirm.

No. Reagan's amnesty was supposed to come with stronger border controls, and the democrats reneged on that. Pelosi will absolutely not follow through on her end.

Sure but she has to fund the wall first and then Trump can just appoint a right wing judge and laugh at her.

If they agree to FIRST pass and allow the Senate to pass:

A complete repeal of the National Firearms Act,
Making Trump's tax cuts permanent
Wall funding
Defunding of planned parenthood
Repeal of Obamacare

Then he should accept. Not without it.

It's looking like Republicans will have a 4 point lead in the Senate with flake and McCain gone.
Let's say that you had irrefutable proof that Pelosi was good for her word, and the wall would be built for sure (At least until 2020 and would halt if Trump loses). Would that be worth sacrificing a Supreme Court spot?

Is there really anything stopping Trump from having the military build the wall?

>Should he accept?
No,... he set up JEFF SESSIONS for new SC. The left is furious that he is out,... now the plan comes Full swing. Ginsburg out Sessions in.

FISA uncealed.

Tribunal can happen.

He should agree, do exactly what he said he wouldn't, and claim that was part of the plan the entire time.

Pelosi wouldn't play along anyways.

All these constant similarities to Reagan really make me think.

Exactly. Kavanaugh is a centrist and we all know how they tried to portray him.

Yes, he should ask her to pass the funding bill first though. Then he should change his mind.


no and if you haven’t noticed it’s already begun. it’s a national security issue. the military is laying barbed wire now, moving in equipment for the build and security incase leftists erupt when it’s announced. watch on youtube troops arriving it’s engineers and machinery.

do it
as long as it's an actual swing centrist and not just a slightly moderate lib

I remember when Obama renigged in 2012. Never trust a liberal.

Fuck no we dont need the house

Trump can get everything with Executive order and push it threw the court

>appointing a geriatric to a life term position
You're fucking stupid

>Trump picks centrist judge
>House rejects wall or tax reform anyway
>Senate might fight nomination because Trump is being retarded

Why would he trust Pelosi?

>Oh no, the Democrats are going to mad their candidates went back on their word one

I would make sure all of that passes Congress first. then give them a centrist judge

He'd be an absolute idiot to accept. The wall is a meme, SCOTUS is what really matters.

scotus > wall

Trump does not need need to negotiate anything.
He has high ground.

If democrats obstruct House then next elections he can call them obstructionists while he was trying to make a deal.

House Dems have made their entire platform "Impeach Blarnph." They aren't getting jack shit as long as their base is a bunch of their leadership is a bunch of power-hungry senile hags and crazy-eyed psycho Jews.

Pelosi would only make that deal if approved by the kikes, and kikes don’t negotiate. With Jews, you lose.

Only then would it even be up for consideration.

This. Trump should still maneuver to trick Pelosi into funding the wall, but he should nominate a Straight White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Man who is a Constitutional Originalist.

Trump clones DNA from Hitler, appoints him to SCOTUS

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No. Democrats are morally bankrupt and will not hold up their end of any bargain. They literally feed and house themselves by lying to people who love them and then betraying those people. They also would never make an offer like that because it would cost them an election.

Under no circumstances could he trust Pelosi to deliver on that promise. A young conservative Justice is worth more than that funding. Trump will get it built anyway under USACOE contracts once things escalate on the border. All we need is a little US military blood spilled on the dusty Texas border and that fucker will go up in a heartbeat.

>Should he accept?

Trump should pick somebody from outside the usual candidates, Trump can pick any citizen for this job, he should allow the AI to scan Jow Forums posts and pick the judge from among the shitposters on this site who are US citizens

Fuck that, we have 2 months before the new dems take their seats. We can shove wall funding though right now. McTrutle is already working on it.

pick another nazi who wasn't gay

wall never gonna happen anyway, might as well put some 25 year old white male on the supreme court just to troll the fuck out of them


I like this

>Would that be worth sacrificing a Supreme Court spot?
Objectively speaking it actually would be. RBG is hard leftist and replacing her with a centrist is a win in and of itself. Without her we would not have nationally legal gay marriage or most of Obamacare and probably a shit load of other liberal garbage from the past 25 years I can't think of right now. I think she even cast a vote on an aspect of Roe v. Wade but I'd need to double check.

But fuck them anyway I say let Trump pick who he wants. Trump's agenda doesn't need Pelosi on board and she'd be shit at getting her party to accomplish anything anyway. She's holding on to the prospective speaker position by a thread because the dem party is turning into mud people and they don't want some old white hag in charge again.


My insurance rates went down from $120 to $74, while losing no benefits. When I voted in 2016, I voted for TWO reasons. THE WALL, and the annihilation of King Nigger Kare. I got one of these, but I still want that wall. Paying less taxes as a single male was a nice touch on the side. If Trump keeps this up, we might have another sweep in 2020. Their obstruction screeches are failing, because Trump always ends up being right no matter what they say or do.

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>doesnt mention hart celler

back 2 plebbit asap

>trusting a democrat

never trust democrates. 1987: ok, amnesty for e-verify and stronger regulations.

>>it's time for Trump to pick a new SCOTUS seat
>>Pelosi gives Trump an offer

Trump says "piss off", because the House has nothing to do with Senate confirmations.

Were you home schooled?

no you fucking retard
the country is the way it is today because of the left having a hold since the 20s

This, the United States does not negotiate with terrorists.

No way. The wall is just a slogan anyway. This is about seizing total power

Gonna need a source on this

He gets what he wants in his time. Just looking at the latest decisions. As soon Senate switches to his side he fired Sessions, knowing that there will be no problems in appointing replacement.

Watching american politics is really fun lately.

The government doesn't work that way. No way to guarantee the 2nd party holds their end of the deal. Especially since making a deal with Pelosi doesn't magically make every democrat in the house do as she says.

Can't he have all of that shit and more by picking a republican?

You had me until Protestant. Catholic again please and thanks.

Checked, FPBP.
Give these evil cocksuckers nothing. They're a bunch of backstabbing weasels who need extermination, not mercy

How dumb are you to think that Pelosi is willing to give in on ANYTHING?
Why would Trump negotiate?
Trump isn’t a lifelong politician looking to create a legacy for his own sake. He’s their to drain the swamp.
He’s president
He’s got EVERYTHING at his disposal. All the evidence for the shit the lefts been doing for the past 8 years (at least) is at his fingertips.
Congrats you won the house but you can’t serve from a cell.

or he can put Amy barrett on the SCOTUS, secure the courts for generations to come and stop the communist shitbags for the next few generations, and the leftists shills can't get anything done for decades. Trump has no reason to make that deal and he knows it. maybe if democrats had the Senate......


It will be tied up in litigation
Once this goes through...
Nothing will stop it

Why swap out one old person for another old person?

pelosi must first pass wall funding,(2) legislation making anchor babies illegal,(3) immediate deportation for all illegals,(4) allow US military to fully secure border, (5) allow for use of lethal force to prevent crossings, (6) indict hillary (7) release obamas birth certificate and school records (8) repeal hart-cellar act (9) insert 12" pink buttplug up her ass on national television while dancing naked and singing "Give it to me Donald, uh huh uh huh, Give it to me Donald"

after she COMPLETES all of above, trump can nominate merrick garland

What say does Pelosi have in the matter?
It's not even an offer she could make.

He should accept nothing but the total militarization of the southern border complete with bases, airports, walls, razor wire, and lethal force. Completely restructure it.

The current House is two years, a Supreme Court Justice has the ability to review laws for decades. Amy Coney Barrett would be a great choice given the GOP's strong position in the Senate. Having said that, I hope RBG recovers fully and has a nice retirement.

Absolutely not.

No. Funding can be yanked at any time, the judge pick will last decades.

I agree with all those except number 9. I don't want to see that shit.

>jews already at the bargaining stage
Kek you kikes are so donzo.

Fuck ya

we got room to play with scotus seats ... more to open up

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No. He can simply direct the Defense Department to build the wall using DoD funding. I think that's the nuclear option for him, but I hope he exercises it. Then, when Ginsburg dies, he can appoint literally anyone he wants. Once it's 6-3 on the court, the court will rubber-stamp all but the most absurd Executive Orders. Mass deportations, closing the border, withdrawing from a ton of trade and immigration treaties, all by EO. And SCOTUS will just give him thumbs up.


So the liberals get to take the spot. Yes, it's idiotic. Appoint as young as possible judges and replace them whenever possible. The Demorats have been doing that for a long time and had hopes of taking the entire supreme court.