Rick Scott Suing Broward County Over Election Fraud

No more monkey business in Broward.
Brenda Snipes BTFO.
GOP taking the gloves off, this is war.


Can someone give him the red eyes? He earned it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


isn't that the same county as parkland high school?

Should have been arrested when they tried this the first time.

Yes and they were involved in voter fraud years ago too

>coward county

I'm sick of these Kikes. I want blood.

Of course it's the same county. They are so blatantly subversive and they think they can get away with it. They have half of the NPC country, all of mainstream media, and the 1% on their side. They control the narrative. There's no use in trying to investigate anything anymore. This will accelerate into a civil war. Screencap this.


k, what about Arizona? Is Mcsally going to do anything? Or just spread her legs and take bull dick?

same. can we just get this over with.

What is going to happen in Arizona? The rigging is even more blatant there.

There's nothing we can do anymore. At least nothing peacefully that we can do anymore. Ready yourself. Our constitution must be protected above all costs.

Wow, was expecting the repubs to post a few mean tweets then let the fake votes go through. I'm impressed.

Please don't do something stupid, user.

She can sue


Voting is a veiles force. Without voting we require naked force.

Finally someone willing to fight back.

Destroy every liberal. Go. Now.

>Voter fraud

Pic related. You can see the discrepancy in votes counted for governor versus votes counted for senate with your own goddamn eyes. This was voter suppression if anything, and these guys are acting like it's fraud that those votes have been recounted and brought forward.

Attached: Broward.png (1035x1193, 1.12M)

Except the same thing is happening in the governor race as well soooo.......


No worries goy, Sheriff Israel will make sure that it's all legal. :)

Republicans were running the election committee user.

Digits confirm bump this shit


Bump pol is being raided.



Based Sheriff Israel will keep our Jews safe from violent antisemite and antisemitic violence.


Democrats are refusing to disclose the number of ballots remaining in Florida recount.


This is third world tier.


I swear, I hope all the well regulated militias in these states join up. They have to.

What about Georgia and Arizona??

Go ahead. This place is fucked. Lost friends because they found out i lean red and don't want to speak to me anymore. Fuck this county.

fuck slides

Checked. Also, yes.

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Bump the good shit and sage all slide threads

I could watch those all day

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Let me just let you know. In 2016 elections 815000 votes were from Broward. This election has almost same turnout. Till now only 680000 votes appear to be counted on NY times. This gives us an approx number left.

Bump and someone give this nigger the red eyes per OP's request.

Give the order Rick Im ready to serve. My arms are ready to be used. Ill be a soldier once again for CW2 if you need one.

There is no excuse anymore.

>Media non-stop against Trump
>Antifa-gs, violence against Right
>Kavanaugh smear campaign
>voter fraud so obvious an 8yo could see it

There is only one clear solution but nobody will take it.

That NIGGER SHEBOON, Brenda Snipes was found guilty of throwing out republican ballots in 2016........


AZ is in the 9th circuit, so...

Someone needs to go to war with Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties. Probably one of the most corrupt areas in country and I don’t doubt for a second they are trying to engage in election fraud.

The first of many I hope

>primary lawyer
>Jason Zimmerman

Attached: zimzam.jpg (328x323, 26K)

its fukn illegal to notice patterns, also dont even think about the jewish population in broward, that has nothing to do with it bigot

Every fucking county got their votes counted, including the panhandle counties that were hit by the hurricane. Some had Democrat supervord and some had Republican. Only Palm Beach and Broward couldn't get their shit together, yet again. You fuckers and your days of stealing elections is over. This is war.

And the guy who was mailing those duds around.

>they are republican!
this is the dumbest shit, theyve never heard of RINO's?
damage control

Don't let them slide this

>implying the Republikikes aren't in on it
how new are you? daily reminder the Bushes voted for Hillary

noodles is going to prison

Snopes already debunked this, there is no fraud there

B-but Russians bought ads on Facebook. M-muh collusion.

Based. Rick Scott can't sue if Snopes already said it's a nothingburger.

Sheriff Israel is on the case!

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Rick Scott has gone Westworld on the Dems.


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lol how to lose Florida 101

Here comes the shit storm.

And the (((pipe bombs))). And I believe it's where the prosecutor who was investigating DWS and the Awans was found dead on a beach.

It’s obvious. They’re always the last county and fucking no one lives there, why? They didn’t activate in 2016 because Trump was too far ahead, but they were ready. It’s fucking obvious, how much corruption needs to come from this county before it is nuked from orbit?

Stop shilling this neoliberal jew

Scott is also suing Palm Beach County. Here's the lawsuit.


Florida teacher finds ‘provisional ballot box’ in storage area


What is Rick Scotts look called? Stefan Molynuex has something similar going on

Death to traitors

More fraud in Texas as well

9 people arrested for alleged voter fraud in Hidalgo County


Rick is genuinely a good dude. I've served in the Army Guard under him for some time. He genuinely cares.

>What is Rick Scotts look called?
The Poltergeist

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>All the people participating in voter fraud are liberal/democrat
Is anyone really surprised

No she's not! I want her to but our government corruption runs too deep.

This is why I never vote by mail.

There's more on the way down here too. Paxton is going after a bunch of them in other counties too.