Why is there such an attack against Christianity in the west?
Why is there such an attack against Christianity in the west?
>Why is there such an attack against Christianity in the west?
>Why is there such an attack against Christianity in the west?
Because of the of fundamentalism of the past
Learn some history dude.
Also there are better places to look for information
Like a fucking book for one
This nigger posted this same thread at least once today already. I doubt OP is even here.
Christianity is just to keep women in line, it does its duty and that's all that matters.
The fact that some "men" fall for it unironically is pretty pathetic.
There’s a goddamn fucking nigger in OPs cartoon and no one has said sit about it, already 5 replies deep.
The only nigger here is you, leaf.
Jews are doing everything they can to dismantle our society. They are the synagogue of satan.
Revelation 2:9
John 8:44