Would you support the US annexation of Canada?

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start printing your own money and I'll make it happen without bloodshed between brothers.
I want my gun, I want my stand-your-ground/castle law, and I want to be able to say anything without the threat of "hate-speech" or (((human rights councils)))

>America without Jews
I'd be leading the fight for the Americans
>America with jews
Jeez I dont know guys...

You might have more guns but we have more heart.

Fuck no
But nuke Toronto just to be safe

Yes, Canada is our Austria.

sharing 21 trillion in debt. No thanks.

It couldn't be any worse.

Canada is already a vassal state to the USA

Canadians get the short end of the stick, but are too willfully ignorant to realize / admit it.

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Yea, I would actually. Still a whole bunch of white people up there (despite SJW Queen Trudeau frantically trying to bring as many blacks and browns into Canada as he is able)

That would be cool to have a bunch of new citizens (lots of white folk at that) and a whole bunch of new territory to settle.

From firearms to dairy products, the possibilities are endless. I'd sponsor some of you just to get my hands on some Lowenbrau, they don't import it anymore down here.

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global warming is going to be great for canada. Bring on the coal fires usa.

No. We aren't worth it. The best option is complete sterilization of the country before accepting it as new US land.

why embrace and american or Canadian identity when they are so unlike European identities in that non-whites kind easily say they are Canadian and/or nonwhite. The candian and american identity despite the american identity's large shadow are really nothing, if we ever cruelly embrace our white identity then we will finally realize we are the same people.

unless you live in black fly/mosquito overrun cities like Winnipeg

>the black and brown Muttistan uniting with the brown and yellow Chinada

Canada sure, leave our Quebec alone though.

annex it? first we must liberate it from commie china. mexico is next. manifest destiny.

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I dont think you get it. We have so much unlivable land that will become livable. Most importantly it will open up the The Northwest Passage. We just need to have an immigration system that forces people to live in the rural areas outside the cities if they want in.

Fuck that. It just becomes another way of gerrymandering.

Annex Canada
Put the Prairie provinces in internment camps (except Saskatoon)
Rain nuclear fire and chemical fury on Canada
Release the saved rodeo leafs and watch the >Jest and >Falmes play hockey in peace

They're our Poland, actually.

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Sounds about right. We'll get attacked from both sides (North and South, in our case) and get subjugated for decades.

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I've lived up north and know what the flies are like, why don't you just fuck off and pretend you're a woman like the PM

I would agree so long as there is some light ethnic cleansing involved.

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Only if all the leftist leaves get raked into a mass grave.

cleanse the lefties too, regardless of their skin colour they'll betray everyone that's white like they're doing now

Im sitting here waiting for it to happen

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The fact we didn't get Baja California has to be the dumbest thing we ever didn't do.

this guy gets it


Only if we take Quebec and Newfoundland

in a heartbeat as long as the chinks and mudslimes weren't part of it

Nuke Brampton, Ontario

Only so we could ship all the niggers there ... kinda like Siberia for sub-humans.

i support giving them 1 nuke, so they can end it. after that the ancaps can go play their religion for feels and fedoras up there. wont take long for it to go all lord of the flies.

Shit I'll be a beer baron lets start an import/export

>that flag
>hates brampton
fucking kek

Free us from Trudeau
>If only you knew how bad it was

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are you fucking kidding user?
did you watch the Bannon/Frum Munk debate .. did you hear the cuckadoodledoos from the audience?

i had a relative go to that shitshow, they said that in the beginning they took a poll to see how much the audience agreed with Bannon and it started off at 25% and he ended up convincing another quarter.
useless fucks

No Canadians would ruin the US

Fuck no, that's like annexing frozen california

fuck you pajeet you steal all the jobs in this area