American British

What percent of Americans this day do you think fantasize about being British, instead of a union of some violent renegade provinces?

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I don't think anyone fantasizes about being british, even the british

I remember in the 90's a lot of American college kids loved that whole Cool Britannia thing going on over there. Not many anglophiles left anymore these days.

Attached: BritpopFinal.jpg (1440x719, 602K)


I would unironically have been a Loyalist in the Revolutionary era. Fuck all Jacobins.

Gee, I wonder why Burger children in the 90's would prefer Cool Brittannia to (((Nickelodeon)))

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1776 all the way.

Most American flags come across hating Anglos on here, which shows there's not many connected to their British heritage anymore. There aren't many modern inspirational British people nowadays, and those that were moved to America a long time ago. Everyone hates each other here, I honestly don't know how we held an Empire down. Knowing how oblivious most people are these days with our situation in the West proves more disappointing. To think it really was the British that gave "whiteness" its definition and stature. I really don't know what happened. We're insufferable at this point and we're going to meet a horrible end, we're pretty much that drunk old homeless guy dying from some sort of organ failure. Oh well.

I don't want to be british. I do not like it here most brits are brainwashed

I'm Anglo and I like all the other Anglo countries.

we'll consider coming back if you get rid of parliament and have an absolute monarchy.
Plus, if you assist us kick out all the shitskins we'll help you reconquer the empire.

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I am fucking English. I am not scotish, welsh, irish, cornish and definitely not british. If that is hard for people understand then you should not be posting here.

One person can not effectively be british unless they have one parent who is welsh and another who is english.

For similar reasons, I am not an Earthling.

10% tax for tea
30% income tax
wow you made the right choice.

We, perhaps, didn't think that one through all the way...

Zero, they're all too busy Larping as O'irish.

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Most Burgers are still infatuated with the UK. Those that are the loudest voices insulting you are probably mostly the most obsessed and afraid to admit it.

I autistically feel so out of place in Canada despite my family being here for over 100 years from the UK. My grandad and I watched Time Team growing up and it always seemed so comfy over there - not even that long ago. You Britbongs had something amazing. I own a big house, 2 cars, guns and a decent property. Yet for some reason I feel out of place and it's all so fake in the new world. Not to mention every time we leafs try to say something is "Canadian" some abbo chimes in with "muh here first" gibs meme.

Attached: Time-Team.jpg (1080x608, 631K)

>Be bringing
>Get stabbed and raped by m
>Get arrested for not having to license
>Get arrested for teaching dog tricks

Yeah fuck that

I have mostly Irish heritage and I dont'd hate Brits. I wouldn't want to be one. My family is doing better here than they would in Ireland.

...and what is the tax rate in the UK? Free speech? I think we did make the right choice.

>most brits are brainwashed
This is true^

Do you even english, or is that written in ebonics?

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>I would unironically have been a cuck in the Revolutionary era.

Shitskin would own the crown in no time.

YOU dont have a claim to the crowns.

I bet you don't talk to anyone besides your mum.

meh i remember during the harry potter hype a lot of people here did
nowadays? nah
we seem them as a bit faggy and drunks desu

I don't want to be raped by moslems


>he thought it was thepope that made Kings.

That's an American flag my guy. It still flies in some places. We had one at my military school

Colonial America:
>above 95% White
>Can own a machine gun and carry it in NYC
>Zero gays allowed anywhere (sodomy is illegal)
>White Trad Waifu who lets you fuck her without a condom absolutely guaranteed
>Govt literally will give you free land
>No homeless people's needles left in the park swingsets your kids play on

Non-Colonial America
>Finding another White Person outside has become a sport
>Easier to find heroin in highschool than in college
>Easier to find a gay boyfriend in elementary school than college
>Money not made out of gold

Mmmmm I think you made a mistake but I mean fucking pay for Tea dude I FUCKING HATE TEA. *coughs*

>I would unironically choose the losing side in a war, have my land taken from me, be tarred and feathered in front of my wife and kids, and be kicked out of the country to Canada.

Smart. I myself would have liked to have been a Roman at Cannae.

>a bit faggy

Fairly rich coming from the country that is ground zero for Transexual propaganda, homosexuality, feminism and marxism. The afforementioned is your culture, and you're beaming it across the world.

>What is the Boston Massacre
>What is the Proclamation Line of 1763
>What is the Port Act
>What is the Massachusetts Government Act
>What are the Quartering Acts
>What is the Administration and Justice Act
>What is the Quebec Act
>What is the French-Indian War
>What is the Tea Act

It wasn't about taxes, retard. In fact the Boston Tea Party was in reaction to the lowering of taxes. I notice the "da American Revolution was about taxes" meme tends to come from yurotards and canucks.

You can always just make it official and apply to be the 51st state.
I'd vote against it though - sure don't need more liberal faggots.
Also, Markle is yours now. No refunds.

with bad teeth

I saw someone the other day talking about how back in the late 90's and early 2000's the adult content was white as could be. But media targeted towards children was filled with shitskins. I remember this in my textbooks especially. They even featured cripples quite frequently

I fantasize about being Australian.


>Most American flags come across hating Anglos on here, which shows there's not many connected to their British heritage anymore.
First of all, we don't hate you, we love you guys here. Second of all, historically speaking, we're going to keep a distance from you for obvious reasons

We'll be 'British' when we make the UK a state.

The Revolutionaries were bad people who chimped out for basically no good reason and proceeded to invent literally the worst form of government in history until Communism, then inflicted it on the rest of the world.

>the country which has no national healthcare is "ground zero for Marxism" but the country that has a litteral commie about to seize power in as the 2nd largest party in Parliament isn't
the absolute state of britcopes

eww not me that's for fags

>Machine Guns
What a tard, and the rest of that is true for the rest of the Western world blanketly. It wasn't the American Revolution which caused that, it was something far bigger, and it happened in the 1900s because in the 19th Century everything you said except the machine guns bit was true.

imagine talking the way you do and thinking you dont sound faggy

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Typical ill informed response i'd expect from a 56er. You clearly have no idea what Marxism is, or Socialism, or why you are one of the only countries in the world without national healthcare. Presumably you believe that america is the only non Marxist country in the entire world based on this fact.

>this is your brain on ebonics.png

Sorry, im not a nigger.

A extremely small percentage.
However a rather large percentage believe that the English are the master race.

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Cope more. We're not Marxist because we reject the works of Marx, our House of Representatives has far more anarchists and libertarians than Marxists, and et cetera. Explain to me how we're Marxist, the laundry list of things you decried America was "ground zero for" are all European diseases founded in Europe that slowly spread to the colonies. Henceforth why Europe stopped being white supremacist in the 1940s and America in the 1960s.

angloboos have pretty much morphed into weeaboos.

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I thought Saxons were English. Whats a Saxon then?

Does swarthy mean dark?

America is literally the most Communist country there is.

The Angles and Saxons were Germanic tribes that migrated to England during the the 5th - 6th century.

Less than 1%

Spic detected


Yeah, we're not living in the 1950's anymore bud.

Attached: America Fuck Yeah.jpg (474x449, 32K)

So the english and germans are the same ethnic group?

>Provides a cherrypicked photo
>merimutts btfo
you have to be an Ahmad.

Lets see what's on TV

Attached: America Hot with a side of cheese.jpg (1000x750, 81K)

Who's that guido?

I have never once fantasized about being British, you pathetic Canuck.

The only American flags that hate anglos are Paddy O'Hulihan who LARPs that he's Irish and hates Anglos so much because his great, great grandfather came to America from Ireland.

You mean Muslim? Yeah no thanks.

Kind of, but the English also have some Celtic blood from the Britons.

Based and 1776pilled.

I don't need your fucking loicense.

Colonies kinda went to shit though ater the Cromwell era.

They used to be more so posessions o the Crown and England which had companies with great autonomy, some like in Massachusetts Colony with self governing.

After the English Civil War things got more British and parliament focused and went to shit.


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I don't think I'd want to betray the revolutionists. I mean it was like a whole 1000 years or some shit before y'all were responsible for Israel and we picked up the pieces. Also, you DO talk weird. But we need to unite, we don't want to see you go out like this. At least I don't.

>tmw thats exactly what I want
Americans don't get any forced role in the monarchy (unless by royal romance) and you got yourselves a deal! We'll get the colonies in tiptop shape in no time and rule as father and son empires

Not referring to you, the average Brit. But your government is pretty much Sharia at this point.

>your government is pretty much Sharia at this point.

Must be why i'm forced to pray to the west 6 times a day.

>Meanwhile in america, pic related.

Attached: 1537757966399.png (250x235, 60K)

>Implying the Lord's of every council estate aren't blood drinking Satanist heebs.

The great colonial families that made the wrong choice, the Tories, the loyalists tonthe know what happened to them? They got fucking ruined, jailed, sent back to England..or Canada. OP must be descended from them.

>go to London
>see it's muslim now

Why would I fantasize about being the Middle East? We have enough brown problems of our own.

memes & cherry picking

And they were the greatest of all peoples to ever settle in Britain.

no, but the australians/canadians do

Has a leaf, ever in history, contributed anything to a discussion? I don't think so. Trailer Park Boys really portrayed leafs as much higher IQ than they actually are.

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i have to say though, I've been to 30 countries, and by FAR the ugliest people have been british. Not only are you fags ugly, but your fat. Atleast america has pretty faces


I cant think of a single thing the Brits have that I envy. I dont hate them though and wish them well.
Our cops dont march around in fag parades while niggers hump them from behind.

>Our cops dont march around in fag parades while niggers hump them from behind.

Ah well that's okay then. Your media and schools promote it, but as long as your cops don't go on parades, you're 100% hetero. Got it.

The furthest you've ever been is your local Walmart.

I dont have you, but it is ridiculous to think that even half of us have British Heritage. (I have some Scottish but its so insignificant it doesnt matter) Most White Americans are Irish or German. (I am both) So most of us dont really have any connection to you also considering the fact that most Whites came here after the Revolution.

the revolution was forseeable decades ahead of time and was the result of blatant mismanagement of their overseas territories

Don't lie, even your blacks are 30% British.


>Implying he can get up the basement stairs unaided.

Attached: gohomeyankee.jpg (969x546, 63K)

I was thinking about this myself the other day, and the only reason I could come up with as to why we might have been better off without revolting, is that traditional Western values MIGHT still be stronger preserved than they are in modern America. Still, that's under the assumption that the last 250 years pass without extreme power shifts, and radical social changes of a different kind.

In the end nobody can definitively say whether we'd be better off or not without the revolution, but 250 years later I definitely prefer living in the country that hasn't been totally emasculated.

>Coping with his jewish tax collector upper class this hard.
It's okay Nigel.
It'll be okay.


Has your mom managed to stop you eating the crayons yet.

They're mutts as well
First it was the romans, then the jutes and angles, then the normans, and now the muslims
A rich history of being enriched

Honestly I think its bullshit

The Royals, The Nobles and The Lords aren't jewish.
Mmmkay Sweetie at the end of the day you are wrong.


Why do you use the language of a homosexual mid 50's drag queen? Turdeau really having that much effect on the psyche of the nation?

>hasn't heard of sweetie posting