World chess championship

America is fighting for its honor on the chess board tomorrow for the first time since Bobby Fischer in 1972. Who will win? The declining nord, or the rising American?

Attached: CarlsenCaruanaInfographic.jpg (1173x1417, 292K)

which one is the least cucked

The american has no chance.

The nowergian is just a genious.

Fabiano is a literal virgin meme incarnate, and Carlsen is a Chad

Attached: 220px-Fabiano_Caruana_(2012).jpg (220x330, 11K)

Caruana will choke.There is no way he can beat Magnus in such a long seriesThe first time he even draws as white ,his inferiority complex(towards Magnus) will come back to the surface.

You tell me.One is a pure Nord and the other is a literal 51% mutt.

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Here is Carlsen

Attached: carlsen1.jpg (640x360, 38K)

>White person vs shitskin

Get out of here with this nerd shit. I hope Tyrone kings both their moms while they're sperging out about the most mathematical way to move little horsies on a grid.

Magnus will walk on him

Caruana teaching the snow niggers how us med gods literally invented western society while the vikangz banged stones together

Fabi is purebred northern italian

Caruana - Ashkenazi master race

Attached: fab.jpg (220x293, 24K)

im going to use this to shill agadmator s youtube channel based EU chess memester

>black haired and black eyes

high iq trait

neither of them have black hair nor black eyes
your english teaching permit should be revoked

Chad with Pectus excavatum vs virgin with pelvis excavatum

How come people value chess as a marker of intelligence but anytime someone esport pros everyone pretends like those people are idiots.

I never got this. Games like chess require much less decision making than games like League of Legends.

Attached: fischer.jpg (1173x1086, 674K)

t. brainlet trying to disvirtue the thread.

> League of Legends.

Kys, no seriously kill yourself.

Very excited for Matt Damon vs. Morty round 1.

Attached: morty.png (886x1000, 853K)

You are literally retarded

It should be legal,if not mandatory, to shoot people when they something as stupid as that.You are literally a fucking lower form of life wasting oxygen.

Look at the difference in chins.

Attached: the virgin chad.png (1703x802, 246K)


Attached: 10682653891675.png (638x632, 757K)

Literally how. There has never been 1 female League pro player and currently only 1 black player. Seems to be inline with IQ

the ultimate battle

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It was the "much less decision making" that solidified your retardation. The number of combinations of chess moves that can be played is near infinite, especially for human mind and it's capacity/ability to process it. Magnus has such a sharp memory he can tell you when and where he played a game just based off the configuration of the pieces. He can also play 10 games blindfolded against using only his mind to track the pieces via memory. He is an absolute freak of nature, probably one in millions that has his abilities and potential. Chess is the ultimate strategic/tactical game. If you lose it is 100% your inability to outplay (strategically) play your opponent. This is why you're getting shit.

Grandmasters like Carlsen aren't freaks of nature. If you played chess regularly and studied the game you would understand how grandmasters think and play. They're just a little better at it than most of us.

I'm an average player and I can remember games I've played long ago or famous GM games just from the critical positions. I also visualize games in my head away from the board, although not 10 simultaneously. These are skills you develop over time as a chess player.

Hope the beaner loses

White power 1488

>2844 elo
pick one

He's Italian.

I use to play a lot of chess, with friends, family, online, etc. I would win probably 9/10 games with real life people playing casually. I win less frequently online, I think the players are more dedicated because they too seek others online. I consider myself average. I couldn't tell you a position from a game and when I played it. I couldn't play a game in my mind, no way. Either you're extremely him le and much better than you say, or you overestimate your ability. Either way I'd be willing to wager that most people in the upper tiers have special types of brains that work different than the true average brain. Magnus is obviously the top outlier in this bell curve, and is undeniably one of the greatest of all time.

>social media stats on the bottom
I want off this gay earth

They want traction for more people to play. Don't be so edgy

By average, I mean average for serious chess players, i.e. someone who has played chess every day for years, plays in tournaments, is rated, but isn't a titled player (national master, grandmaster, etc.). You sound like a casual player, not a serious chess player.

True, well if what you say is true maybe I should play some more chess for them memory gainz

It doesn't translate to other areas unfortunately, you only become autistic about chess.

magnus is the most accurate chess player in world history. easily top four, with Fischer, Morphy, and Kasparov being in the mix.

chess has too many jews in it desu

agadmator's channel is lazy as fuck, so sick of his clickbait videos. there are way better chess channels

eh both of you are right. like any other skill, playing from memory and tactics is a trained behavior. but the very tip top players are definitely a cut above for sure.

even players in the 1800s could play chess simuls from memory. if you're so good that you can look 8 moves ahead, then you can visualize positions without seeing them with your eyes