How do we solve the white male right wing terrorism issue? Another mass shooting and once again it's done by a white male. I suggest that all single white males lose their right to have firearms and be under constant surveillance.
How do we solve the white male right wing terrorism issue...
Ok good luck implementing that "simple" regulation.
All gun grabbers will be shot.
This is not negotiable.
Hey OP you and all your friends in Israel are gonna die soon. Good luck faggot. You have no allies.
Whites don't commit most mass shootings.
This is only the beginning user. Once they try to come for the guns 80% of the military will turn on them, bringing their equipment with them.
It will not be an army against a bunch of gun owners armed with nothing more than ar15s and m1911. It will be an army vs an army and this is a fact. The private sector alone has more firepower than most nations on earth and is not afraid to use it.
>Blindly believing some right winged media news source because the whites could never do anything wrong
How pathetic
This is because Whites are the only ones worth saving.
That's not what he said
He said "Whites don't commit most mass shootings."
>having no reading comprehension
>immediately going off the deep end over muh right wing boogeyman