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There shouldn't be a distinction. The press is a public form of free speech.



i'm being slid my israel threads


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Reminder that Julian is a limited hangout tranny shill

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>all of the press colluding together with one political party to overwhelmingly control the public coversation is free speech

The aussie that took shitposting too far

this is a huge issue in the USA today.

They are synonymous. Fucking idiots.


No they aren't. There is nothing free about our press. It's ran by 6 corporation and a bunch of petulant kikes

muh first amendment

you goyim need to fuck off with that shit already

Why can’t you have both?
You can still can still critize Journos while they get to make fools of them.

Yes. Also, the people have outlets like Jow Forums to bitch-slap the media on a constant basis. Everything evens out.

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What a stupid poll. All citizens can be considered independent media/press. Why would you vote against your civil right to video record in public? Press does not mean Big media

what is the need for corporate media?


this, i genuinely don't know WTF this shit is trying to say. the most charitable reading is something like , talking about 'The Press' as in 'The Fourth Estate', essentially the question of if the exact currently existing 'Press' should be some kind of 'protected class'. but you can also read this as begging the question of if the right to use anything but your literal personal voice/creations should exist (iow. if the state could prohibit certain communication technologies).

this is a categorically false distinction. the state has no right to prohibit the ownership of anything. it *enforces* ownership, and has as its core the recognition that all men own themselves.

The correct answer is freedom of speech the mainstream press is state propaganda

>1 vote




It’s not even, not by a long shot. The press needs to be liable for false reporting.


isnt that a trick question?

you cant have one without the other. If you remove freedom of the press, and the state controls what people are told, what good is free speech?

>everyone who questions trump or is concerned with his temper-tantrums is a liberal
to be this dense....

This. They're not special, and we all deserve the rights given not by the constitution, which only acknowledges these rights, but by God.


>In many countries journalists and media organizations have extra rights and in practice, in all countries, those protected by a large media organization's legal department, distribution power and political connections, have protections individuals and small organizations do not.
Exactly, leftist media is abusing this legalistic privilege to run propaganda pumps. PsyOping the public is an enemy act and they should be treated as enemy combatants.

This is accurate but extreme
We have two opposing forces, both spreading misinformation. Both extremely powerful and well funded. Neither seeking the truth. If together, possibly truth could be found. Both corrupt to the bone; and obviously bought.
Two separate agendas. Always opposing each other. Constantly setting the American People against each other.

But both side's are Jews and the division is done on purpose to keep people from revolting against the bourgeois

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you did this on purpose

I know what you mean, but in recent times, freedom of speech has come to
mean "freedom for 'journalists' to dick around and slander whoever they want," rather than freedom of recording and then publishing true facts.

>freedom of speech
I meant freedom of the press, obviously.

we no longer have investigative journalists
we have journalists who take pay and write the narrative they are handed
meanwhile they are promoted and perpetuate these values throughout their career

>people with money have louder voices and me and I'm too stupid to make my own press

Why must almost every user play contrarian?
Many people have started their own independent press. Whenever new independent media gain any type of following or recognition it is either bought or completely slandered by the six corporate media giants.
These organizations and their NGO allies spend hundreds of millions of dollars to silence and discredit even the TINIEST up and coming internet presences
If the actor can be bought, hope is lost


free speech trumps
paid speech


A lot more people watch TV than lurk a Peruvian blow dart hunting forum

Even Jow Forums seems to be more divided than ever
most boards across Jow Forums can agree on certain core beliefs
the antithetical actors here constantly misinform and confuse Anons. The collective intelligence is not as powerful as it once was

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Yeah sorry to say but why aren't there any rules on something that literally changes public opinion depending on what you watch. I've met so many people who watch cable news and they say some of the most misinformed shit ever. And they say they heard it on the news.

DESU it's not even fucking news anymore. Instead of

>Heres a thing that happened. Now bobby with the weather


>Heres a thing that happened, now lets move to the panel and talk about how this makes trump a racist bigot for the next hour. Make sure to come back several times over the next few days where we'll be increasing our rhetoric about how racist he is and how he is destroying the country. Oh also, trust us, because we're reliable news.

I'd like to see major media networks simply banned from making opinions, and just report on the facts. If I want opinions on it I can look online on forums or twitter or whatever and hash it out with actual people and learn what their arguments are and they learn what my arguments are. A true open forum on discussing specific events. There's simply none of that on places like CNN where instead they get 4 democrats, one republican, and shit on him the entire time, and then call him a racist too. And a huge portion of the country only watches cable news networks.

You mean shills have gotten to the point where there's more of them on the internet than real people because MILLION have been ccensored? and the mods on Jow Forums allow it?

I'll also add it forces people to learn about the issues and really understand them anymore rather than them not having to worry about doing that because the TV tells them what to think.

Nice haven’t heard that one yet thanks for the chuckle


This is how 99% of "intelligent" conversations go on the largest "social media forum" in the world.
1. Intelligent start. An attempt to have a conversation.
2. First response is to divide.
3. Second response is to clarify.
- far too many conversations never have the opportunity to manifest. one idea leads to another

pic related

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This is correct; however, corporations with limited liability should be treated as the arms of the government that they are and not be given constitutional rights.

>Justin succumbing to the temptation of creating pointless Twitter polls for (You)s.

It's kind of a dumb question, no? If you have free speech, you automatically have free press. If you turn it around, while impossible (what country would leave a free press but suppress speech?), wouldn't have the same result.


beam me up, Scottie



The press is a form of special interests with infinite resources and more power than elected officials setting the narrative for entire nations and overriding all personal forms of expression or dissent. The press is anti-free speech.

stop trying to self-bump you piece of shit
this isn't fucking reddit

i bumped it on page 9 quite a few times.
i wanted to have a discussion, and honestly, you said it best so far.
i was actually going to finally let it die. you just hit it on page 10

What the fuck does "freedom of the press" even mean? It's not free by any definition
>bought and paid for journos
>articles are heavily screened and edited
>favorable/select reporting to retain access/availability

i don't know
but we don't have it. and i'm sure getting a shit in here, along with some good responses.
but shit.

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Hegelian dialectic.
Everyone will find out what it means and how it governs their lives soon enough

i'm starting to think so, too

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This. OP is obviously JA

Explain how you got first vote on a WikiLeaks poll.

Reminder that the "Press" is made up of multi billion dollar corporations staffed with employees with person bias and agendas. Those biases and agendas are reflected in their reporting. Rarely does the "Press" simply report the unbiased facts but rather the facts as they see them.

Or as they want you to see them
Even knowing that they are spreading lies

>you cant have one without the other.

A "free press" can have special priveleges, and often serves a special purpose to be the mouthpiece of some dogma. You can have restricted speech laws within a country, and that country's economic or political leaders controlling the press. On paper, you are right. In practice, the near total control of legacy media by propagandists means that the two are in function totally separate.

the notion of free speech implies freedom of the press. focusing on the notion of the press as the instrument is too small. owning a printing press doesn't confer to you greater rights

>journalists have extra rights
I have been saying this for years now

there is no difference they are one and the same

>having to make your everything - media, police, internets, food and water, government
Hanging jews and psychopaths is much better solution

Press have some more rights than common rabble.

WOW. Are you conservafags gonna start advocating for socialist protections of the little man now that it suits you to rail on the established liberal media companies?

Yes, big business has more RIGHTS in practice because they are RICH as fuck. It's how capitalism fucking works your retards. And it's a serious problem which is why the little man needs more help from the government to not be fucked over by all businesses who can literally go beyond what most normal people can do.

But somehow this looks more like a "hey, let's fuck the liberal media in defense of the little guy!" same as I saw a conservative faggot argue that we need to protect banks from regulation so "the little guy" has a chance when all he was actually doing is make sure the big banks got to keep their stranglehold.

Fox news. Literally the biggest news media channel in the US. Literally a propaganda arm of the right.

Left has some sloppy and biased media sure but the right is literally propaganda. This false equivilancy is going to fucking ruin USA sooner or later.

I fucking hope someone reinstates the en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC_fairness_doctrine


kindly direct me toward anywhere in this topic where i spoke about "conservative press" or "liberal press"
you seem hostile. shake it off, little guy.

fox news was only ever the most popular cable news channel my guy
network news has always had more viewership
stick to new somalia

>Fox news. Literally the biggest news media channel in the US. Literally a propaganda arm of the right.

Oh how naive you are.

Notice how one of these channels actually reflects Trump's real approval in the US, while the others don't?

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>Fox news.
First, a cucked Swede... imagine my shock. Second, FoxNews is one while there are many left leaning networks and publications. Finally, KYS nigger.

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No, we are advocating against media propaganda.

See Guess which of these channels are propaganda? Hint: Trump's approval is 50%

I see a lot of people that do not like Fox news because it reports on an angle the other major sources will not. The Left scares the crap out of me because they have to have a certain opinion fed to them or else they start name calling. I am often amazed at how the news lies by omission. I don't watch any of these news sources. Just can't stomach them.

I too hope the fairness doctrine is reinstated. Only problem is that every event and situation is mult-dimensional. This black/white, left/right, type of thinking is shit for everyone. The fucking media is giving people the talking points.

>deceiving the entire US population is ok

There should be a very clear distinction between opinion and facts in news, with completely different shows covering each. And if networks violate this, they should be fined heavily.

I don’t know, if we actually had a functioning, investigative press, they would be reporting on our concerns anyway. Free speech becomes impossible when there’s no free press

90% on the poll
the narrative in the comment section of twitter seems to be scripted that they are one and the same
a handful of people here cannot differentiate the two

>jew liberals will be executed when the white man awakens as they beg for their free press

You blame the performers for giving their audience exactly what they desire. Maybe try finding fault in those who made Rome out of tinder and not in those who set the fires.

the audience will always choose one side, if two opposites are faced-off against each other.

free based assange desu

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