I'm literally Hitler

>Be me
>Make holocaust jokes with fellow Jow Forumsish friends
>Half-spic Half-nig hears
>Form bitter rivalry
>Faggot destroys one of my projects
>Take his water bottle and throw it in the trash
>Spit on it

FFW a few weeks

>Accidentally hit him with candy wrapper
>Hits me with his bag full of burritos and grape kool aid
>Snitches on me
>Get called to principal's office
>Says I assaulted him since I spat on water bottle

A day later

>He knows he's losing and that I got practically a slap on the wrist
>Lies about me calling my friend a name
>Brings up holocaust jokes
>Principal calls me bully and anti-semite and racist
>Literally never had history of racism at school

What the fuck do I do about this arrogant smug nigxican?

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Out perform him both scholastically and socially. Then pitty him. Also, stop acting like a nigger.

>>Take his water bottle and throw it in the trash
>>Spit on it
>>Accidentally hit him with candy wrapper

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Thanks. I have the social part nailed, he's ridiculed by his peers due to his niggish act. The scholastic part will be harder since the kid is a genius at science and I'm not. I'll not degrade myself to his level.

Kek, but I genuinely didn't mean it. I was trying to ease the tension before and incident like that happened and that fucking nignog came outta nowhere.


Red pill him on the Jews then you can hate someone together. Nothing brings people together like hatr

A two-party system is pretty stinky, sure. You fail to understand that there literally will be no change in America's politics unless itself radical or revolutionary. The Republican party is the most practical and it becomes more far right by the day. If that's bad in your opinion, go to leftypol. You seem like a more emotions > logic person anyway.

He's too much of a pussy to swallow a redpill like that. He'd probably snitch on me again.


tell him about the jews

You need to be 18 to post on Jow Forums, kid.

Nice blogpost you absolute faggot. Come back when you are at least 18.

I doubt this happened.

Okay lol

Pretend that it did then, have any suggestions?

Tell us more about your Mulatto problem, goy.

this fucktarded shitforbrains kid thinks he represents the republican party, lol. kid, go play fortnite.


Kid is generally disliked among the student populace. I have a high social status among the kids. This goy is easily offended and a mama's boy. These incidents were the largest related to him. Like I said, he got some to have blatantly lied about my friend and I. This incident is really isolated.


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I'm unsure how you got a picture of me. Please cease and desist.

Chances are the Principle will likely be unswayed by any attempt to clear your name, nor would exposing the mutt be easy. All I can say is be crafty and make use of some of that rep.

Fag, you two are fags.
This is the shit women do. Settle like men, knuckle up, unless you are a bitch that likes to create drama, and then com to Jow Forums to bitch about it.

fight him or see if he wants to understand why you did such a thing, clearly the holocaust never happened so if you convince him of that you should be good

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whiny Hitler