How do Libertarians still exist?

How do Libertarians still exist?

>Australian Jack Chapman, 28, who died in died in Seattle, USA, was known for filling large amounts of saline solution into his scrotum

>Mr Chapman was part of a homoerotic master-slave relationship in the San Fransisco gay community, before moving to another in Seattle.

>Popular gay community blogger Dylan Hafertepen played the master role to 'members' of the BDSM group.

>He introduced Mr Chapman to his extreme fetish of body manipulation and master/servant roleplay.

>It indicated that Dylan was 'the master' and Jack one of a number of 'pups' who had to obey him.

>The pup's body and mind were also said to be the exclusive property of the master, while the pup had no identity other than that given to him by the master.

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how long until you get infections after a silicone injection?

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Look, OP, I appreciate your efforts to cheer me up and this is good news and all but it just isn't enough what with the shit going on in AZ and Fl and...

>How do Libertarians still exist?
Because retards like you can't understand the difference between saying something should be legal and saying people should actually do that thing.

Basically we're going to get most of the gold medals at the Darwin awards this year.

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silicone and saline are not the same thing

I'm Libertarian because I don't think my freedom should be stomped on just because the majority are stupid. I see this as Darwinism.

japan we need more guns not less you have no idea you have never lived next to niggers of spics

So this is the "master".

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what’s this stance called and where can I learn it?

Its called Rudolf the prairie fag cowboy

He didn't die of an infection. The silicone got in his bloodstream and precipitated in his lungs.

Top left is a video game journalist named Chuck Osborn.

The Stranger (MASSIVE FAGGOT PAPER) article goes really in depth.

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I don't understand how people get this fucked up. Like, what went wrong in your childhood that you start injecting saltwater into your balls and think "yep, this is exactly the right thing for me to be doing"

>”why do libertarians still exist”
>posts an article that has fuckall to do with libertarianism

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Checked and OP can take the nuts.

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pee is stored in the dick
thats why its called a peenis


Looks like a variation on the Crab Most Muscular.

The guy had a retarded fetish and died? Why would this negatively affect libertarians?

That's fucked up man. People gotta keep their fucking fetishes in check man this is just graphic and fucked up. How could you do that to your family? Or your fucking self?!?!

>look Gang a pup, ripe to be our masters slave, grease your palms boys' we have a straggler, " come hear you cute pup, this hairbear wants his candy"

*giggles, while chasing you with lubed hands and rainbow dildos as nightsticks*

It's because OP thinks it's our job to save people from their own shitty decisions.

>known for


Is that Zangief in the middle?

if you get so bored with sex that you have to do weird shit like this to get off, take a fucking break from getting laid for a few months.

Because natural selection should be allowed to proceed uninhibited. Laws just protect society's lowest common denominator.

Ok, how is this even hot? In what way does this turn somebody on? Wtf, i mean, ok when you like muskular dudes, but how on earth can somebody look at this and get aroused? These silly costumes are just super retarded.

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The lower is the % of whiteness, the higher the rank. Literally the current American society

How are the Miller's anyhow?


You best be joking, nigger.

The slug boy won't get it. There's nothing funny about spending 8 years paralyzed before dying.

>how on earth can somebody look at this and get aroused?
They're faggots, Germanon. They get excited by a man's asshole and dingleberries.

If we made injecting silicon into your scrotum illegal and gave him the purpose and responsibility of furthering his country this wouldn't have happened. This is why libcucks want this to be legal.

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But the other shit around is just so silly. God damn they must be even more retarded to overlook the silliness.

This is why shotacons have the superior taste. Not only cute, but best of all 2D.

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Australians are famous

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>MSM foaming at the mouth to describe bizarre gay BDSM fetish in full detail

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>I'm going to inject silicon into my balls.
>Wait what's this? It's illegal? In that case I guess I won't then.

You literally have a faggot as your president

What the fuck is wrong with Australians?

Whatever happened to people using vodka?

Then what are pee nuts?