What are they protecting Mueller from?

Attached: protect.jpg (648x680, 80K)

They aren't protecting Mueller. They're trying to do Kristallnacht 2.0. Night of Broken Glass was a false flag

They are actually rallying in support of kkk grand master sessions

Lol. They're too stupid to realize no one even wants to stop Mueller. Trump is playing them like a fiddle. Yes! Protect him! So he can fucking hang all your leaders, you stupid fucks.

I like how they choose Times Square for the protest so the random people just there for sightseeing make their numbers appear larger than they should.

the big bald head dude

A president that doesn't want to go to jail.


We are protecting mueller from wrongfully being taken out of his position. The fact that you guys can sit here and defend this bullshit just shows what an echo chamber this place has become. I look forward towards the victories that the Democrats are going to get in Georgia and Florida. And I also look forward towards the end of the Republican Party.

T. liberal retards