National Socialism or National Capitalism?

National Socialism or National Capitalism?

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Doesn't matter as long as it's a homogeneous white country


National communism

national nationalism

Anarcho Capitalism you subhuman ape!

Are you ok retard?

National Socialist Communistic Capitalism

Ultranationalism with mixed economy is the final redpill.


Gas the kikes then we can talk

Capital nationalism

Nationalist National CapComismism

Capitalism without moral philosophy and ethnic backbones is the driving force of economic slavery like communism.

So natsoc then. For all the regulations and social programs, Hitler was very open market.


National Judaism

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50% Nationalism under Trump
50% Socialism under marxist dems.
Should just come to a peaceful unification understanding under a banner of 100% Pure National Socialism.

>first one calls out jews and niggers
>second one praises niggers and wants its white citizens to die for Israel
National Socialism is obviously the only acceptable option
>inb4 Trump isn't a real national capitalist
Commie tier denial.

Fascism with a mixed economy


Fascism implies capitalism. What you're describing is more in line with what the Chinese have now.

The Stock Market is given the everything that gets taken from the worker thus Capitslism can never be Nationalist

National Anarcho-Capitalism

Dems are not only socially marxist. Ultimately they are neolib capitalists. The social marxism they employ is to prop up an increasingly brown lower class of materialist slaves. They do not like whites because we have agency and can be awakened

Capitalism is what we have now- it is amoral and anti-social. I'm talking a market economy with a social responsibility. This would be first established with a white-only nation.

The difference is that unlike a communist I can point to real. National capitalism, and it was Pinochet's Chile.

I don't say Trump's no NatCap because I don't like the zionism, that's a separate issue. I say it because there's a list of things you need to do and he isn't doing them.

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what about capitalist communism ?

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Capitalism != Market Economy

You can stroke the Capitalist "theory" all day long but you have to look at what it has produced. The results of Capitalism are apparent. The United States is no longer a nation. It is an economy. Capitalism upends society and its traditions, replacing it with materialism.

shut the fuck up you animal. Go play ancap in the woods you dirty fuck.

Wasn't National 'Socialism' under Hitlers rule just National Capitalism?

>Could start and own a business
>Could still be rich
>Still wealth inequality
>Still a class system
>Could still have private property
>Could still own the means of production

Like, what exactly was 'Socialist' about Nazi Germany? - the government owned some means of production, good public investment, and there was a good tax system - but that just sounds like a mixed market system as it is today.

>Capitalism is what we have now- it is amoral and anti-social
We have subsidized agriculture, monopolistic tech companies, and a government (taxpayer) funded military industrial complex. I argue what we have now is your mixed economy.

National Socialism, but with an American Bill of Rights

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/fucking thread based and redpilled

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Capitalism and democracy will always lead to the mongrelization of a nation. Capitalism always leads to the importation of low IQ immigrant from poor countries because companies want cheap labor. Democracy has the same effect, the party that supports immigration will always have the immigrant vote. We need a form of government that doesn't incentives those in power to import 3rd world savages. I say National Socialism

Libertarianism is the anti thesis of anarchy, fucking pleb.
Anarchy is closer to communism that libertarianism.

>Capitalism and democracy will always lead to the mongrelization of a nation
Only if you let jews be a fifth column.

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They had a different interpretation of what socialism meant, but nat soc is a third position ideology and could be interpreted as being national syndicalist. It's not really capitalism, more like syndicalism.

You were permitted to start a business, but unlike capitalism, some restriction were put in place for national interest. It's not realy full on capitalism. Basically , both the proletariat and the entrepreneur were regulated and decently fed, so that the nation can prosper.
Capitalism's goal is profit, marxism's goal is materialism , fascism's/nat soc's goal is national unity..

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This guy gets it

you cant get any stupider

true anarchist are ultra right wing

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Communism from the mouth of marx is an egalitarian society void of government.
Anarchy seeks to undo infringement from government to create freedom and through freedom varying degrees of equality.
Try refuting me instead of lashing out.

anarchism are just a more extreme version of libertarianism

Libertarianims find government a necessary evil to enforce the social contract and preserve natural rights or whatever rights are agreed upon for society to even form.
Anarchists are opposed to this enforcement because they find it to be hypocritical to some degree.

Yes, our Capitalism is mixed ( free market would be much, much worse.) It still has no social responsibility or loyalty to its people.

its incremental anarchism is just a higher rung on the ladder

look at kiketube and jewgle thats where a free market gets you

What does this even mean? That anarchism is vertically scaled above libertarianism? What aspect determines this ladder.




id rub my flint on her tinder if you know what i mean

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As internet has demonstrated capitalism only lead to monopolies (Facebook, Amazon, Twitter ecc) who buy everyone who become "big" enough to threat them, and as globalism has demonstrated "muh free markets" only lead to less jobs and the destruction of the middle class.


hatred of government


National Bolshevism

>National Capitalism
You can't run a good country on the love of money alone, otherwise you'll turn into Israel.