Why is mental illness prominent in so many white males these days?

Why is mental illness prominent in so many white males these days?

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He could easily pass off as italian

You try being villainized and browbeaten as an oppressor since you were in Kindergarten, all because you look like a handful of people who owned slaves 150 years ago

And not snapping

civilizational decline hits them harder since they are the creators of this civilization

Public school

rap music drives me up a wall, makes me feel so stupid

Try being a white-passing, first generation Lebanese dude.

I get all the same hate even though my family wasn’t even here, not to mention I am most likely THE PRODUCT OF THE BARBARY SLAVE TRADE THATS WHY I PASS FOR WHITE.

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fucking this

Nigs and spics get away with murder and you're force-fed liberal propaganda all day

emasculated by modern gender roles and an economy that does not imbue the male with a sense of masculinity and purpose.

So sorry, LebAnon



Because everything is called mental illness. People don’t form human relationships and get taught human morals. A vacuum forms and is filled with loneliness and dispar over a long period of time man becomes Hopeless and manifest “mental illness” he was actually spiritually starved the entire time. The universe is vast and infinite don’t fall asleep in the satanic matrix.

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Maybe it's time for normies to realize that mental illness kill not only the people who suffer from it, but also few others. Serves them fucking right.
Just wanna remind that the same people who cry about shit are the same people who leaves mentally ill kids and adults to kill themselves.

This is the truth, America has completely abandoned "mentally ill" people and provides no support because people are too lazy. Mental health facilities were shut down.

NO fathers...single mothers

Because these (((psychiatrists))) label every single solitary thing as a mental illness these days. Shy and awkward? You have Autism Spectrum Disorder. Get nervous often? Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Get mad sometimes and sad sometimes as well? Bipolar Disorder.

Unfortunately, this.

Over 30 years ago, when Reagan was elected President in 1980, he discarded a law proposed by his predecessor that would have continued funding federal community mental health centers. This basically eliminated services for people struggling with mental illness.

He made similar decisions while he was the governor of California, releasing more than half of the state’s mental hospital patients and passing a law that abolished involuntary hospitalization of people struggling with mental illness. This started a national trend of de-institutionalization.

They are the most abused by society.

You're thinking of the blacks.

Posts have ids on this board, bro.

I know that. I just like the clover.

This, and unfortunately most of the people who were released from these institutions where not able to fend for themselves. If you take a stroll through Chicago you can see how many of the homeless people around here are mumbling to themselves, unable to form coherent sentences and seem disconnected from the world around them. A lot of them, the older ones especially, were dumped from the mental institutions and into the street.

I am somewhat aware of the history/process. And now we have years and decades of "skid row" accumulating to the size of a small town inside downtown LA where mental people are living tortuous existence and it is considered wrong to intervene and prevent them harming themselves continuously. The mentally ill are then mixed amongst the truly economically needy but mentally healthy and no one gets the charity they need. It is insane that in California an entire Governatorial campaign goes by with no demand for reform of how mental and homeless are dealt with, just keep growing the camps.

They really should be constrained for their own good in professional care. There is no better option, having them on the street is inhumane.

when the world has gone batshit normal people look crazy

Its meds; all these shooters have been on meds

is this that john meme dude that hates everyone on Jow Forums?

Have you Met a white woman?

They should really be round up and gassed

Woah... so you’re saying whites deserve it but because you aren’t really white you don’t? Fucking nice dude, nice...

Agreed. Nobody wins in this situation.

Why? We are an advanced wealthy and moral society we can care for ill people without sacrificing anything that is important for the able bodied.

mental health is not a white people only issue, it you actually looked at the stats, many asians and blacks are identified as having a mental illness.

>guy comes back from creepy zio-war with fucked up mental health

imagine moi shock

I'm severely mentally ill, I hear voices and have experienced complex delusions and shit. I legit wish I could be institutionalized so I could be helped by professionals and spared from my inevitable fate of homelessness or suicide. But I can't even get my shit together to see a psychiatrist because I'm terrified of going outside and being seen by people who can "read my mind" or instantly perceive my inherent guilt. Feels bad man.

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people with no roots, no culture, no future, and pumped to the gills with ssri's are going crazy?


Sprinkle in a few tours in the desert shredding impoverished brown illiterates with a machine gun turret for good measure in this case

Maybe it's not mental illness in the old fashioned sense rather mental breakdowns.
Probably why confirmed bachelor's are growing in number and is now seen to be a movement.

Don't cut yourself on that edge

He was the Charlottesville driver.

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Hes not white tho

schizophrenia is a white trait

insanity is a sane reaction to an insane world.

(((white))) trait

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A higher percentage of the African-American community is raised by single mothers but there are more Caucasian children being raised by single mothers.

NOPE...single mothers in the white community has increase 10 fold. I blame the poppy seed and oxy

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The 3 different VOTER classes and how number 3 is the most dangerous... a cornered voter


Language is what unites us!!! Language is our true fatherland


Everyone is mentally ill you stupid fuck. Depression is rampant among all races and genders.

Where’s your mom and dad?

private school types are the systems evil army, they might be more stable but they are not mentally healthy

white men sign up for wars

guaranteed this guy was on psychiatric medication. Every mass shooter has been on them. They kill your ability to feel sorrow for your own condition and with it your ability to feel sorrow for others. Guaranteed he was on psychiatric drugs.


This is true. We are the master race. When you poke the bear you get destroyed. Stop poking the bear.

That does not mean he is white

Every time some intersectionalist commie tries to use shootings done by white men as evidence that white men are the real terrorists in society, you should just say that the individual shooter "isn't a real white man, though."

Like how real communism hasn't been tried yet.

What the fuck? The CHAD mass shooter?

"hes not white" well what color is his fucking skin then? hes a tanned californian

The devil and his "hearing voices" army. Guarantee he was hearing voices and was being gang stalked.

Funny how the average white retard still has a higher IQ than the avarage nigger.
Considering shitskins human is an insult to other humans.

Yeah, because muh taxes and no gibs for anything cuz slippery slope into communism HURR DURR

I understand we shouldn't give everyone things they don't deserve and regulation is necessary. But we pay taxes in order to get services.