I just learned that a distant acquaintance of mine killed himself out of fear Bolsonaro will literally gas chamber all blacks and fags in Brazil. He was gay.
Jow Forums doesn't even begin to comprehend how the left here is terrified to their bones about this guy.
I gotta ask though, what are the chances he really does something truly wicked in Brazil, like death squads hunting down on LGBT/commies? Many believe that's exactly what he'll do.
What a fag. He should have waited until something was actually going down to kill himself or go out in a blaze of glory. Just more proof that sexual deviants are just mentally ill attention whores.
Listen, OP. There are these people called the Jews who have become our ruling caste. Their ancient and deeply corrupt religion has devolved to ritualized streamlined strawmanning. Anybody they don't like is shoehorned into a luggage-covered over-wrought stereotype of a stereotype of a stereotype. There is no truth and never was to their babble.
Cameron James
Had similar happen, friend from years ago killed herself because she got aids. (Yes she let niggers cum in her), she killed herself 2 months ago now. Cure for aids and HIV was discovered last week, will be available in Canada by new year. Sucks, had she held on she'd be cured and able to be a cumrag for more niggers. Your gay friend probably offed himself because he got aids. Also being a faggot is a severe mental illness.
Are dear African-Americans take a big disproportional dump on the statistics here, just like with crime. They are more religious than European-Americans, high rate of Baptism, and so they are more homophobic, yet at the same time they have a higher rate of the gay. Eazy E, a rapper from the 90's who was probably not gay, died of AIDS.
Carson Miller
Why would death squads hunt down LGBT/commies when they're killing themselves?
> the government might try to kill me better kill myself!
What a faggot
Angel Baker
>people are scarrrrred.. Stop bullying is favela monkeys I'd say you all should kill yourself. Fucking shit how country with disgusting brown sub humans. I honestly cannot describe my disgust with Brazil and el creatures that live there
>will literally gas chamber all blacks and fags in Brazil. Same shit was said about Trump, and the last time I checked that has never happened. Lol and RIP your friend.
What r the chances Bolsonaro could start a purge of lefties in U.S. after he's done there? We need a purge asap
Jaxon Harris
Who fucking cares?
Isaac Davis
>I gotta ask though, what are the chances he really does something truly wicked in Brazil, like death squads hunting down on LGBT/commies? Many believe that's exactly what he'll do What's wicked about that?