How the FUCK is this a sustainable model?

No wonder they're doubling down on the anti white shit, it's literally nonwhite vs white.

What a fucking joke.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Democracy in a multi racial country is just a census.

Show this image to civic nationalist so they can realize how retarded they are

It always was.

its not

Any conservative white person who is still a civnat at this point is retarded

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Demographic is destiny

And I hate to say it

that map will become reality in 15- 20 years once whites become a minority in US. What can I say you guys had a good run

>Maine blue no matter what
>whitest state in the nation
Fuck all the complacent whiteys living here for real dude. How am I, a Mexican, voting straight R and these retards are just going to let this beautiful land go to shit?

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That's not how majority and minority works.

>mexican in maine
>but the whites are cuckolds

Can't decide which is the real problem

oh no what about all that empty land in the middle with a population density of 2 people per square mile, the poor welfare corn farmers abloo bloo. we gotta help the coal miners guys!!!

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It isn't, really. It's a slight majority of whites and a significant minority of Hispanics vs the rest of the country. Look at the voting patterns: whites don't vote on ethnic lines. White males vote mostly republican, at around ~75%, and white women follow with a pretty pathetic ~55%. Hispanics are basically the opposite, ~25-30% republican. The rest of the voting demographics, especially blacks, vote democrat at 80-90%. Whites are pathetically weak and self destructive. Given the amount of white cucks, it's not going to take whites being a minority, just a couple more years of the same trends we have now for the US to go socialist.

But 40% of based blacks are Trump supporters now

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The republicans are appealing to racists, so it's not like PoC have more reasonable choices. UGH IGNORANT MUCH?

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We’re coming to live with you and we are bringing our guns!


you can show a civnat a black man fucking their wife and strangling her to death and their principled opinions would not change. this is residue from a time when our opinions were worth not changing, now it's the guarantee that we're all going to be bred out of existence.

Texas and Florida will be blue permanently in 2020. America is finished. And white americans will have to separate and create their own nation, if they want to survive that is.

If only white men voted Republicans would always win. The white Demographic that supports the Democrats is unmarried white women aka feminists.

checked, this

Why is there even a hint of blue on the white side? Race traitors need to go first.

The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.

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you're giving them way too much credit, they're just whores

Trump wasted all that time and energy on the black vote when it didn't change from 2014.

He should have been reaching out to whites like Bowers that didn't vote for him but the false song of civic nationalism called.

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I urge you all, my children, to make a Tumblr account, log on, and post as many dank pepes as you can! The rarest, the best, on every tag and every forum you possibly can! PRAISE KEK!! VIVE LA KEKISTAN!!!!

The U.S. could never be defeated in a military conflict, so our enemies brought 3rd world savages to our country who will vote for our destruction.

only civil war and military junta lead by whites can save white population in US

>Farmers withhold crops from cities
>Inner cities starve out
>America is made great again

Are you daft m8 that supports civ Nat strat

Maybe they should fuck off the white country

What a coincidence, all the blue states on the right are the best states in the country. Most of the red states are third world shitholes.

We are not a Democracy, we're a Constitutional Republic for this very reason.

this was in action since before the united states was even a major player in the world. it was in action during the fucking reformation. it was certainly in action long before we were a country that could never be defeated in a military conflict. whether we have shitskins or not, our culture would have still gone to dogshit and we'd still be 40%~ faggots and degenerates. it's not just "white," it's our ethnic-culture. jews have been actively working to undermine every aspect of gentile culture for hundreds of years.

When does the shooting start?

There'd never be a reason to vote republican if you lived in an ethnostate.

You forgot these

not anymore
our constitution is walked all over everyday

"Constitutional Republic" is something faggots say. It's just a Republic.

>military junta lead by whites
And why would all the non-whites carrying the guns listen to them? That's what happens when you have no military draft.

I see this scenario discussed frequently, seems more likely the government would just confiscate the crops to feed the cities and shoot the farmers if they try to resist.

What good is a constitution if it is being subverted every decade?

>shoot farmers
>no one knows how to farm

Black voters are your biggest problem. Hispanics are no where near as bad as them.

Maine and New Hampshire are both majority conservative. They're two of the states that got stolen.

It’s not, Marxists pushes multiculturalism to break down traditional nations rates and make way for global socialism and then utopian communism

not true. blacks are only 10% of the population. hispanics multiply like rabbits.

We are slowly being kicked off of the earth. Really dark times ahead and I'm not just talking about the skin color of people in 2155. We are being voted straight towards minority gibsville where everyone is the same and everyone is low class. It's wrong, its disgusting and its shockingly Jewish.

God you guys are so fucking stupid on this forum. This is a made up shill graph. Many MANY nonwhites voted for Trump.

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same thing is going on in Europe, the elites are selling our nations to foreigners.

Farmers generally aren't on welfare, you retarded nigger.

I kinda get those ultra white states voting blue, they've never been subjected to forced diversity, but how pozzed are whites in Cali to still vote Dem?

I'm not aware of their earlier history of cultural subversion, but I'm only into the first few hundred pages of CoC, so maybe I'll see more in later chapters. Can you suggest any other books?

I didn't say it'd be smart, just what would probably happen if rural farms tried to starve out the cities, plenty of countries throughout history have killed off their rural/farming population if they became dissident from the USSR to several African nations, it usually leads to famine but it doesn't effect the political class, and in fact sometime further cements their power.

From our peak to present, I'd hardly call a 100 years a good run. From a Historical perspective, that's like running a quarter mile and blowing your engine at the end.

It's not about white vs colored. It's about the elite/hyper rich keeping the citizens confused and blaming each other.

Imbecile boomer.

No it's what people who have a working brain say. By having a constitution it's a Constitutional Republic in it's very fucking definition. Rome was simply a Republic, England is a Constitutional Monarchy for the same god damn reason we are a Constitutional Republic. It's like you people are willingly fucking retarded or something.

civ nat is code for deporting all democrats, non-white and white.

>it's literally nonwhite vs white
Yep. College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

Attached: 37_percent_white_vote.jpg (2038x1154, 666K)

Is there a map if only taxpayers voted?

40% of blacks voted for Trump. Trust me goy.

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How many times do we have to tell you cucked whites you either do something about the non-white problem or you will ultimately die. Non-whites outnumbering you at the ballot box is just the beginning.

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Civ Nat? Are you retarded?

NatSoc is the chad ideology

What a coincidence...

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Have you ever driven across American farm land? I drove across 19 states this summer and thought: it would be logisticaly impossible to put down a rural insurrection. This isn’t 20th century communication or technology. These people have endless resources to sabatoge shit with.

yeah OP posted it

>It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
they will when diversity finally strikes them

What a coincidence...

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>It's not about PoC v. whites
It literally is

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What a coincidence...

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What a coincidence...

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Post the source, OP.

What a coincidence...

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What a coincidence...
>2% of US population

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How do they even know the race of voters. Is that picked up somewhere when you vote?

Remember the Oklahoma City bomber? If I'm not mistaken he used farm fertilizer for his bomb.

The "gun behind every blade of grass" is no bullshit. Midwestern whites are armed better than most militaries.

Exit polls usually

What a coincidence...
>00.25% of world population

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how many puerto ricans do you estimate moved to florida after the hurricane?

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that vid, every time, makes me see rage

I've lowkey redpilled so many people with it about (((their))) subversive nature.

Looks like your country is primed for some type of race-war...

>Can't decide which is the real problem
it honestly doesn't matter at this point, what's done is done.
whites are doomed, our only hope for the future is to try as hard as we can to teach them the principles this country was built on and hope they carry on the fight after we are gone.
I'm not optimistic

What a coincidence...

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Hope I'm not too old by then. Seems to be taking forever.

Black people aren't pouring over the border endlessly. Black people in general are not nearly as big of an issue as endless southerners.

>it's literally nonwhite vs white
As it should be. Prepare to starve to death niggers! You think a nigger will get a job once the gibs are gone? Niggers are a paper tiger. Weak hyenas

They will never revolt. I doubt that even if a collapse happens they will do what's need to be done to keep the current territory of the united states, which is a huge massacre of millions of people.

Many did, they were just in the tiny minority.

Attached: 2016 Election Results by Race.jpg (758x1024, 159K)

truth, shit is worse than ancient rome at this point.
our ground pounders are almost exclusively inner city negros

If its a poll, wouldnt make sense then that people that self identify as "poc" would be democrat? I dont know, those maps look pretty misleading

Dont know, maybe around 100k. Only pray they got btfo on the last hurricane, those fucking traitors.

Reminder that the USA was 89% white in 1965, the same year in which racial quotas were eliminated from immigration law. It was sold to the American people on a lie that it would not dramatically alter the country's demographics.

Attached: Immigration_and_Nationality_Act_of_1965.png (2541x1349, 493K)

Constitutional republic with representatives elected through democratic vote.

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El Chupacabra

Most Americans are unaware that their country was created by white nationalists and then jews came along and rewrote their history.

Attached: LincolnOnRace.jpg (705x493, 160K)

You realize that turns them on, right?

Probably not. Most of the strong men died in the world wars. Probably why most, even ultra conservatives, are such weak betas these days. Still, if they ever did wake up, no joke, the Midwest is like the world's third most powerful military.

Use the Biden one too for any white bluepilled democrats you know... we must redpill those 37% of whites still voting left

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Yes, all those used needles and piles of shit in San Francisco streets are extremely appealing to me.