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bullshit, i dont want multi culti in arizona
fucking stupid bimbo whore

The dems have flipped 2 senate seats in 36 hours and 2 more are looking like they go the same way, and the republicans are going along with it, dems may yet have control of both houses lmao

ITT: jew tears

Attached: FOX (((Laura))) and (((kids))).jpg (1029x793, 315K)

Yeah, but you aren't going to do anything about it, so why complain?

that blue wave just doesn't stop

Attached: 93_GORILLION_MRW.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

You are right. nothing is going to happen unless we fight. glow niggers fuck off.

> both houses

Holy shit. Don't pretend like you know what's going on, .

I’ve called numerous polling stations and talked to 2 secretaries. Fuck off cunt.

Daily reminder that this cunt is a neocon and should never have been trusted.

You are a faggot if you are still watching fox like a good goy.

Tucker is a literal 3rd positionist so he's good, but he's the only one worthy of our time on that shithole station.

But republicans still have 51 seats and certain majority

>Dems magically find hundreds of thousands of votes across four states, almost all of which are Democrat

this is true but all the right wing retards told me they would get 60 for sure

almost like high population areas take longer to count...

They hadn't counted 350k ballots yet, haha. Her lead will gain exponentially.

People like you deserve painful fucking deaths.

Keep calling. I voted 19 times and I've already collected my Soros bucks

I'm going to find you and beat the shit out of you.

this is horse shit

Call Fox News lol

All four states in question were reporting 99% of counties 36 hours ago

here's the link to the secretary of state's office live results (unofficial):


>345,000 votes remain uncounted in Maricopa County while a small number of ballots remain uncounted as well in smaller counties.
>Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes expects ballot counting to continue for several days. Officials will continue to update the results daily at 5 p.m.
Calm your tits


pretty sketchy. in my county of missoula they counted unrealistically slower than every ther similar sized county. like it tok them 7 hours to get 35%. i understand the last say 10% of ballots taking a long time but the first 90% should take like 3 hours tops. super sketchy.

Zionists getting BTFO hard

Attached: mcsally.jpg (837x783, 115K)

cheat, cheat, cheat, that's all these subhumans know how to do

Miami-Dade finished ages ago and it has even more people.

>vote in election
>Democrats lose
>"No goyim, you voted wrong. So here's 300,000 votes we just magically found."

People act like this country isn't fucking dead already.

kikes on suicide watch

Attached: sinema.jpg (1026x816, 160K)

where's the picture of the "voting recommendations" that an user posted earlier???
i need it now
i'm talking to the Arizona GOP

They also thought there would be a red wave even though the president has 40% approval, oftentimes less. What does that tell you?

Arizona has always been a spic haven.

this needs to be posted more, I only found out about it recently. Every fucking time

>345,000 votes remaining in a county of 971,043 votes so far.
there's no way you can convince me that we would be this far past election day and such a significant fraction of votes would be uncounted

>tfw I work with McSallys husband
I wonder if he will bring this up when he gets back.

Who cares about sand people

Of precincts. These are mail in ballots and provisionals.

The problem is it's trivially easy to blackmail two RINOs into delaying Trump's agenda. Look at the Kavanaugh confirmation process. It was LITERALLY held up by Flake and Grassley pandering to liberal hysteria rather than just bringing it to a floor vote immediately.

Having 55 R senators was key for preventing such delaying tactics. Even having 53 R senators would be enough to keep most things moving along. But 51? That's not enough.

I like Carl Tucker, eat my ass you queer concern reddit troll.


yeah it's fraud.
what do you propose to do about it?

Democrats are the true 1%ers


hrm.... still how do i know for sure

Every other Republican candidate has thousands more votes than McSally. What the fuck

They'll get away with this too won't they? And everyone will tout it as a big part of the blue wave.

actually they don't

It's not like they have more poll workers in high pop areas or anything.

They are mail-in ballots in the Phoenix area. They are bound to be from lazy liberals so Sinema wins.

i cant believe nevada is run by women now

I work in Secretary of State office in AZ and we have unofficially called the vote for Sinima. Based on previous voting patterns it appears the remaining precincts will go for Sinima around 75% of the time. Everyone is pretty bummed guys we were really pulling for McSally.

illegal voting.



here come more shit eating, poor shills that need money to live.
liars will be slaughtered

They announced ahead of time that they would not count the mail in ballots until after election day and would start announcing results Thursday night. A high percentage of voters in az vote by mail, this isn't a surprise. Ingraham is wrong, early voting favored mcsally and mail ins will likely follow the same trend.

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Were you FieldWorks too?

Oy veeeeyyyyyy

thank u

why are all these rednecks such fucking retards?


life is just so damn good

Dem's lie cheat and steal their way to victory again. 2020 is gonna be a fucking power keg.

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fuck nvm

Yes. It won't even be discussed much in the media. A week from now, nobody will remember that Democrats committed election fraud out in the open in 2 states, 2 fucking days after an election happened.

republicans getting absolutely fucking rekt, i love how you dipshits thought the blue wave was a meme. Hell losing the house alone has cost trump his next two years. Republicans are such failures.

Early voting in other counties favored McSally.
If you actually look at the map it is pretty obvious that Phoenix area is not blue enough for a metropolitan area in this election so there is extremely high probability that unaccounted early votes are for Sinema.

Attached: AZ.png (880x660, 61K)

Hmm systemic voter fraud across the nation. Perfect time for a young Obama-era vet to shoot up some conservatives.

Wait a minute..

They do it slow to know how many fake votes to add.

McSally is a rino, fuck her.

McSally favored? In Maricopa county? Not a chance.

Attached: 8F12041F-83AD-4717-81CC-2D1F459E9E03.jpg (645x729, 51K)

>durr they just all happen to be libtard votes

>Blue wave
>Have to blanently cheat
Nice gymnastics there, dumbshit

Now Democrats need to win the recount in Florida and Mississippi Special runoff for the best outcome.


One Senate seat left is a runoff in Mississippi which will be won by the Republican, so worse case we are looking at 52R/48D.

>County that voted 50/45 for Trump in 2016 suddenly voting nearly 65/35 Dem in 2018
Yeah, totally legit

So there were in total
1,836,480 votes for Superintendent of Public Instruction
1,853,565 votes for Attorney General
1,856,276 votes for Governor
1,862,301 votes for Secretary of State
2,206,130 voter for Senator
Seems legit.

Fucking leaf

>blue wave
Nigger you had to cheat for it

Attached: Screenshot_26.png (633x633, 817K)

And Republicans will lay down and take it like usual.

I'm so sick of this country. Whites are 60% of the population and it's already functioning like a corrupt African shithole.

Too early to say

and whoever that old blond woman is that does all the press talking for Trump, is married to a pajeet.

fuck republicans and fuck Trump at this point honestly I'm done with counter signalling the alt right in favor of " Trumps normie friendly winning strategy " because the mid terms showed it didnt work and it's time to move on from that trash which is slowly devolving back into a george bush presidency

Single issue voters, goy. They usually don't care about filling in any other category, don't you see? :^)

I'm sorry faggot, I can't hear you over this winning. Maybe if you didn't elect such a fucking retard you wouldn't lose everything...oh wait you still would because you're miserable failures.

She's not married dumbass.


1 of those seats is Mitt Romney, the uber-cuck who hates Trump

so that means they can easily convince just 1 other Republican to stall the entire agenda

and republicucks ain't gonna do shit about it ;^)

keep screeching faggots, there's nothing you can do

Some Arizona latino voters are pissed at Trump border extremism. Not sure why.


Muh bluewave, niggerthere was no blew wave

>influx of 1 post blackpill anons
don't make it obvious or anything.

If this happens and Trump can't do anything then things are going to change very rapidly - voting no longer matters.

>Voter fraud happening in Florida and Arizona right now.
>Assuming Mississippi won't have the same problem.

Attached: 1540598946630.png (290x282, 114K)

>she’s an open borders shill
>at least she hates israel!

Illinois pension boomer retirees in Arizona have now fucked Arizona after spending years fucking up Illinois. Illinois pension checks flow like a river to Arizona.

Attached: dumpster fire.jpg (800x800, 92K)

>no more Flake
>no more McCain
>no more Corker
>Graham is now uncucked
>the Republicans that flipped Democrat Senate seats (Hawley, Braun, Cramer) are all pro-Trump, if Scott holds on that's another pro-Trump flip
We still have Collins unfortunately and with her up for re-election in 2020 she's probably going to be even worse than before but a lot of trash was taken out of the Senate in this cycle.

>but you aren't going to do anything about it
sorcery is something

It's a lot easier for uppity niggers to disappear in MS