California Burning

Currently in Commiefornia, there is another massive wildfire raging. There is a smoke advisory issued for the entire Bay Area. Apparently, it is growing at the rate of 80 football fields per minute. The Camp Fire, burning in Butte County, has forced more than 20,000 Californians to evacuate and burned “multiple” structures. Already 18,000 acres have been incinerated.

How is this not the best timeline?

Live feed

Attached: california-fires-map-1002602.jpg (590x350, 37K)

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Ventura county here. we are also getting gangbanged by fires down here. I'll try and snap some pics.

Can you confirm if these were DNC voters or RNC voters?

you're welcome.

Could the entire State just burn down?

Come back and visit with some more of those trees any time, user!
>Shitposting IRL, in commiefornia
Doing Gods work, user.

Did another nigger start it?

I was wondering why the fuck everything smelled like smoke and it looked like perpetual sunset.

Attached: Booty-Warrior.jpg (558x340, 128K)

No, then they will be flushed out and infect the rest of the country like the spawn of Nurgle.

Niggers always start them.

Attached: (((niggers))).jpg (431x696, 262K)