Jews Vote Democrat At Highest Of Any Religion In CNN Poll

I wonder why?

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Jews love communism and hate white people.

Didnt you guys tell me they love Trump, cause he moved the embassy?

if Jow Forums finds out about this they might start harboring some prejudicial feelings toward jews

Trying to court the favor of the jew is a fools errand anyway. We gave tens of thousands of white lives for them and in return they stabbed us in the back and destroyed our nation.

Yeah no shit

Look at all these dumbass nazis on here saying "DRUMPF IS A JEWISH PUPPET BLAH BLAH"


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its a lie. jews just want credit. this is how the media responded with the election cycle of 2008 and 2016 all over again . they claimed that blacks won obama the election but there actually were enough of them that could vote because fellons and then it was the mexicans that allegedly won obama the election and then women which historically almost never vote and the female vote is ranging from 1/3 - 1/4 the male vote in any 1 year. doesnt matter their numbers its who actually votes

and again they claimed white women won trump the election. this is all 100% jewery and jews vote republican mostly because muh retirement hedge fund

this. they should just get overrun by muslims

the vast majority of Jews in America are either upper middle class or at the very top and guess how most of these people vote...

Was raised in a reform temple which is what most american jews are. The entire jewish identity in America revolves around everyone hating you and the holocaust. The rabbis, acting on orders from the reform rabbi union, guilt trip the congregation using emotional appeals and false equivalencies into thinking "oppressed minorities" are experiencing the same thing as the holocaust even though they're totally different. Most American jews hate themselves and their religion, they feel bad because they are successful while other stupider minority groups remain trapped in a cycle of poverty. My rabbi even told us once you don't have to believe in G-d to be jewish. I remember in youth group back in the early 2000's we were using terms like "social justice" years before the term became mainstream. American Jews are proto SJW's I wish I was born in isreal where jews have pride but I'm not and they probably wouldn't even consider me jewish.

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If American "Jews" were so Jewish they would live in Israel


I actually do wonder why. Look at the Warsaw Uprising. Those people had guns and freedom, and the Nazis had to use a ton of resources against them. If every neighborhood had done that, it would have been impossible to do anything to them, period. Why would they want governments to have more control, or to take away their control?

I am a jew and everything that is said here is true. I mean to a huge extent. There are a few jews that don't want whites eliminated but they are treated like lepers

Because they come from Eastern Europe and their culture, and possibly their faith traditions, do not comprehend the English systems of law.
Vid related.

Sheldon Adelson
Dennis Prager
Actual Zionist and devoutly religious Jews, Republicans

As a result of its parasitic distribution among the peoples over thousands of years, Jewry wormed its way into almost all the races on earth. It infected the lower classes, slaves, proletarians, the mob, etc. These classes, which had largely lost their instincts against racial foreigners, allowed Jewish blood to infiltrate.

Already in the Old Testament, we read in Exodus 12:38 about the departure from Egypt of the Children of Israel: “Many others of the rabble left with them.”

Since these lower classes leaned strongly to criminality and asocial behavior, and were inclined to political revolution, the Jewish racial mish-mash incorporated the negative characteristics of these races, and increased them over the generations by mixing with the blood of the lowest elements of other races, passing them on in increased degree from generation to generation. Thus, the Jewish counter-race moved ever more to the negative side. The artificial Jewish racial mish-mash was held together by the force of materialistic religious laws that focused on life this side of the grave. It promised its adherents prosperity on earth, and lordship over all other peoples and nations. This Jewish racial mixture was kept strictly separate from the influence of foreign gods.

During several hundred years of the Babylonian Captivity, the Jewish racial mish-mash was strengthened by inbreeding. The inclusion of foreign elements, from this point on, was almost nonexistent. For the first time in history, a well-defined and distinct type emerged in the form of the Jewish counter-race.

This Jewish counter-race incorporated to the greatest degree the bad characteristics of nearly all races that it had inherited over the centuries by a process of negative selection. The Jewish racial mish-mash primarily carries the traits of the Middle Eastern and Oriental races, but also influences of the Eastern, Western, and Nordic races. Mongolian and Negro traits also are frequently present.

I see you're still trying to push the big lie there, Ari

Jews like having NPCs to serve them, and give them foreskins to sell.

Right but at the moment, Trump is upsetting the ongoing global communist revolution by slapping the trotskyite neocons out of power. So naturally trotskyite progressives would be decidedly more preferable.

Why do jewish people naturally stick toward each other, even at a young age and never seem to be self-critical about it, as an insider?

If I'm a right wing jew, should I change my politics or my religion. Serious answers only, folks.

> People that think ethnic jews and religious jews are the same thing

what a plot twist never saw it coming at all

These are American Jews. Strange but they fucking despise Israeli Jews. They are somewhat different, Israeli jews currently have a conservative government. If American Jews voted straight R, Jow Forums would not even have an issue.

jews love communism so long as they're the ones in charge of The Party
jews hate communism when their shekels are the ones being taken and they're not the ones in charge of the government; that's basically nazism and anudda shoah

It's okay Mr.Jewstien. You can rest easy knowing that the type of teaching your rabbi gave you, is eventually going to lead to your kind being forced out of another country. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.

Don't be an NPC and keep your principles. You don't have to change a thing.

every jew holiday is made up to make jews think that all non jews are trying to kill them. jews are taught that they can only depend on other jews and to hate the goyim. that’s why. all jews are racist

Prager is a civnat cuck who constantly lies about American history and claims that the Founders loved BASED minorities and would have hated le evil white nationalists

Now you believe Cnn ! Ok !

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Jews hate Christians more than anything in the world.

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Why is it like that anyway? Benjie despised Obama and likes Trump and I'm assuming Trump is more popular among all Israelis as well.