Really makes you think
Really makes you think
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That’s basically a “successful” performer. You’re gonna have to step it up to meet that outstanding rating.
I'm thinking this was a falseflag.
Yeah. Makes me think I need to buy more ammo
guess there's some catching up to do before the new year
Were behind fellow americlaps
That can't be right
No. It really doesn't
How many of those are based out of Chicago?
Probably half of them
The rest are split between nyc, la and d.c.
are they counting black people and gang violence or do black people not count?
>304th mass shooting
source plz
Gives list of cities and also a map of the US
How many mass shootings USA needs to ban guns?
Yeah, makes me think I should buy a gun.
Purge all niggers when?
How many mass shootongs is it going to take before the US bans niggers?
>graph with no source
How do I know that wasn’t made in paint
Dude...I bet it took her 336 minutes to come up with that one.
Wait, there's been a mass shooting almost everyday?
Clicked on a few at random
>All 18-21 males shooting 4 to 5 other people
>Often from the window of a car or while robbing a store
>Includes stories where no one died
I don't have a source,but I don't doubt it.
But remember, every shooting with multiple victims in Detroit and Chicago is a "mass shooting", though they don't get the media attention of non-black shootings.
>mass shooting everyday
>crime rates in countries without guns are sky high
>london literally destroying people with acid
>fighting back gets you jailed
>guns are bad, because guns are the only thing killing people, AT THE MOMENT
>getting told by a britbong that guns are a good thing
>something seriously is wrong
>304th mass shooting
Does it matter if 90% of them were black-on-black?
you know how many mass shootings it would take to catch up with the black murder rate this year?
Not even hating on blacks I love black people but just pointing out the shitty logic of the left.
It is sourced dummy
Type cdc firearm homicide rate into Google
Brexit first Brit
Then you can begin to unjust yourself
Baby steps
The FBI counts any incident where at least four people are shot as a mass shooting. So there's lots of gangs where a few guys get hit in a shootout and that's lumped in with ebil white male incel shooters
They count it, but there's a weird media blackout on violence not perpetrated by white men.
Those guys were just trying to make it in America - technically they were working and trying to provide for their families, so don’t count any crimes that blacks committed. If you don’t understand the difference between what happened today and what happens in the inner city neighborhoods you might be a racist
Are you retarded? I mean, I've met a lot of burgers who are retarded, so I understand if you have mental deficit, literally could have said anything else and you choose that retarded rhetoric, you make your country look like a joke, but damn, your food is good, so all is forgiven
>change the definition of mass shootings
>now everything is a mass shooting
Makes you think
reminder these are "false flags" by the gun companies not the government
>Includes stories where no one died
that is fine, the amount of injury caused by shooting is what makes it a mass shooting.
the real news is that mass shooters are statistically insignificant, being less than 0.000001% of the population.
you have more chance of eating something wrong and choking to death in the usa than using a gun inappropriately.
They won't let us out, they want us to be part of the EU marxist army so we don't ally with you
Keep pushing them dude
The people voted for it
They can't just ignore you no matter how corrupt they are
It's not over yet
We can win
Police say he used a legally owned .45 calibre Glock semi-automatic handgun, which had an extended magazine that is illegal in the state of California.
If you think about it there are probably a lot more mass shooting events. A lot of gunfire goes unreported.
One survivor said he and his friends also escaped death last year in the deadliest US mass shooting of modern times, when a gunman killed 58 people at a Las Vegas country music concert.
Since when was it changed?
>change the definition
Why, whatever do you mean?
FBI on investigation into shooting suspect: "We do not have any indicator of other associates; there are no other threats to the Los Angeles area."
304th mass shooting caused by liberals.
Hang the bitch.
Shall not be infringed
>304th mass shooting caused by Trump hate speech
>Hang the bitch.
How can our firearm homicide rate be so large? I have never even seen anyone hold an actual gun outside army
Hi Wayne!
Oh it's a race, that makes more sense actually
290 of those were perpetrated by niggers.
Whoever made that image is a fucking retard. It's pure homicide rate for other countries and firearm homicide rate for the US. I believe once you factor in non-firearm related murders we're just above you guys in terms of homicide.
>304th mass shooting
Bullshit. Not every shooting is a "mass shooting".
Nice try Shlomo.
in 2016 there were only 63 murders in finland, a rate of 1.1 per 100,000.
what year is that data even from?