
>andrew scheer is a blue trudeau without the popularity
>jagmeet singh only cares about sikhs and virtue signalling
>elizabeth may is elizabeth may
>maxime bernier is a leader of a new party and is being painted as a alt-right nazi
>trudeau's popularity is pretty much staying the same despite all the fucking retarded shit he and his party is doing

So a 2019 Liberal majority is essentially a foregone conclusion at this point right? Barring an insanely major scandal of course.

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Other urls found in this thread:

pretty much. only retarded and desperate leaf Jow Forums niggers think their circle of three friends and their mom being disillusioned with Trudeau is indicative of a Conservative landslide next year. as if the Conservatives would be any better than the Liberals.

I really, really hate our country. All of our politicians suck shit through 10 bricks.

Canada's only hope is an absolute monarchy but no one ever seems to just hand me total power.
It's like they don't want someone who'll crash the country with no survivors so that the next peoples on these lands can start with a not-debt-based economy

Well I'm voting bernier. Don't give a shit at this point. If Trudeau wins, atleast I'll have the satisfaction of saying "I told you so" to every retarded liberal out there when the country is destroyed.

You forgot the Block Quebecois!! They will pull through!

Scheer isn't the hero we need, he's the hero we deserve.

Anyone go to the Vancouver rally tonight? It was pretty good.

>hink their circle of three friends and their mom
Literally eaves drop on people constantly, every time i hear the word Trudeau, i hear the word Traitor real close behind.

>Scheer isn't the hero we need, he's the hero we deserve.

I wish Scheer would An hero and give Maxime the Conservative party so we don't have to lose to Trudeau again

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Trudeau is a qt, change my mind.

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Well said, fellow white man.

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We're fucked six ways to sunday desu

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trudeau will be the longest serving PM of all time

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UBC requires me to learn Mandarin and go to China for 2 semesters for my Computer Engineering degree.

i fucking hate chinks.

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we're partnered with some chink university cunt.

I still can't believe there are people out there who really think the conservatives are any different than the liberals. Effectively the same thing with minor differences.

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any leaf pol discord losers in here?

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Hahaha get fucked. Your fault for going to ubc of all places. I'll be here enjoying my white man's engineering degree

Apologize, maxime cultists.

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shut up you pozzed faggot.

Man, how fucking dead in the water is NDP?
Has Singh every actually talked about his platform or party, or just spouted bullshit and called farmers privileged?

what this country needs is a massive dose of de-regulation

there so many projects stuck in permitting government hell that it stiffles development to an incredible amount in this country

based on our resources, we should be the richest country in the world per capita

look at transmountain, can't twin a fucking pipeline that applied for permit in 2013
5 fucking years of time and money wasted to the point that what could've been an entirely private-funded venture now has to be funded at the taxpayer's expense when we would've reaped royalties at no liability in the former

we overpaid for that old pipe too - 4.5bil for that shit which they had at 1.2mil max on their balance sheet

this country is a fucking embarrassment

Look at all the neo-con fucks willing to sell out to immigrants for votes lmao

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I'll vote for max if he gets on the ballot here. Usually I wouldn't split the conservative vote but Scheer is such a useless faggot I have zero hope for him.

Tell them you want to learn Cantonese.

That mainlanders aren't worth dealing with.

white people tend to vote the wrong way anyways, bring on the social conservative chinks who hate gays, abortions and elected doug ford and gave harper his majority in 2011. you can't trust whitey to vote properly

Keep in mind blue in canada means red in america

Dosn't help we have to get teh okay from every fucking tribe before going through with it.
Remind me again how much money we burn on those reserves ever year with nothing anyone can show for it?

identify yourself

Not true. Also transfer to SFU. Problem solved and a recognizable degree.

Only ever said "Love and courage"
How are conservative not for that but with actual plans?

>if he gets on the ballot

The pipeline bullshit is ridiculous. I live on the west coast and I get the concerns about the eventuality of a spill, but I don't get why we weren't able to address it properly. God knows Scheer will barely deregulate anything.

The discord was embarrassing desu.

NDP know that old white folks aren't quite ready to vote for a sikh. It's going to be a disaster for them.

>>maxime bernier is a leader of a new party and is being painted as a alt-right nazi
Fascist Bernier when?

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I have heard nothing but negative talk about Trudeau even by some pretty staunch liberals I know. There seems to be a consensus that he's been worked over badly by trump on trade. Even with all the negative talk I still don't think it's enough for him to lose to the absolute unelectability of sheer. Look for a liberal minority

Trudeau just needs inner city uni students to vote for him, which they will. They're idiots.

America plz nuke.

If and when Trudeau wins in 2019, western separatism will be on the rise, minus BC of course.

do tell by the way are you apart of that cucked facebook group?

what cucked facebook group

Not sure which one you're talking about specifically, but the BC one was pretty stupid overall. Fucking hate Facebook.

PPC and Bernier are OVER

- 1% even before he has a ton of absolute piece of shit candidates
- wants to cut all taxes for finance and bankers
- unlikable, barely speaks english, has ideas from 20 years ago that still appeal to boomers

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>polling lower than the fucking BQ when they have no leader
embarrassing, what a joke of a man. Can quebequeers do anything right?

>but muh French speaking negro identity group

you biggest hope is that because of Single member ditrsicts, the left vote is split between LPC/NDP/GPC and the BQ in quebec.

although if PPC catches steam, you guys will NEVER gain the PM again.

You guys got super lucky with harper, when 60% of the liberal vote in 2011 got spilt between the 4 left parties

it'll take 20 years, but eventually the right will be reunited. conservative governments are quite rare in canada.

Unfortunately, the NDP and Singh are ABSOLUTELY fucking retarded. It wouldn't surprise me if the Liberals gained seats next year.

i know, the liberals had governance for like 60+ years, like the Democrats here

IDK though, after he got elected, they gained 4-6% in the polls, so they have a good chance of spoiling the vote, so long as the PPC doesn't fuck it up

Trudeau hasn't done anything though apart from the carbon tax and weed legalization. Hopefully he's reelected with a minority so he has even less power and then we can get a good Conservative party in shape for 2023.

cpc literally just needs a leader who isn't a dipshit. took the pcs about 21 years to get diefenbaker who managed to break through the liberal ascendancy through shear charisma. from 1935-1956 the PCs had absolute retards for leaders, except Bracken. scheer isn't even that stupid, he's just too indecisive and doesn't know what buttons to push with the electorate. he lacks harper's high IQ, and has an average IQ instead. also no charisma.

University students do not win ridings you retard

in my riding, they do
>tfw your riding is provincially NDP and federally liberal

make it stop

m8 my riding was Dalton McGuinty's home turf. It will be liberal forever

>1000 numbers on a botdialer
>Haven't changed the numbers since 2013
>Don't even change the area code
>Consider themselves a national poll

Get fucked "Hillary 99%" poller.

Everything Trudeau does is a scandal. It's just that the people who support him are the kind that block everything and everyone that would bring it to their attention, and plug their ears when it's a face-to-face conversation. Not only is the process to turn Trudeau voters into literally any other voter is mind-numbingly slow, but they are already kicking off the process of making sure the Liberal Party never loses power via importing voters en masse.

He's pretty much here to stay until something RADICALLY changes the political landscape

Leaf/pol/ Discord server / zzyGwT

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We're everywhere

Fear us you pathetic kike shill

[email protected]

I'm voting liberal fuck Canada it has betrayed it's native population I have no loyalty to a government trying to kill my people and the way I see it this country will collapse fastest under trudeau

Thanks for the laugh qc bro.

Anyways all our politicians are absolutely out of touch with how to be a politician and are utter trash

I'm a fascist and I love trudeau he's the person destroying this god forsaken nation the faster Canada is destroyed the better for the white population thing's will be

Harper was a Jewish faggot who loved mass imagination just like trudeau

In 20 year's there won't be any whites in Canada you retard

good, we'll get our fujimori one day

Reminder that the Bernier shills are trying to split the right vote.

>family dairies (always White) use contracts, with buyers, to manage supply

>government-owned healthcare industry decides who lives and dies
"This is fine."

So this is the power of Canadian libertarianism?

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>Be individual dairy producers, goy!

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juden peterstein