Now that the dust has settled, what did he mean by this?

now that the dust has settled, what did he mean by this?

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most jews are democrats

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He is 100% correct.
All the fake kkk twats are fake or sub 50 iq

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Jow Forumsing that one user's story of his dad working for ATF and infiltrating a local KKK chapter and they plan a black church bombing, so he reports it to the FBI, but it turns out the entire KKK chapter is full of ATF, FBI and CIA niggers

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so we have
>kkk members=jews
>democrats=real racists
>nazis tried to stop jews
somebody hit up dinesh d souza with this hot take

alex is as controlled as they come. you can tell because he never gets into the meat of any conversation. pick any topic you're curious about, aliens etc that he covers and actually listen to him for 20 minutes. he jives around 'i have so much to tell, this is it, here it comes folks', then never delivers at all. he starts talking about one subject and then eventually goes off into left field about something else. watch anything from him with this in mind and it'll click. alex is only around to waste your time. he isnt even worth having a thread about.

The Klan hasn't existed as anything but a useful boogeyman for the left for decades.

Alex Jones is an actor, he even admitted it in a court of law.

Post asian qt.

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what did he mean by this

off topic, but someone needs to do this meme with Beto (since he rides a skateboard and all).
have him say something like "how do you do fellow hispanics?"

did he say this? holy fucking based

>what did he mean by this?


That's probably one of the truest things Alex Jones has ever said.

>Not understanding that was a statement made in >order for his ex wife not to be able to use clips of >the show against him in court
brainlet bong

He means that things such as racist robocalls aren't coming from the people the media claims.