Al Smith Memorial Dinner - all of Trump speech in it's brilliance.
If you never watched it... Its just brilliant
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First time I saw this, I almost fell over laughing.
I was just reminded of it and I watched it again. It's about 16 minutes and you wish it was a full hour like comedy stand up acts do.
I'm just reminded more of why this guy is the best president I ever saw in my lifetime. He's not from the world of politics and he came in like a tornado and destroyed big name players.
I remember watching this live too and it honestly swayed me more towards Trump. I still ended up voting for Gary Johnson though and I do regret that. On election night I was rooting for Trump and stayed up till 3 or 4 it was to see his speech.
That night was something else too. He may not fit in the politically correct world but that's why he's president. He's just something special man. He's the most honest political figure of all time because he says it without doing it behind someone's back (like all of the others). He doesn't have two personas like Hilary said she had, he is as real as it gets and that's why people love him.
Fuck the racism stuff which is loved by the shithead anons, he can't help that those fucks like him. Trump isn't racist, hes just smart to what groups have a lot of bad or corrupt people. Whether their area of origin or skin color is involved, it's not about that to him. It's about statistics and you go by that.
Best president ever
It takes a village.
>slow your roll
i saw it live. funniest shit ever. and maria's sweet tits bouncing really rounded out the night
When does the man make the funny face? That's a long ass video.
I love his tweets, but his speeches are always a snooze. This any better?
This desu checked
Caught it live — a top 3 campaign event for sure.
>lock her up intensifies
aka the 4th debate. pretty much the evening i gave in and started actively supporting trump.
such a fucking classic meme
I love this video so much. Especially the part at 8:50.. never gets old. He's known the whole time. KEK
that is the look of someone that has diddled kids on his lap
>that pardon me joke
Holy shit my sides.
I'll admit I saw the memes all over Jow Forums at the time, but had never watched this.
His unbelievably savage roast of hillary is a thing of legend
That was great. Thanks for posting
And to think it is in response to the statement "Hillary is so corrupt"
LOL! should have been met with applause
Good post
That's the best
Its 16 minutes faggot
Kind of the same for me. When he talked about Hilary getting the questions ahead of time from donna Brazil i pretty much clapped. This man doesn't give any fucks
>Hillary i sooo corrupt that..
holy shit i was laffin
Your welcome. Its vintage Trump honestly. People will look back at this for decades to come and see why he saved America
Your welcome. It's just art
Meme is the best. I've seen it many times and I still look at it and laugh
time stamp?
It's a thing of legend user
He a madman
Support him
The balls this speech took, like holy shit the GUTS Don has. I envy his greatness
Jeez, this was two years ago already?
Balls the size of canteloupes. I was sweating just listening, and I've seen it multiple times before.
We are lucky beyond words that this guy is president.