It's over

You idiots haven't figured it out have you?
The weakening of men, the suicidal nature of western civilization, the destruction of tradition and the things that made us strong? This isn't just (((them))). Its nature.

We have subverted natural law for well over a hundred years now. Due to science and technology we now allow the weakest to not only survive, but overwhelm the strong. We pander to the most idiotic and stupid. We have no will to really fight anymore. We bitch on a message board but do nothing in reality. Testosterone levels decrease, we give more power to women and the inferior and then cry about "why??". Why? Its a re-balancing. So many have predicted there will be some great plague or cataclysm to reset things. Its already here and a bit more subtle then that. Sorry all but its over.
Personally Id much rather prefer this end

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Ok, you have my attention. What do you propose we do? Start anarchy in the streets? Also, id be interested in these profits you listed, as you failed to name any. Also, what is your proof, or logic, that we cannot come back from this low?

Personally I loved Atlas Shrugged, as this outlined the downfall of society perfectly well: due to incompetence, and government control, invalidating individual rights, and attacking the strong business men.

Holy fuck I would love to see her being railed by massive black man. Anyone know if there are pics of this already?

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how'd you get a pic of my cousin?

i think it has more to do with the urbanization and the abandonment of tradition. we all moved into cities over like, 40 years and the sexual revolution + birth control made it to where women could suspend commitment indefinitely while reverting us from a pairbond species into a tournament species. now all the men are competing for women directly and indirectly (through the accumulation of wealth, social status) and have no objections to defecting against their peers since the social nash equilibrium moves to that side of the equation when social trust breaks down. when you live in a city, as most do, you have no reason not to fuck others over since there are thousands, sometimes millions of others to replace them. so yeah, we are all defecting against each other to get a better deal, people see each other as disposable. i suggest we ban birth control and bring back the christ God. we were all better off that way, even the 'winners' of the current paradigm

Honestly I do not think we can come back from this. We are so far gone. The white race which has been the driving force for all advancement has been completely nurtured. Its an observation,admittedly a black pilled one.

I truly do not have any solution for this but how can you not see it? its spreading faster and faster each day. When a civilization marches to its own demise gleefully, in the name of "progress" or whatever bullshit and the rational are considered crazy...well cmon. I know its shitty to not propose some solution but i really can not think of one.

I'm not sure anyone has a real solution to this. Its far to invasive and insidious to just be one group of people. I just can't logically see another reason for this decline.

Either bitch and moan about ((them)) and the cruel world, truth is nobody can conquer your mind without your permission.

Join the fight instead.

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I dont know what the fuck you guys are talking about. shit is still the exact same as its always been where im at. maybe you should get OFFLINE and go OUTSIDE

you know, REALITY. internet just gives you the most extreme version of life. you dont get to see the mundane, 99.9999999% of the time reality. you know, real life

lots of strong men still standing, lots. we haven't gone anywhere, just nobody pays attention to us cause we are boring. we aren't being faggots with signs and bullhorns screaming look at me look at me. we just keep living our lives

Your cousin is hot.

Fuck if i know I got her pic from here.
That maybe could work but not enough of the right people will get on board to make it happen. The population is retardidly blue-pilled that they actively fight against our own survival. Again, I don't see this rectifying itself. No matter how many terrorist attacks or crazy shit that happens...we ignore it and say "well its not always those people!" We are supremely fucked.

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Define tradition, what ones are we talking about here? Why do you think women wanted to mess around, rather than settle down and find a husband? Do you advocate individual self interest, or altruism and self sacrifice? I am confused to your comment where you said, "and have no objections to defecting against their peers since... etc". In light of the marine who went crazy recently, killing 12, do you really think banning BC will fix the problem, in the same way liberals think banning guns will? BC and shootings are a mere symptom of a much deeper, root cause, banning BC would lead to condom, ban condom and guys will merely pull out, ban pulling out...etc. Why don't girls just want to be faithful today, and why don't men either?

What does black pill one mean? By what proof, or logic, do you deem the whites to be too far gone? There have been great disasters before this, and whites have survived them too. You say you can't propose a solution, are you talking about on large scale, or the scale of the individual? What can you and I do personally, to maintain or benefit those immediately around us, and ourselves? You say,"Its far to invasive and insidious to just be one group of people." What is it? Describe what it looks like to me. Lets look at the facts.

All men are pussywhipped faggots. Haven't seen a real man, certainly not a real feminine woman, in forever. Maybe if they hogtied their daughter and offered her to me... AS A SACRIFICE. TIME TO GET REAL PAGAN. HAIL THOR!!!

Sure, by tradition I simply mean the family unit as a whole. The idea of a cohesive nuclear family is now the outlier and viewed as "oppressive". What has been natural to us for 200k years is considered taboo and archaic by the mainstream. People actively think we can override natural instinct.

"Black pilled" means my view on the world has become fatalistic. I have zero belief we can reverse course on whats happening. As for proof or logic on why whites are to far gone, well I am just going by observation. I was very optimistic and naive in my youth. I was a Marine and then worked for a PMC for a while. I got to see many different countries in the west, the mid-east and east. In all I saw the Colonial or white powers that helped bring these places into the modern age break from those things and ruin the gifts that they were given (infrastructure, governments, etc.). Instead of saying "fuck you we left" the west says "OMG we are so sorry flood our nations, fuck our women, call us racist and we will smile and be woke while you rape our children and slowly degrade what we have at home". This mentality isn't changing its only getting worse.

she cute

its no fap november you fuck

you're a disgusting kike

Ok, so "strong men" let all this shit happen and did nothing? And will let the countries their forefathers built get destroyed? so much from "strong men".

It's amazing. Jews have whites totally under control. The last resistance died out after the stock market crash of 1987. Now we have too many docile goyim to worry about an uprising. Now sit back and enjoy goyim. Your future is under Israel's control.

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>mfw nutted today
I'm going to start nofap november today.

would rather watch this desu
shits gotta be hot

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who cares, the only winning move is not to play

No. Sit back and let the Jews control everything. Just like blacks in Africa were better off under Apartheid, goyim will be better off with Jewish rule.

Apologies. Cat is better?
I think the Juden are a problem but I feel like this goes deeper then that. It just way to pervasive for it to just be those merchant fucks. It even seems Israel is infected with it.

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Imagine lego sets

Israel has it under control. For now. Generations from now, Israel will overstep its boundaries like Western Europe has done by importing third worlders(courtesy of Israel). Once that happens, chaos will rise and a new world will be created.

So your saying strong family unit = strong culture. Why has the family unit broken apart? Do whites as a race have a self-sacrificial philosophy about them, maybe the belief in altruism? How could we measure this, because you certainly do not believe in anything but rational self-interest, from what I gather. Have you heard of the silent majority? What if all the strong men are keeping silent? What if this is only how things appear, but once all of society falls apart, these strong men rise from the rubble and take back what is rightfully theirs? I guess that is not the point being argued though. Do you think this is a possibility?

Do Jews have you undercontrol? Do Jews have other Jews undercontrol?

Define play? In my opinion, the only way to not be involved is to be dead.

I am open to this. If a Jew had a better philosophy, ability, or skill than whites, I am all for that. But lets be more specific: can you point to what Jewish leaders, teachers, engineers, or philosophers you are talking about, specifically?

Fuck all. You know what the solution is, we need someone on here whos a goddamn bio engineer to create a real Foxdie virus. For those of you who are waaay younger then me that was the virus created in metal gear solid that could target specific geneotypes (i.e. arabs, blacks, chinks) get on it!!!

>What do you propose we do?
Introduce sexbots. Women become worthless without the power of gatekeeping sex.
Feminism has destroyed everything and will end up in yet another reset and another turn of the cycle unless we stop the infection.

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>Why has the family unit broken apart?
Inability to pair-bond due to disrupted oxytocin signaling, caused/exacerbated by women sleeping around.

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Have you seen Bibi? Have you seen how Trump and Americans swear allegiance to Israel? Whites do not have more skill, power or intellect compared to Jews.

That is a fantastic point and entirely possible, but before that hypothetical can happen we will have to suffer a massive collapse that will probably set us back a hundred years if not more. I believe its entirely possible for us to revert back to a place of strength but not by the subtle way I believe its happening. It need to be fast and CATASTROPHIC. In that scenario, where the weaker have no social welfare from the strong, well then things might right themselves, but that will not happen is its a slow de-evolution.

How will sex bots help anything? They're really nothing more but VR porn. They can't bond, and provide the respect and emotion men need. How will this just not cause a deeper split between men and women?.

Why are women feeling the need to sleep around? What prevented them from sleeping around in the past?

What is Bibi? If they don't have skill, competence, or ability, why would any rational man follow their lead, and how would they reach levels of power in the first place? From what I hear, American Ashkenazi Jews have a higher IQ than Asians. In what field do whites have more skill than jews?

One could argue, to help introduce a quicker reset, we should support open boarders, womens rights, etc. So this is basically what justice looks like. No, not some "law" and ticket "justice", but justice of the natural order. A lot of stupid people made bad decisions, like a teen with a credit card. Someone must pay for it. Like a smoker quitting smoking, the suffering is going to happen - through annoyance and irritability or lung cancer. But do you really think we have reached the point of no return? Do you really think we have full on lung cancer already? Why are you so certain that we cannot turn back?

What defines a healthy society?
What defines a sick society?
And what defines a death spiral society?

Who is this absolute godess?

In my view:

Healthy: Pair bonding mates, 1 female 1 male, large families, work, free market, lack of gov control, individual rights, limited restrictions, sane beliefs

Sick: What we have now with feminism, gov control, immigration

Death spiral: Germany, sweeten, UK. The main difference here is the number of migrants they have let in compared to us, but this doesn't touch on the bonding issue between men and women.

Where is her brapper? Can you give me a pic of it?

Small, but cute and probably smells nice

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ok this is funny

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double digit IQ retard

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Reddit shit

The nickname for the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

>How will sex bots help anything?
If women don't behave and stop abusing their power, men will just use artificial wombs and sex bots to fulfill their needs (while the most alpha win the real women). Women act like shit because they can get away with it and betas will white-knight for them and excuse their behavior in exchange for sexual access (or the hope of it). Take away the exclusive ability to give sex, bear children, and even act as a companion as AI tech improves, and men will not need biological women for anything.
Men build civilization and women live in them to produce more men. With the right tech, women become obsolete unless they shape up.

>Why are women feeling the need to sleep around?
Combination of things:
Epigenetic lowered expression of oxytocin if they did not receive the right developmental hormones from the mother.
Constant push from Hollywood to sleep around and be a feminist (pressure from media/gov who profit from females voting and buying shit).
Once they start, it's easier and easier to just sleep around and not pair bond.
Endocrine disruptors in chemicals and pathogens

>What prevented them from sleeping around in the past?
Strong male father figures and societal pressure. Once the "strong male figures" were lost by feminist propaganda from people like Gloria Steinem and the advent of endocrine disrupting pathogens and chemicals, the push from the media helped change public opinion down a slippery slope especially as more and more women lost the ability to be chaste and function in a relationship.

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> We bitch on a message board but do nothing in reality.
Oh shill jigga, you don't know me, bitch.

Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody ever *does* anything about it.

allow me to explain. you seem to fixate a lot on the issue of birth control so ill address that first. all birth control technologies decouple sex from reproduction which allows you to decouple sex from commited relationships. the result is that women (speaking in averages and aggregates here) will naturally default to their hypergamous nature, which means they will continue to trade up on their partners without ever having to settle down until their smv drops off in their late 20s and nobody wants in on that baggy, diseased ninja sock anymore. the term 'defect' i borrowed from game theory. if youre not familiar i recommend you read up but the gist is that any 'game' can be played cooperatively or competitively. to 'defect' basically means to screw someome over in the hopes of getting a better deal. the traditions im referring to are classical methods of courtship. not necessarily an arranged marriage but no unsupervised dates, heavy parental involvement, family approval is a must. i agree the issue is more complex than any one of my suggestions could fix, but we can sit around pontificating until the heat death of the universe. sometimes you just gotta go with something and i stand by my suggestions at least to get us started

I agree with your first paragraph.

I challenge you on the second: I truly believe the media reflects culture and society in the same way a mirror does. In order to sell, the culture has to already be acceptance of what it is buying. Why do you believe media is the precursor to beliefs -> culture? I do agree as far as Oxycontin goes for women. But isn't it just as bad that men are alphas too, and fuck multiple women, too? Look at the precedent they set. They take from men, and corrupt women. Should we also blame them?

Paragraph 3: Still challenge the Media controls culture premise. But I agree with the fathers point. Why do you think the fathers went soft, and mothers went single? Alot of strong men died in wars during this time. Boys were indoctrinated in colleges at this time. Hippy and free love philosophy was immensely weak, too. Did feminism come before or after the hippie revolution? Could have drugs played a part of our degeneration?

To sum up what we could do to improve this: become a strong reliable and responsible man - work, train martial arts, be virtuous, save money, be wise, and study - if multiple individuals practice these skills, do you think we can save the West?

>all birth control technologies decouple sex from reproduction
Excellent point.
I conceded.

Would sex bots be the male BC? causing just as many hiccups for the sexual dynamic as bc has caused women?

Drugs are banned due to their effects:
Steroid are unnatural and unfair muscle mass, meth makes you crazy, BC damages your bonding mechanism. Why is BC legal?

Pfft, all you would have to do is wait until theast second and jump off Earth and onto the other planet. Just like if you were falling off a building, or in an elevator.

Here is what we need to do:

"Madness in the western world and introduction to possible solution"

Part 1 - Summary of current situation: >>

Part 2 - Summary of current resistance: >>

Part 2,5 - Objectives >>

Part 3 - Plan: >>

This is the only solution, there is no alternative

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>Would sex bots be the male BC
personally i dont think so. remember the goal here is to restrucrure society into something that works, not take class revenge against women. marriage doesnt just provide a handy way for society to iterate, it gives men a personal stake in society because their legacy will live in it. married men work longer hours, are more productive, and are less likely to commit pretty much any crime, are more involved in their communities. in harem societies (the natural state of man) most of the men dont give two shits about their communities since they have no wife or kids who benefit from it and no living legacy to pass it down to. look no further than the polygamists of the middle east for an example. we dont want sex bots, we want men who care about their societies since they are the ones who build roads, power lines, bridges, etc. the only way to do that currently is with women