Why does Jordan Peterson's daughter feel the need to dress so slutty everywhere she goes? Who is she trying to tease? She's married with a kid.
Dominic Campbell
Hunter White
ever read Ruth in the bible?
Brayden Perez
Would smash
Eli James
Here dad is a leftist pussy.
Benjamin Thomas
juden peterstein is a bitch
Justin Perry
She's at the beach. She wants to tan. She wants to swim. She wants to feel the ocean breeze on her skin. I take my shirt off at the beach for the same reason, not to give your faggot ass a boner OP.
Thomas Thompson
op is talking about in the video you stupid nigger
Leo Hill
95% of women are sluts and would cheat on their man.
Alexander Gray
>post ends in 9955
Kek seems to agree
Jace Watson
That's why I don't like Jordan Peterson