How long until this happens?

Attached: main-qimg-6ed63a9739513c91304ab9b59bf3b476-c.jpg (602x330, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

~40 years

>thinking they can take out the Persians.

Google "Yinon plan"

Attached: 7drHiqr.gif (312x213, 973K)

Israel won't survive to 71. You're gonna die soon.

Attached: Armageddonv2 - Copy2.jpg (1070x1196, 574K)

When the Arabian Oil runs out.


This. Can’t wait till those kikes get wiped off the face of the Earth.

3 days

Cap this

When the US attacks Iran that's when SHTF. Sleeper cells will wake up INSIDE the USA and shopping malls will look like that bar in T.Oaks last night. You read it here first. Allau Snackbars!!

>iran vs israel

That's a ploy for dumdums. It's going to be Israel, Iran, and India vs Pakistan

Cap this too

Israel will be the center of the NWO, with Jewrusalem as it’s capital. Forget greater Isreal, the kikes plan on ruling the entire WORLD

Attached: 92BE9527-7C3B-4D55-9D57-E19A7F6534C0.gif (341x376, 1.81M)

The fire rises goys

Attached: believe.jpg (600x800, 369K)

In 2020

The ethnostate would need to expand in there eyes though, they want to mutt and fuck up the rest of the world and make israel a safe haven for the jews.

Ok that was epic i admit. IT'S REALLY HAPPENING

Attached: terrible fate.jpg (499x497, 109K)

that's such a beautiful video. i cried a little


fake jew kikes are shemites / semites
the torah was edited by their parents
lilith satan and gabriel. this is why
they edit wiklipedia to hide who they

in bereshit or genesis the renown
are killed by god in the flood.
shem or sem means renown
so, god killed the renown ie
shem, but allowed noahs son
shem, ie renown to live?

LOL. amalekites are stupid
and cannot create anything
but problems because they
are liars. not creators. see
the problem here with wikipedia?

Strong's Concordance
shem: a name
Original Word: ????

NASB Translation
byword (1), defamed* (1), defames* (1),
fame (8), famous (3), famous* (1), memorial
(1), Name (3), name (654), name's (11),
name* (4), named (7), named* (66), names
(80), renown (6), renowned (1), report (1),
repute (1), same names (1).

absolutely no bombings by jet
from the amalekites into syria
since russia installed the s300
flying ovens.

kikes are proving they're frauds
because they cannot retake land
that isn't theirs. before they had it
it was the armenian empires land
the true jews.

Attached: fake jew amalekite.jpg (1920x726, 541K)

kek knows

Attached: 1481067389990.jpg (572x680, 178K)

Saudi arabia is alrady israel just with different flag.