LSD ruined my life

I didnt need this shit. I took LSD and saw the truth and now wish I could live in bliss again. While most people think about what they are going to make for dinner I’m thinking about whats going to happen to my soul when I die. I’m stuck with the question permanently in my mind of how we’re connected spiritually if at all and if there is something greater than us. I used to be suicidal but since taking LSD I’m afraid of dying. I don’t see how LSD is percieved in a positive light. It’s the cold dark ugly truth. The planet is dying and I am going with it. With love and pride we could have had a world worth living in. Too bad for MS13, niggers and every white woman is a whore

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cool story nigger

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Sounds like you were in the wrong state of mind to be taking LSD, if I were you I would try to not overthink what you experienced on it, lots of people do that and its pretty stupid. its just chemicals in your brain. (also isn't it a good thing that you're not suicidal at least?)

How much did you take senpai? I've taken 10 tabs before and, despite it being weird and depressing, it wasn't a blackpill.

Fear of death is pretty natural. Maybe you've reconnected with something you needed.

Do some more.

I concur whith this user.

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I hate to be that guy but maybe that’s what you get for taking drugs?

Your mind is fucking with you by creating ego. You need to face ego and master it.

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I micro dose 1/4 hit every other day.
I’ve been doing this for 6 months now and it’s changed my life. I sleep well, I’m extra sharp at work among other things. Don’t be a pussy.

just embrace the solution finally, OP

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So LSD cured you...

why not just take a placebo? it's cheaper and the effects are about the same

cry about it faggot, if you didnt have the nuts why did you drop acid. welcome to the matrix do some coke next time

I took a 10 strip and was genuinely as tripped out as it gets and experienced ego death. I realized all of life was a reflection and we hate ourselves. Sometimes effects are simply so strong I see only what I refer to as the “interface” which is where I can see life is a new perspective and see it for what it truly is. The brain is like a screen and psychedelics helped me take a step back and realize that I was in the theater.

You obviously saw the after life and are now aware that our souls never die, so go make peace with Jesus already.

Psychedelics allow demons to enter your head, not joking

i've done acid like 30 times. Everytime I come down from a trip I remind myself "you just took a very powerful drug, you didn't learn the secrets of the universe, you were just fucked up"

Nah. I’ve noticed a real difference in my minds eye.

So quit giving up, faggot. You've seen the truth, and yet you find yourself unable to see a way to change your reality?

Fractalization, my nigga. Change your own life for the better, and that change will ripple outwards in ways you can't possibly imagine.

Am I the only one who has taken LSD and not acted like a massive faggot (OP) afterwards?

Everything I saw was wavy for 8+ hours. It was cool how my mind was making patterns from the natural world around me. But I came down later that night and I was normal again. It doesn't "change" you anymore than getting high or drunk. You trip until you are sober and life goes on

I bet I would love to pick your brain user.

Sometimes happens when I take mushrooms. The thing about LSD is that it's more of a mentally controlled psychedelic depending on the dose. Compared to mushrooms, its a ride whether you like it or not. You have to face your death to be alive. In a way, high dosage psychedelics will put you on your deathbed. Sometimes its beautiful and accepting, other times it fucking horrible and cringey. This is a good time to re-establishing your ethics, mortality, and your goals. Yes there is shit in life that isn't valuable, and you must pick what knowledge and wisdom benefits you in your day to day life. I know its woo woo ideology, but you took the psychedelic for a reason, for purpose of your journey. We are all born to die, and die to be born again. All you got to do is live a good life.

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LSD didn't show you anything new, it just showed you something you already felt/knew. LSD doesn't ruin anything or make you think anything differently. What it does is it allows you to consciously access those subconscious feelings that you aren't normally aware of, and analyze them consciously. You feel this way about the world because you have always felt this way about the world, you just weren't actively aware of it. Now you are. What you do with this, is entirely up to you. LSD isn't some magic drug that allows you to see some universal truth, it just helps you understand what's going on in your own head better.

Take DMT. It should help. Seriously.

Some examples?

embrace the fact that everyone is going to die, its the natural cycle, and try to enjoy what you have of life, by constantly thinking about what comes after death you are wasting your one and only life. I know it's hard to get it but if you reach the acceptance stage you will truly be free

I was on a cocktail of drugs - the magical 2CB being one of them - and I realised I was a decaying piece of meat and a mere foodstuff for predatory animals of the past. Weed makes me more spiritual. I remember being like 10/10 blazed and feeling like a ray of light suspended in a superstructure I couldn't even begin to understand. Basically, after sober investigation into these mindstates, I have concluded that the Universe is one thing and I am it. I am the ocean. I am every one of Stalin's victims and I am Stalin himself. I am the first single-celled organism and I am the last.

>I took LSD and saw the truth
and now you have the opportunity to the be the kind of hero no one deserves

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Timothy Leary was a government agent. This is no surprise. Know the King now, OP:
>Romans 10:9 (Acts 16:30-31)

NO shit m8...take drugs and now cry that its bad...fuck off

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You can experience some crazy shit with higher doses. I usually spend my trips thinking about life, who I am, if I am really happy with who I am, how I can fix the things I don't like, if I should fix those things or just accept them, etc,... It's a great drug for deep introspection because it removes a lot of your own subconscious barriers and allows you to be honest with yourself.

Remember Yin is smiling on the inside she just can't smile on the outside.
She looks sad and is physically blind but she is neither sad nor blind.

So you took a CIA brainwashing chemical and claim it showed you the truth but in the next two sentences say it just gave you anxiety and a bunch of unanswered questions?

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>but you took the psychedelic for a reason, for purpose of your journey. We are all born to die, and die to be born again.
fuck, i like psychedelics; but i'm scared that they'll alter my brain in such a way that i'll also start talking like a retard.

>muh soul
fuck you selfish nigger, satan wouldnt even take your weak bitch hedonistic rotten soul even if you sold it to him for free, now go fuck yourself, you have barely scratched the surface, hell id say you have gone backwards even

>what is basic historical research

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Yeah man. Time for you to drop again and then go take a nighttime walk in the desert bro. The stars will blow your mind man. Make sure you take a bongo drum and plenty of dudeweedlmao too. Oh...and water dude. I's like the fucking DESERT maaaann!!

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>i'll also start talking like a retard
join us...

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I thought a bad shroom (+ weed) trip that landed me in the hospital ruined my brain. Until recently it was the most intense experience of my life.

7 years later an experience on just coffee, cigs, and the Holy Spirit blew it out of the water.

You can heal, user. Christ can heal you too.

How is lsd like anons? I've never tried it, so what is it like? What do you see? What do you experience? I'm really curious.

one time i smoked salvia and i felt like life was a giant zipper

op is a faggot

>if you trip on me I win
spoken like a guy who's never taken a well-hydrated nighttime walk in the desert and had his mind blown by the stars while smoking mad weed and playing drums

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you are still sick user

Manz woke af

i felt death from mushrooms and have been really weird ever since
the worst part is you dont actually die you just get stuck in really lonely geometrical kaleidoscope type loops and then other being forms around you temporarily and youre so excited to be free from the infinite solitude for even just an instant but then it slowly dawns on you that you are just manifesting them to cope with the agony and you return to the pulsing waves of energy

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Ok, aside from the fact that what OP took probably wasn't even actually LSD, my point still stands.

Whatever you do OP, DON'T do some more, it will just restart your bad trip and burn it deeper into your brain.

You need to distract yourself from your thoughts. Play video games, get a dog, go on hikes, talk to friends, get a job, I dunno. Or read your Bible, get right with Jesus and understand that you are not going to Hell. Or zombie out on seroquel.

Understand that your thoughts are an entity in and if themself. getting rid of the thoughts is going to be a long, possibly multi-year process as your brain heals. If you think you aren't making progress then keep comparing to a week ago, a month, ago, a year ago, etc.

Good luck OP.

> why don't you knowingly take a placebo
You don't really get the whole placebo thing do you?

For me I ended up in a place a lot like this one
I actually ended up watching this movie during my come own after spending an hour using keywords from my memory trying to find it, i watched this when I was a kid and it stuck with me for some reason. “The internet” of digimon is almost exactly like the headspace I was in

What you experienced was a reflection of yourself through the eyes of your higher self, thus the horrific realization of just how shitty you are.

I had a very similar experience on a never recommendable amount of shrooms. It’s you telling yourself that you need to make changes.

As for the post trip depression, it goes away. I was horribly depressed for about a month, didn’t feel normal for like 3.

Be in the HERE AND NOW, stop worrying about “the truth” or “reality”, you’re here so you don’t have to worry about that.

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the world can be a bit cold at times desu senpai

id not focus on what you can control, but realize you're now free of worrying about them because you know what they are and can't control them.

who can you can you control? yourself, if you work on it ...

Attached: 06a8a62a-4b01-431e-ac71-82014c1b5a72.jpg (452x500, 110K) this movie. Weird shit

From what I've heard, it seems like hallucinogens are kind of dangerous. I have ADHD. Is there a way for me to safely and leagally try a hallucinogen?

If you've ever done mushrooms, it's a lot like that.
Think about your senses (sight, sound, taste) and the stimuli you take in, now imagine they're like a porous filter, separating the relevant from the junk data you absorb from your environment, now imagine these filters become expanded and start to dilate and interconnect with each other (see synesthesia) while at the same time experiencing massive releases of serotonin (the chemical that's released when you pee with your pants all the way down)

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LSD didnt ruin your life
The truth just hurts
Thats all it is

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Sounds like some borderline psychotic shit from taking psychedelics. It happens all the time. Some people it doesn't effect like this you're just unfortunately one. Maybe in 6 months to a year it won't be as bad.

You were hallucinating dumb arse.. Nothing was real.

Cool, but not political.

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I can handle lsd just fine. love it. weed on the other hand makes me extremely paranoid and anxious. go figure.

Perhaps Salvia, it’s legal and sold in many Head shops.
It’s a very short trip but can be very intense.

Takng lsd activates all the subliminal programming that you have been exposed to.

more like turns it from a crystal-clear mirage into a Picasso painting

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This is whats so scary about taking it. Everytime you trip its like the comeup is this uncomfortable period of trying to escape the matrix

Did lsd 2. First time laughed my ass off for a solid 6 hours. 2nd time just sat around with my friends tripping out talking about life and watching space videos on youtube.

whoa buddy 3deep5me

Its very different without friends

you needed LSD for this? and i thought i might be missing out on something for not taking it.

Stop overrating the reliability of your own mind. You haven't seen "the truth," you've gone along with a feeling that's what happened. Psychedelics can make feelings like that seem stronger and more convincing.

After many years of practice, I no longer require LSD to reach identical states at will through meditation.


I have the opposite story with LSD. I hated it. It felt like it permanently damaged my brain.

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I've seen you constantly post

jacking off on lsd is great.

Might be bro science... anyhow I read somewhere „being stuck in a trip“ is to be taken literally. Like a stuck download.

None of the 'revelations' you have on lsd are really real or important in the physical world. It'll pass. They're as tangible and meaningful as dreams. You're essentially saying you're scared because you had a bad dream. Forget about it.

That sounds amazing. Not going to lie.

You needed LSD to understand that? Also there is no need to fear death, it's either lights out and end of consciousness, or if you have soul, then there is god, and god does not leave you into darkness.

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Yeah, that's called schizophrenia. I never got why it's so popular for people to pretend they can reproduce drug effects with meditation. A) That's not what meditation is for (pretty much the opposite of what it's for in fact) and B) it's a *good* thing states induced by drugs aren't states a mentally stable sober person has voluntary access to. With drugs you get a reliable mechanism for inducing the state with a set number of hours before you're back to baseline. Why would you want to break your brain and have full blown hallucinatory activity in the absence of exogenous psychoactive chemicals?

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I don't think so. it can cause underlying psychological issues to present themselves(think people who go crazy from acid). but LSD is a drug and metabolized as such. don't quote me on the but i'm pretty sure LSD is an NMDA agonist. once its out of your blood stream you wont be still "tripping" per se but you could be permanently fucked because of it

Ummm yeah, don't mix weed with other psychedelics

While on the subject, don't mix salvia with anything either.

There's no point being negative.

this is very accurate, especially
>separating the relevant from the junk data you absorb from your environment
if you are on a high dose of LSD and sit in the passenger seat of a car on a night drive you will understand the full effect of this. you will fully appreciate the speed of movement and overwhelming amount of information and it's scary. it makes you appreciate the systems that your brain has developed to deal with processing this information in a way that is manageable.

Well what was the truth then?

step it up to DMT

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