Jow Forums will literally NEVER recover from this

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Do you realize that you are Jow Forums?


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No, I'm just visiting.

It's a lie, again. We are not descended from anything currently living in Africa.

I've got no African DNA. Out of Africa theory doesn't hold up.

Well that's an obvious lie.
We all descended from people of Mesopotamia

>other people in the past were displaced so that means you should be happy with being displaced too

This is the problem, niggas never evolved enough to live in urban cities (and hues didn't too).

>we evolved from monkeys
>therefore chimpanzees are our equals

OOA is bullshit. Humans migrated into Africa and raped the ingenious apes. Same way it’s always happened.


>dark skinned people literally can not survive at higher lattitudes due to the way the skin processes sun light
>literally have to consume supplements so they dont die and have crippled children


the Africa theory is 100's of years old and been disproven since the 1900's, get with the times.

>STILL no source
Fucking kek.

>Making it better
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They had a huge empire and their language is now the most widely spoken one on earth because of that. They started letting other races and subspecies take over and now they're endangered.

>We're British because we're here, not because of some special quality of our DNA.
Huuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. The dirt is magic but the very thing that constitutes everything you are isn't special.

This thread is just fucking terrible

I live in Sweden and I've never heard of dark skinned people here having to take supplements to survive, another Nazi lie.


my decendants may be from Africa, 60K years ago. But the issue is where niggers ARE NOT from.

>builds civilization

>builds nothing in 50,000 years

Hurr durrr equaaalllll

Because it's dumb like you, flaggot

that's because you have a vitamin D rich diet, dipshit

>meme flag
weak bait

>Vitamin D deficiency was common in immigrants living at higher latitudes.

>We are all descended from one-cell organisms duhhhh ...
That is not a argument and it is most likely wrong. If we go back far enough the newer bone artifacts found suggest european evoultion of the hominin.

>More excuses from the internet Nazi
Still no source on the out of Africa theory being debunked, oh nonono.

europids are literally neanderthal stock from North of the Caucasus

I mean, we're all made of star stuff at the end of the day, so we're basically all the same, you know?

t. Liberal DESPERATELY trying to convince himself that equality exists.

All mammals and birds are descended from reptiles. Does that mean we are equal to lizards and crocodiles? Or did natural selection create population differences over time? Are you prepared to deny natural selection and evolution? Party of science, hmm?

I live in Norway and that's very much a thing.
You don't hear of it because you live in Sweden and your media is even shittier than ours.

>I live in Sweden
Ut med dig, Achmed.

>i live in sweden
Prove it, fuckface.

was trying to debunk it, stay at home nigger throwback that never fucked cavemen

> "Because my ancestors got raped by Viking reavers 1300 years ago that means that it's OK for Rotherham girls to get raped by Muslim gangs today"
Rly mks u thnk

>primates still don't have the right to vote

Have some hot source faglord

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>abuduba (click) (pop) abubu

>we're british because we're here
Imagine being from the same country as Darwin and unironically making the magic soil argument.

It's not a very good argument.

>Being this mad
The absolute state of impotent bongs.

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>out of africa hypothesis
>the entirety of academia does not ascribe by it
>An irrelevant biologist that became a meme due to his stance on religion is the only person that pushes this narrative
>phylogeneticists everywhere shudder and roll their eyes

It's purely coincedental.

1) Bait.

2) Why do I get the feeling this çuck would sputter like a faggot with a load in his mouth if you brought up his point here in the context of climate change or environmental degradation?

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>Some irrelevant UK blogger posts his blog on Jow Forums
>Jow Forums will never recover


While their admixture may even be responsible for european multicolored hair as well as asian's straight black dark, at no higher than 6%, you can't really say that.

holy crap
Wow its europe not africa hahahhah holy shit i can rub this into soooo many peoples faces that i literally need to make a list with all the names or i forget some idiot thank you dude WOOWW hahahhah

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That may be a source where you're from dipshit, lmao.
>"Israel Hershkovitz of Tel Aviv University led the expedition"
Funny how you internet Nazis will cry at muh evil Jews when they do something you don't like, but you will take something they say at face value when it confirms your bias, pathetic. LOL.

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>we're all made of star stuff
yep, and so is pig shit

Fucking stupid british fags, we share a common ancester with africans, that's not the same as descending from them.

what exactly is your point? I know man migrated out of Africa. What does that have to do with the inferiority of nigs, that stayed in a genetic toilet?


Will not recover from a "literal who" with some naive Hallmark platitude.

I hope you do my friend, this muh Africa theory has been debunked and understood since the 1900's, but after the second world war and muh nazis genetic sciences they quickly went about changing it back to the older theory for muh all one race no one is different.

pretty similar

>I know man migrated out of Africa
You know I'm right? Thanks for admitting it muttboi.

they didn't tho

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>Hahaha you guys have no sources
>those sources are invalid because of where they come from


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>I live in Sweden
>Ut med dig, Achmed.
>Prove it, fuckface.
>Funny how you internet Nazis will cry at muh evil Jews

kek. let me guess here...
your an israeli posting with a meme flag

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>All mammals and birds are descended from reptiles
No you dumb nigger reptiles are not ancestors of mammals fucking look at temporal fenestra once in your life

Melanin is an adaptation. Think about it.

Is as similar as crocodiles and cockatoos
KYS fampai

try the Harvard one, but what you should be going is researching yourself, been so scientifically and interracially bankrupt


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Retard they’ve disproven the out of Africa theory
They found older remains elsewhere

I know we all have markers from early man, from Africa, from 50k years ago
science more, dipshit. Google genetic markers. the oldest fossil found in Israel just means even older ones in Africa have not been found

beat me to it you cheeky wanker

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>We're British because we're HERE
Why do these fags not realize how dumb that sounds?
>The instant the plane touched down in Tokyo, I became a Japanese man.

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You're here forever.

Have some 9 Million year old human teeth from Europe

the bait is so bad it's funny

holey shit you are stupid


In human genetics, the Y-chromosomal most recent common ancestor (Y-MRCA, informally known as Y-chromosomal Adam) is the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) from whom all currently living men are descended patrilineally. The term Y-MRCA reflects the fact that the Y chromosomes of all currently living males are directly derived from the Y chromosome of this remote ancestor. The analogous concept of the matrilineal most recent common ancestor is known as "Mitochondrial Eve" (mt-MRCA, named for the matrilineal transmission of mtDNA), the most recent woman from whom all living humans are descended matrilineally. As with "Mitochondrial Eve", the title of "Y-chromosomal Adam" is not permanently fixed to a single individual, but can advance over the course of human history as paternal lineages become extinct.

Estimates of the time when Y-MRCA lived have also shifted as modern knowledge of human ancestry changes. In 2013, the discovery of a previously unknown Y-chromosomal haplogroup was announced,[1] which resulted in a slight adjustment of the estimated age of the human Y-MRCA.[2]

By definition, it is not necessary that the Y-MRCA and the mt-MRCA should have lived at the same time.[3] While estimates as of 2014 suggested the possibility that the two individuals may well have been roughly contemporaneous (albeit with uncertainties ranging in the tens of thousands of years),[4] the discovery of archaic Y-haplogroup has pushed back the estimated age of the Y-MRCA beyond the most likely age of the mt-MRCA. As of 2015, estimates of the age of the Y-MRCA range around 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, roughly consistent with the emergence of anatomically modern humans.[5]

Y-chromosomal data taken from a Neanderthal from El Sidrón, Spain produced a Y-T-MRCA of 588,000 years ago for neanderthal and Homo sapiens patrilineages, dubbed ante Adam and 275,000 years ago for Y-MRCA.[6]

I bet he won't show now hahaha

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As current estimates on TMRCA converge with estimates for the age of anatomically modern humans and well predate the Out of Africa migration, geographical origin hypotheses continue to be limited to the African continent.

According to Cruciani et al. 2011, the most basal lineages have been detected in West, Northwest and Central Africa, suggesting plausibility for the Y-MRCA living in the general region of "Central-Northwest Africa".[21]

Scozzari et al. (2012) agreed with a plausible placement in "the north-western quadrant of the African continent" for the emergence of the A1b haplogroup. [22] The 2013 report of haplogroup A00 found among the Mbo people of western present-day Cameroon is also compatible with this picture.[1]

The revision of Y-chromosomal phylogeny since 2011 has affected estimates for the likely geographical origin of Y-MRCA as well as estimates on time depth. By the same reasoning, future discovery of presently-unknown archaic haplogroups in living people would again lead to such revisions. In particular, the possible presence of between 1% and 4% Neanderthal-derived DNA in Eurasian genomes implies that the (unlikely) event of a discovery of a single living Eurasian male exhibiting a Neanderthal patrilineal line would immediately push back T-MRCA ("time to MRCA") to at least twice its current estimate. However, the discovery of a neanderthal Y-chromosome by Mendez et al.[6] suggests the extinction of neanderthal patrilineages, as the lineage inferred from the neanderthal sequence is outside of the range of contemporary human genetic variation. Questions of geographical origin would become part of the debate on Neanderthal evolution from Homo erectus.

>greatest nation's were mutt nations
There a reason mutt posting got out of hand. They want the racial division because it's easier for them to control us when we might each other.

Ok retard

Earliest hommonid found in Balkans. 7.2M years old. Debunks the OOA theory. Google it if you're interested.

all that is data from what we can gather after the ice age, from modern humans, and the scraps of genetic deta preserved in old human corpses

archeological finding go back much further, pre ice-age if you pay attention. but keep up the goood effort on genetics. its a noble endeavour

Dont worry when nuclear holocaust comes were all just decended from single cellled organism anyway.

And we all descend from single cell organisms if we go really back far enough

flag. fuck off ahmed

lol, but ancient human been white, what a pitty argument

>We all descend form Africans Anyway,
then evolution happens the modern negro is even dumber then monkeys

why is obsession to revert any progress made by humanity so nigger parasites can use white civilization to play kangz?

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We all come from the ocean if you go back even further.
Negroids BTFO.

>a dog is a wolf, a bird is a dinosaur, we are all bacteria, there is no difference.

let the trees vote

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you think man is millions of years old?
I'd need a better sauce than bong tabloids to even consider the possibility, but it's plausible

>many hundreds of millions
anatomically modern humans have only existed for about 250,000 years user


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Damn those whites whites whites whites whites in their numbers under 1 million over thousands of years
Damn those extra ten million violent untermensch in a 50 year period

Pretty good doc on the migration of man:

At the very least, you will gain a greater appreciation for Genghis Khan, that based Chad. Like half of Mongolians have his Y marker.

Also, it makes it very clear that a lot of inbreeding was going on. A LOT, considering groups of dozens or so turned into millions of American Indians, and other ethnicities.

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vitamin D deficency is a thing, and you would know about it if you were a swede, Mohel

>bong tabloids
read the last link. it is coming from a paper from researchgate that has yet (as of the writing article's time in 2017) to be published an peer reviewed. Less than a year's time. \

He misspoke when he said "human teeth." It's should be "human like teeth." But a good part of the Out of Africa Theory is based on the evidence of fossils that are "human like" being found only in Africa (that human's completely evolved in Africa from their human like ancestors that also evolved IN AFRICA). If they are finding older fossils and physical remains (like the fossilized footprints in Cyprus -iirc? ) of "human like remains" that are located in Europe, then Out of Africa as originally proposed really isn't correct.

>I've never heard
Oh so if YOU personally haven't heard of something it can't be true?

Well then

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