ITT I'll show you the absolute state of my country
Let's begin with an "egalitarian" traffic light
ITT I'll show you the absolute state of my country
Let's begin with an "egalitarian" traffic light
>neither woman nor man: a person gets his ID with "neuter" gender
>it happened in Mendoza province, and it is the first case in Argentina. The civil registry agreed with a person who asked to be recognized as neither man nor woman
The person in question is a white woman who transitioned into a man
More women transitioning into men
>Benjamin Mamani took courage and cut his hair and told his mother "Mum, I'm a boy"
Ps: Mamani is a typical bolivian/peruvian surname
here's the kosher food stand at Boca's stadium
>since past august the members of the jewish community can eat at the "Bocasher" at one of the stalls
>the final Boca - River takes place at saturday, Angelici and D'Onofrio said they'll try to move the match date or at least the time. Their explanation? Their esteem for the jewish community
shouldnt you have different priorities?
like fixing your economy and becoming a local powerhouse?
Teachers at school in Rio Cuarto, province of Cordoba, include bolivian flag in the school to "make easier" the integration of the bolivian students
No pic here, but video
Eso os pasa por obsesionaros tanto con la psicología, no hay ni una tía que no quiera ser psicóloga.
Social issues should come first. I'd also be worried mainly about white cuckery in Argentina considering that they are being flooded with bolivians.
No need to include explanation I guess
>"I like helping people solve their problems, user!"
By the way the green scarves are for the legalization of abortion in case you didn't know
And all of them think they are fucking hot shit for that
>two pitbulls stop police from arresting people who stole a statue
>the officers didn't enter because of the dogs and instead went to buy meat to try to calm the animals
>let them do what they want
>prejudices are only in your head!
>from 13 years old onwards, you can see specialists in sexual health without the need of consent from your parents
women can't be freemasons tho
Soon it'll be "la realidad -- es en su cabeza!!"
Pure fucking cancer
Lets have an interval with a good new
>21 years old man saw a robbery, picked a shotgun and killed the thief (16 years old)
>according to the justice, it was done in legitime self defense so the man wasn't detained
How does it feel to be not only a nigger but a fucking faggot Argentinians?
At least swedes are white faggots
Hey, argie. Be honest with me. Has Agustin Laje done any good?
They wouldn't be bombarded with this propaganda if they weren't white, though.
You are not much better if Argentina is the Sweden of Latin America you are the Canada of Latin America
What are you trying to prove? Do you think I haven't heard that one before?
Feels better than being a failed abortion like you, 0n
Imo he's just another con-artist like Lauren Southern and those. It's all "buy my book, visit my video and subscribe"
They stuck these faggot lights in at Trafalgar Square
This is rich since masculine and feminine suffixes are ingrained in their language.
>una persona
In some places, they can be Freemasons
Nice trips tho
Press F for Argentina.
River will win against Voka.
Check'd and kek'd
is that real?
Some random page from a news site from Salta (northern province), Not cucky but barbarian
>raped a 4 years old girl and the neighbours chopped his genitals off
>had an argument with his parents: they hitted him and he commited suicide (was 13 years old)
>the death games in Salta: 8 girls commited suicide and other 10 tried it
>woman killed at motel in Salta was identified
>he tortured her with an iron and disfigured her face: "please help me before it's too late"
Yes. Wait a sec I'll look for the video
I hate this fucking place.
That's some Mexican-tier shit, Argiebro
#Arby's we have the meats
I know a couple of ArgieBros here in Peru.
Absolutely demoralised, Jow Forumsack tier "If only you knew how bad things were"
>That's some Mexican-tier shit, Argiebro
And The West is going that exact way.
You could have prevented this.
Here, starts appearing exactly at 24 min
The signs were also denounced for antisemitism:
The jews fulled us into relaxing the leash on women. Women being the stupid animals they are fucked the country to the ground. I want off.
>And The West is going that exact way.
Lots of places here are still crime-free Whitopias... for now
>You could have prevented this.
I moved away from Toronto to avoid exactly that kind of insanity
>girls playing soccer and dancing faggots
how is this any different from how latin america was before
More or less the claret coloured provinces and the one with the "head" claret and the "body" green are basically Mordor
that colour is call red faggot
>the first thing children learn about now includes gay couples
Anyone notice a grobal trend in these tactics? Surely the coincidences and patterns aren't random?
we should have buried you when we had the chance
I understood what he meant by "claret"... probably because I'm actually educated
Maybe if you were asfixiated by the umbilical cord when you still were in the uterus
In spanish, left one is "bordeaux" and the right one is red. Two different colours
Forgot pic
We are getting fucked by the same people faget.
Speaking about bolivians. I heard today that there is a no go zone for argentinians because bolivians made that place their private neighbourhood. Is it true?
What about your Military ?
Can't believe how you went from Purging Commies to being this cucked.
Lol just like that she's a boy
Always found it a bit fascinating how Latin America has none of the riches of the west, yet emulated all its degeneracy and then some.
>What about your Military ?
Systematically disarmed and neutered for the last 30+ years.
Jews and leftists cuck the whites everywhere on the planet. Because seems like they are the only ones capable of being destroyed by self guilt.
>Seeing LIVE how Gondor is getting Mordor'ed
So when are the Antarctica Nazis coming back desu?
>tfw such a genius you literally know the names of colours
clearly so did I, since I knew he was talking about the red area, faggot. you don't need to call red "claret" if it's the only shade of red on a graphic. you just like talking like a girl.
>In spanish
this is an english language website, south american leaf. stop being a pretentious faggot
Civil war when?
>this is an english language website, south american leaf. stop being a pretentious faggot
He did'nt speak in Castillian you pleb. He responded to you the idiomatic differences between Languages.
re roll
The (((intellectuals))) will happily swallow whatever diarrhea western europe and (to a lesser extent) the us shit our way, and the mindless masses will just accept it.
I heard a couple speaking spanish at the hardware store yesterday. sounded like two wild hogs 69ing
>Systematically disarmed and neutered for the last 30+ years.
Incredible how flexible Euros are. Dream victims to any psychopath.
It would make more sense for the lesbians to be go and the fags to be stop. Lesbians go lickety split while fags are still packing their shit.
>I heard a couple speaking spanish at the hardware store yesterday. sounded like two wild hogs 69ing
Same thing for us listening to Niggers speak in the Tongue of the Angles. You found our version of "niggers"
Yes. I was keeping that one for latter but since you bring it up
>bolivians close a neighbourhood, declare themselves "autonomous" and don't let to pass any argentinian
>they closed PUBLIC roads that are owned by the state, and despite their insistance on the "private" status of the neighbourhood they throw the garbage outside it and take advantage of any public service
>they elect a president of the community, already going by their 3rd one
Also territory was stolen by bolivian military early in 2015 and nothing was done. Frontier moved, people displaced. It had a "ghostly" mention in media including footage and denounces and it simply got ignored
For extra cuckery read the comment section
el pro está lleno de judios mauricio machir es un judio lacra
Macri is Italian, he is not Jewish.
Relax neighboor, pocket will tear the forum down and end this cuckery
they looked like average spics. so your entire race is a race of niggers?
Death to the Free Masons
>What about your Military ?
404 not found
They probably doesn't exist
Literally the only thing that can fix this country. No democratic solution will do shit imo
someone please save us, please?
>they aren't satisfied with just be able to marry
>also they want to fuck your underage kids
I swear I'll put a bullet on those literal faggots if they try their shit on my family.
I'm White. Who do you think keeps the Country from Collapsing? the cholos?
Less than 10%percent of Peruvians pay taxes, 85% of the Economy is in the Black Market.
This is a multicultural hellhole where whites are supposed to take it in the ass for "muh oppresion". And all of you idiots in the West are following our same Fate.
It doesn't matter the party it's the same shit
Sadly I have the impression that Pocketman is another fancy bla bla bla, I don't trust any democratic leader anymore desu. But lets hope so and wait
>They probably doesn't exist
He is a jew puppet. He literally put us in debt for the next 100 years, LITERALLY.
Only we can save ourselves.
Well, we're on the same track. Around 8-10 million people pay taxes here, outta 40 million
And all the taxes go to gay shit like those in this thread, nigger welfare, free university for foreigners, etc.
>the west is becoming spanish-indio cocaine rape babies
i doubt it
You buy our coke, you take our immigrants, you allow illegals to stay, you make propaganda shilling for interracial couples and portray Whites as degenerates
Canadian companies get payed to hire 50 shades of brown people instead of Whites.
its over Leaf.
Is peruvian society as degenerate as burgerland?
>You buy our coke
This is the funnier thing. It is western nations the ones who DEMAND drugs, not some narco trying to introduce them
Literally most of the drug produced both in Latam and Asia goes to Europe and USA, more than local consumption
There's no hope for us.
it is good to know that libshit insanity has even infested the beaner nations
>two adults decide to consensually get in a relationship
>this burns my ass because they both have same chromosomes
You are a monkey argie, based LGTB.
>venezuelan nigger gives tips on how to give birth in Argentina to receive gibs and citizenship and how to take advantage of all public systems
>brought to you by the American globalist presence
You know if the regular people of Argentina violently turned on these liberal degenerates, it would be America that comes in and defends the liberal degeneracy, right? Or at least economically punishing the country via sanctions?
el apellido real es machir, la version italianizada es macri
machir es un apellido judío, machir a su vez llenó todas las áreas del gobierno con sus raza de criminales del Levante
avelluto,rosenkratz,dujovne,rubinstein,blejer, elztain
no me sorprende que un peruano no logre identificar a un judio, ustedes son una raza decadente y mugrosa también
>y-yeah I might live in a violent third world spic shithole but you will too
top cope
>>tfw our best years are now behind us
mestizos de mierda
sarmiento tenía razón, habría qe masacrarlos a todos
This is madness. Get a fucking gun if you can.
If you want to feel better, just look across the river. You're basado and repileado compared to us.
>it would be America that comes in and defends the liberal degeneracy, right?
Yes. In fact a lot of this is part of the negotiation with the IMF, who requested gender stuff, working until 70 yo for pension (still to pass) and a lot other globalist stuff. The abortion battle was supported by Planned Parenthood America, in fact
Yeah, starting with USA
>stage 1: denial