Kiwi femanon here. I feel really sorry for the Incel community...

Kiwi femanon here. I feel really sorry for the Incel community. You're always talking about keeping the white race going, and yet 99% of you are childless, and will remain so until you die. It's simply a case of you, unwashed smell and socially awkward, having set your standards too high. So I thought I'd offer some advice - don't ask about a girls past. When a girl loves you, she's being incredibly vulnerable, and for you to care about her past shows her you don't trust her. When she's with you, she's with you 100% and you are her world. Be with her in the moment, and for her future. Happy breeding, incels.

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i have two kids, you have none and post on kiwifarms.

Stopped reading after you said you're female. Don't care about whatever else you say. Post a pic of your body.

>implying your a woman
>doesn't follow the rules

Grow up, this is a socio political forum

Get all roastie toastie roastie, Aussie Aussie roastie roastie. Yea I am not gonna not ask about a girl sexual history, you know why? Because I do not want my children born with HIV, HPV or HSV sorry sweetie, actions have consequences and being a slut means you probably have a barren womb

Find a nice young man and have his children. No one's forcing you to marry a sperg who can't stop being awkward. But have white children. We don't care what you have to say until you've got at least two.

>don't ask about a girls past
you must be out of your fucking mind.. let's get one thing eternally straight.. NO ONE WANTS A FUCKING WHORE ..EVER

>first gf was virgin
>still texted her ex bf after telling me she wants to get married
>all women are trash and should be kept on a short leash

What fucking cuck made the pic in the OP? How much of a beta do you have to be to get a mindset like that?

Doctor here, you are cancer and have 420 minutes to live.

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> >all women are trash and should be kept on a short leash
The 88's never lie.

kys whore women strike up convos and compliment me all the time and i ignore them

modern women are garbage until feminism and jews are removed and a new generation of women who arent worthless skanks like you grow up

>incoherent personal blogposting
>the incel community

Lol I'm the opposite of that picture. I want a fucking timeline and guarantee of no niggers.

Roastie is toastie... no betabux for you

Never forgive never forget the orbiter conspiracy

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as long as she didnt fuck a nigger or family member i cant ask for much more

Lol, just get a woman from eastern europe, pump and dump. Your kind I'd rather see brutally raped and murdered by kebab, it's funny watching whores suffer and die.

Post tits

OP is 100% confirmed a girl who has slept with hundreds of dudes and is now having trouble finding a reliable partner.

you sound like a bitter roastie

Pol isn't an incel community you fucking insufferable bitch.

Tits or GTFO roastie

Shut the fuck up you subhuman whore. You even having an opinion is an abomination.

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I'm married and you're either a dirty, ugly, lousy whore, or a sad larper trying to one-up your more successful trolling neighbour

now show tits or GTFO skank

Tuts or GTFO

What did you blow in here from tumblr? Anyway I can only speak for myself but as an 18 yo user I’ve always been considered good looking and have an easy time getting women, of course, I keep my white supremacist thoughts to myself but one day I hope to find a women who will view life in a similar way I do. If not I’ll just settle down with a conservative women simple as that. the news tells you we’re virgins and shit and don’t get me wrong there’s some on here but I’ve met around 5 people who frequent pol and they all have a normal sex life.

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Well maybe you should fuck incels so they'll stop killing people. They wouldn't be incels if they got laid

t. replaceable within a generation

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kill yourself

daily reminder that if you're partner is not a virgin're a literal cuck who's girl has all her exs dna implanted on her brain

>In humans, naturally acquired microchimerism has been observed in many tissues and organs. Fetal microchimerism, however, has not been investigated in the human brain. Microchimerism of fetal as well as maternal origin has recently been reported in the mouse brain. In this study, we quantified male DNA in the human female brain as a marker for microchimerism of fetal origin (i.e. acquisition of male DNA by a woman while bearing a male fetus). Targeting the Y-chromosome-specific DYS14 gene, we performed real-time quantitative PCR in autopsied brain from women without clinical or pathologic evidence of neurologic disease (n=26), or women who had Alzheimer’s disease (n=33). We report that 63% of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism in the brain. Male microchimerism was present in multiple brain regions. Results also suggested lower prevalence (p=0.03) and concentration (p=0.06) of male microchimerism in the brains of women with Alzheimer’s disease than the brains of women without neurologic disease. In conclusion, male microchimerism is frequent and widely distributed in the human female brain.

Not an incel....the way I see it not knowing someone's sexual history would be like buying a used car and not having a summary of any accidents that that vehicle might have had.


Nice bait thread, but given the absolute shit that is the current catalog, this could potentially be a fun thread, so have a (you)

I'm a single male who will die childless.
I am not socially awkward and run a small business. Being a father doesn't mean shit.
And there are more women who die single in NZ than men.
Fuck trying to talk to the incels. They have chosen their path.
Where you live? I'm on the Shore.

People that have had 5 or more partners can no longer pair bond. You literally can't love and have forgotten what love is. You're doing nothing more than putting bait on a rod for some sucker to chase until his death, never knowing his children aren't his and he lived a lie.

>When she's with you, she's with you 100%
some poor idiot is gonna fall for this and get his shit stolen in court

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I doubt it.

A real man doesn't ask. He knows from how you fucking act.

>tfw no kiwi roast gf who tries to help incels on pol

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tits or gtfo

The incel "community" is r9k. This is Jow Forums. You literally don't know anything about any of us except that we hate niggers.

Second, you do not get to fuck niggers for ten years and expect me to care about what you feel. I'm a Mormon, we take the whole Law of Chastity thing fairly seriously.

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So... I'm an incel, I don't hate women and about standarts, well, the ugliest women always treated me worse than the beautiful ones. Maybe I'll be childless forever but I don't care about it anymore, I'm in my late 20's, I have bills to pay, problems to solve, work to do, whatever... I don't want to think about that so I will finish this text, bye.


>the foundation is sinking
>there are termites in the walls
>there are bees in the attic
>there are rats in the basement
>the electricity goes out all the time
>we have roaches in the kitchen
>the plumbing backs up into the walls
Don't ask questions about your used house goy just buy it! It wants to be with you 100%