What happens here?

what happens here?

Attached: unknown (2).png (2560x1080, 1.15M)

Attached: unknown (3).png (2560x1080, 770K)

you can see land

Attached: unknown (4).png (2560x1080, 259K)

lots of it

its one of the few regions i see where it is completely blocked out, and for what appears to be no region... if it was top secret they could have just gone with garbage resolution

Attached: strange1080.png (2016x1080, 350K)

Off the coast of Australia?
It is a military base.

CIA black site.

so, they are showing underground mountains? or do those peak though the sea level? google appears to have visible land above sea level.

North, above russia pol wont let me post the cords it thinks its spam

it's a different location. try finding it on gmaps