That's fucking it

ALL VOTING needs to start happening on the blockchain. Each state should have a node that shares with other states nodes. It's the only solution to this election rigging.

Tell me why I'm wrong.

Attached: Blockchain.jpg (700x420, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Any system can be hacked.

youre stupid blockchain can't be hacked. what we have now can be hacked.

Blockchain has never been 'hacked' and it's been 10 years since it's birth. Exchanges and singular devices have been hacked. The chain remains immutable.

I posted this yesterday...

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at 5.56.50 PM.png (951x718, 352K)

What would happen if this solution is put into place inside of the next decade? Fraud of literally any kind today will be impossible tomorrow. Your Device - your ID - tied to a proven, immutable chain. I think the final solution for criminal scum will be a Blockchain Beast System with Zero tolerance for cheaters and liars. Your 'phone' is everything. Your ID, Passport, Wallet... You will do everything on it. And through a government portal, linked to the same chain that your Device and ID is, you will vote on it. Of course, the implications of this are infinite. Alien. We could argue about Pros & Cons forever. It doesn't matter. This, from a personal freedom standpoint, is extremely dangerous.

However, at what cost will we pay to save what's left of what we love? A total reset is needed. And I believe it is coming. And soon.

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Give it time. But what is stopping some one from just spoofing input through infected devices and pcs? Any. System. Has. A. Bypass.

Not gonna happen.

It would work, only prolbem is public confidence because people don't understand blockchain.
There all kinds of systems that would make rigging elections extremely difficult. Paper ballots with verifiably chains of custody work; anywhere that doesn't have at least that (which is most places in the US) must be for the purpose of election rigging. All the conservative talk of "voter fraud" is stupid, it's way easier just to rig the counting than the voting in most places.

Sho sho brainlet only speak if your IQ is above room tempature and you know what the fuck your talking about.

Blockchain voting is our best coarse of action to permenantly end voter fraud. Alot more secure than our current voting system. Instantaneous results the ease of convience. I could very well see blockchain voting happening within 10 years

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>exchanges can be hacked.

So how is block chain so great? Get this 1984 shit out of my face. Anonymity is valuable.

Give it time we're reaching the breaking point of full on Mass adoption of blockchain technology.

Maybe could be done with a smart contract and an anonymization layer a la Dash or Monero. The tension is between proof that my vote counted and proof of confidentiality.

Still more secure than our current system.

Hacking blockchain is extremely extremely difficult and really has only happened on shitcoins with terrible coding.

Smells like jews. The voter fraud thread shot down block chain then this thread shows up with rapid support.

How much time? You would need to bypass EVERY NODE, EVERY COMPUTER, EVERY SERVER, EVERY SINGLE PASSWORD AROUND THE GLOBE SIMULTANEOUSLY. It ain't gonna happen. Not even with a quantum machine. Period.

So we should flock to a completely clouded and Orwellian system because it's better than what we have currently?

>muh blockchain
I want all of Jow Forums specifically Jow Forums to be wary of these crypto bagholders who just shill their technologies as the solution to all problems across various boards. I know these faggots have shitted up Jow Forums almost entirely. These kind of guys are carrying the biggest loses (half bought BTC at the highs, are taking fat loses in ETH or some shit alt coin) but mention your comfy but not outrageous gains in stocks and these LOSERS will call you a boomer and then proceed to tell you to KYS

the one positive in this thread is that ive heard nothing about Chainlink

Don't get these shitcoiners going.

Attached: Chainlink.png (278x276, 35K)

It would actually work that’s why they’ll allow it. Blockchain and voter ID NOW!

voting is best done with pencil and paper.

Blockchain isn't user-friendly. at all. This is a problem that can be fixed.

That smell

Because there is no such thing as a secure electronic transaction, period. And if there's no power there's no block chain.

From my understanding, chain link ensures that all transactions are authenticated by forcing acceptable information to have a record of all previous transactions that led to its current state. When a transaction occurs, everyone else's "state" must be the same (having the same records). If someone tries do something shady like duplicating their currency then all the other currency will reject it because it's records have been tampered with and doesn't show the same result. I hear that the only way to manipulate is to somehow get your hands on all the currency and change their states together, but it's unrealistic. That's my understanding, and, again, I'm not sure if this is how it actually works..

>voting is done entirely over the blockchain.
>blockchain gets hacked.
>Trump wins the next election 300 quadrillion to 0
>CNN makes a big deal out of it but since this is blockchain technology, everyone conveniently forgets about what happened within a few months.
>rinse and repeat for all eternity.

Attached: 1348891088273.gif (330x248, 1.12M)

thanks for that, honestly I'm not a crypto/blockchain guy but I've seen chainlink mentioned so many times, it had me wondering but I thought the technology is designed for smart contracts and not meant to be crypto but idk I'm green in this area

Blockchain kyc is so-so. The validity of the data will depend on the gatekeepers. Decentralized places to enter data have no way of establishing trust, especially when it comes to who gets to participate. Government can't be trusted with this either. In a one person one vote kind of way on a global scale, this could work, but that's kinda shit too. Blockchain's economic system as an innovation is really too far ahead of it's time.


If you vote on the blockchain you now have a receipt for your vote so to say; which means people can literally pay you for your vote and be guaranteed that you keep your end of the deal. Richard heart explained it very well. If you could prevent that then you are correct.

Every transaction will be on a blockchain one day. Screencap this


It's the kind of project that swings for the fences. It has some potential to do some revolutionary stuff. There is a reason biz has shilled it for > a year.

How would you verify a voter's identity? Is this something that can be safeguarded against?

Chainlink will be like a library. Civic, an authentication and identification system, could be used with chainlink. Your identity that is authenticated by Civic can work with Status, a messanger, to communicate securely with your smart tech and make transactions with currencies external to blockchain networks. These projects are really just the small pieces that will be used in larger systems. The big reason why these smart contracts and blockchain's will work isn't because of the security and lack of censorship (that's why they're superior). They will work because of the economic incentive system created by crypto currency.

Biometric chip. Stick out your hand, goy.

Or you know, RFID chip in your passport or whatever.

Your ID could be generated through data collected by unique biometrics that are stored on blockchain. Kinda dystopian shit. But it's not like the govt isn't doing this to us already.

Sometimes I wonder if this is what the mark of the beast will be.

I don’t really believe in gay shit like democracy and elections so do whatever you want for now, eventually I will install my military junta and voting will be outlawed.

Again, you don't need to do that, you just need to randomly generate a key of sufficient length (for comparison, if you wanted to give 1000 keys per person in the US, you would only need 4 bytes, most reasonable modern security keys have at least 256) and store it somewhere that is easily secured, but still easily provided. Like an RFID chip. Hell, you could probably fit it on a magstrip or QR code at that length.

Block chain consumes way to much electricity, I can get behind a digital voting system that uses the core philosophy of block chain, but not block chain itself, something more energy efficient

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>blockchain is the future of everything meme

>black markets - bitcoin: negligible
nigger the only thing people use shitcoins for is to buy illegal shit

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Even if you had Jesus Christ give you a magic unbreakable system, you still have to trust the HUMAN who counts the votes and reports the count. Look at half of these threads right now and tell me people wont disagree with each other what numbers on a screen means?

How much is votecoin going for anyways?
I sank my house into bitcoin and I could really use some cash before my wife leaves me lol

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