Memory Hole

What's your favorite happening that got holed?
The New Mexico terrorist training camp that was destroyed by the CIA was a good one.

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crime seen would have been vandalized anyways - all evidence kotalogged. that town might have a population of 3000 in a county of 300sq miles.

pull it

I’d get in that bird’s memory hole, if you know what I mean

I don't understand.

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Keep it PG, or I'll bitchslap you.

Do you have any of the files from that?
I didn't think to save anything at the time, am learning all the time how that's a mistake.

Anytime a tranny kills a bunch of people.

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The shut down of the solar observatory in New Mexico, Blackhawk helicopters just randomly turned up and the entire area was sealed off by law enforcement.

The current number of bomb threats/hoaxes vs the media coverage.

>lol xD my entire family was tied up and executed with rifle blasts to the head! xDD L O L when he blasted me in the head point blank my finger deflected the bullet though! i LOVE harry potter *devil horns* lets parade the country blaming guns now xD

Only problem is the feathers and beak. :(

i'm a sick turd
i like a thicc bird

That was a good one too

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The church shooting where someone shot the killer with a gun (it was antifa/isis btw)

Someone was using the wifi to download CP thats why

Too provocative.
I said, keep it PG.

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>He believes that

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>Las Vegas shooting, still no motive
>Texas church shooting by atheist
>Chicago/Detroit murders not memory holed, but never brought up in the first place

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tell me more about this birb, who is she?
asking for a friend

If you just use the image search, you'd see her name is...

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The Equifax data breach that happened last year that literallt no one has mentioned since it happened even though half the country has been effected

Amelia Abernachy

Attached: Amelia pose 1 neutral.png (4320x4320, 2.57M)

Teach them to fish, and they will not waste your time.
Give them the fish and they will not hesitate to waste your time.

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>raiding an observatory with helos/armored vehicles due to downloaded CP
would be a bit of an overaction.

You mean arresting him and shutting down the place wouldn't take all that extra shit?
But seriously, though.
What the fuck did they do when they went to Sunspot NM?

seth rich

This got covered better by Postal 2's DLC than it did by any media outlet.

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all those kidnapping in Idaho cities by Muslim refugee transplants during the Obama reign