Literal 2% difference

>literal 2% difference
>muh based red Texas

Based spics amirite?

Attached: swing state challenger approching.png (474x270, 32K)

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>Why don't people vote for a totally inept party that really does not care about people outside the ruling class??

I am betting if it wasn’t ted, the republican vote would’ve been higher. He kind of got trampled over by Trump during 2016

A lot of people didn't vote for Cruz because Cruz just sucks.

Everyone in the Senate, both GOP and Dem, hates Ted Cruz. The Republican Governor of Texas was re-elected with a comfortable 12%+ margin. Texas is not going blue soon.

Winning by 2 percent is still winning.

Immigration is keeping Texas red dumbass

Attached: Texas.png (449x311, 15K)

That's not the point.
If you can't notice the trend then you're a literal retard.

Cruz won by a similar margin in 2012, as Cornyn did in 2008. Both Obama Presidentially years.

Cruz won by 2%, and the following statewide Republicans won by 3 or 4 percent. Only Abbott one of the top ten popular governors got signficantly better due to split ticketing.

2400 respondents... where is that source from, it has to be absolute bullshit


>Not being a partisan is baiting
The absolute state

Most of the commiefornians that left for Texas did so for political reasons. They usually vote red.

Texans would vote for a Blue candidate over Red just because "lol he sux azz".

i did think the democrats would lose by more, because of polls
texas imports cancer from california and central america so it's only a matter of time before you lose it entirely and they can begin the work of leeching

>Muh based Mexicans guys!!
>Mexicans have conservative values!!
I can’t believe people fall for that meme. Mexicans here in Texas fucking hate Trump and republicans in general. Mexicans only care free gibs and hating the white man. They will never vote Red.

Also, Cruz is an extremely unlikable person on both the right and left. He’s hated pretty much everywhere. The GOP needs to send better for Texas, especially when going against a fucking über Democrat like Beto. But if Trump doesn’t do something about Mexican immigration, then we can kiss Texas goodbye.

It's not immigration when white people move from one state to another. It's immigration when Mexicans hop over the border and shit out niños on Texas soil. Yeah I'm sure they were born in Texas.

Attached: 1540135345203.png (960x1000, 669K)

I just want the based meme to fucking die. People worship this place like it's a fucking haven when it's just commieforina in da 80s

i literally fucking hate reddit to the point where i want to kill a small child please fucking leave already

Where the fuck do people keep getting these graphs from?

how many more spics will Texas have in 2020?

There have always been lefties here retard.
>muh sekrit internet club house

i literally didn't say a single thing about him being a leftist but thanks for outing yourself you discord raiding nigger

HAHA, fuck you, fag.

>spent 100 million dollars for only 200K votes and still lost against a slimy ratfaced turd that literally everybody on all sides hated two years ago

Will be 65% Hispanic in 2020
>t. Texan


Oh shut up fag you know what reddit means here you stupid cunt.
Get the fuck over yourself fag.

>he thinks any politician cares about people

That's because everyone who is born in Texas now is Hispanic, dumbass.

Jesus christ what alt-retard made that image?

>NotAll poison will kill you
That's true
>Many poisons are nice and save lives
What's poison depends on the dosage. Pretty much every medicine we know is a poison that will kill you if you take too much of it. Even water is poison if you drink too much of it.
>It's not poison's fault that it's poisonous
No it's not
>We can't expect poison to value life
Poison is not sentient so yes
>Poison creates jobs, brings money and helps economy
Yes it does. Producing medicine and pretty much everything edible is a large part of the economy and brings in jobs.
>If we keep taking in poison it will integrate into us
If you take too much you will die, but if you're gonna think that everything is a poison because it can kill you you might as well stop taking all modern medicine.

Attached: 7ef.jpg (600x600, 29K)