A 92% white town in California burns down

Am I being cynical here? All these massive California wildfires seem to hit white areas almost exclusively. The latest one hit Paradise, a town of 27,000 near Chico in northern California which was over 90% white - a rarity in California these days. And now, much of it is wrecked.


Over 1,000 structures have been wiped out by the fire, and there are "multiple" deaths reported. That's one fewer white town in California...

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they have lasers in the space and they poo in burn smash the fire whole forest go down

Nah that was just one dude, who regretted nothing

They still own the land, idiot.

stupid ass reply

jews lit that fire

it seems more likely that they live in an area with more natural fuel for fires ie non urban concrete.

>my town is in the news
sucks that it's gone, I loved that place, even if it wasn't the best place in the world. Welp, it's gonna be fun living in a FEMA death camp i guess.

Good things this didn't happen in a Jewish town. They are highly flammable. Light a match in a room full of Jews and 6 million of them burn up and vanish without even leaving ashes around

Chico is like an hour or two north of me bros should I bail before the fire "mysteriously" jumps another highway and a lake

Grew up in loma rica. You should be fine for at least a day. If it gets worse than leave. I don't think its headed your way.

you will probably be fine, but they might start evacuating parts of Chico soon.
>tfw I evacuated to Chico this morning and may have to evacuate before the next.

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the fire is basically right at the edge of Chico now this could get a lot worse overnight

why don't they ever hit pedowood?

and your fellow conservative whites laugh at you and cheer kek

So Paradise is completely gone?

Have family there.. was supposed to be there in a few days. .... Ominous intel: PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric of Erin Brockovich fame) is used a strange warning to locals yesterday that there might be power outages (today) so they should be prepared. INVESTIGATE

Otherwise can confirm, Was nice.. almost like being in America again.

My Grandparents lost their home in that fire.
While it is 90%+ white, there are many white trash tweakers

Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven;

And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

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yeah, the whole town was incinerated in a matter of hours

Fucking hell. I live in mountains similar a little farther south. I know if we get a bad fire in here we're fucked too. But all of Paradise being gone, jesus. That makes me feel a little uneasy.

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no one can say that for sure, but definitely a large chunk of it. Paradise is a good sized place, too.

It's cause white people are more likely to live on large lots with lots of vegetation. Land in dense cities doesn't burn well.

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who cares those are the same white people that preach multiculturalism while living in their white rich neighborhoods.


might want to think about evacuating, I barely made it out in time. I know the hospital, the high school, and most of down town are gone.

Sorry to hear that. I'm sure the town will be rebuilt over time (the location is too scenic for that not to happen), but there does need to be a lot of logging and thinning of the combustible forests right around the town. I had to run from a wildlife a couple years ago in Oregon. The house did survive, but it was a fucked-up experience for a while. There are several nice, smaller towns in California that make me deebly goncerned due to the wildfire threat.

How'd this start or is that still unknown?

They turned their backs on God.
He did the same to them.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8)
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs)

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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Theres a fire right where the TO shooting took place. It's a very white area as well. Awfully strange

You have any news otherwise?. Any idea when people might be able to get back in?

Lad, it's not the government. It's the fucking eucalyptus trees.

I was there to check out the apple farm and it’s all gone there. I felt very uneasy.

They turned their backs to god?. Stick a dick in your ass faggot



What caused the fire?

White people live in rural areas

To get away from NWO hellscape

apparently some idiots with a campfire. probably millennials doing it for the gram or their rv boomer parents

>Paradise, CA
I guess thats why pious Hollywood and holy SF are completely clear

neither area is strange for fires.

directed energy weapons. Israel is behind it

this is not a very rural area - probably 120k people in the chico area

>white people more likely to live in rural areas
>trees grow in rural areas
>trees burn
I’m thinking space laser

lol u aight swedeboy

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im in Oak Park and the Woolsey fire is heading our way. no official evacuation orders yet, but we are monitoring and waiting. already packed out shit so we can bounce out when the order is given.

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still unknown, but it's probably from a powerline getting taken out by the 50 mile per hour winds we had last night.
wrong part of California, dude.
I'm following the Sheriff on twitter and looking at the Chico ER's website religiously, right now. based on the evacuations, the Fire is right outside of Chico, so 100,000 people might be packing up and trying to fell.

Jews always live among whites. They also do insurance fraud rampantly.

Anything of importance in paradise California

California fires occur outside of the cities bordering the forests. Blacks don't live out there.

Carr valley smoke spread across America

This looks apocalyptic.

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I'm about 200 miles south above Fresno. This fire is unlikely to get to me. But we had that major fire hit Yosemite back in July. That was uncomfortably close. Some jackass set a grass fire in the gully next to my property too.

Power company should shut off power during extended high winds for this very reason.

they called everyone and said they were going to, and then they didn't

It's a typical California Fall. You get used to it.

Fucking faggots are 100% responsible

>>more white people live in forest rather than urban areas
>>forest fires only happen in forest
>muh conspiracy
lol thats a stretch.

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Blacks fear trees, so they don't live where fires are likely

Down here in Oroville I've got two of my buds from Paradise, might have to bounce to San Jose to my extended family.

We're past the green bridge in Oroville, as Table Mountain Blvd and Cherokee road have both been issued for evacuation warnings.

As I last checked, 20,000+ acres have been burnt down.

absolutely, they made a big fuss about turning off the power for the high winds and how everyone needed to prepare for it and then they didn't even turn it off.
also, on horrifying note, they've officially started to evacuate parts of Chico.

Godspeed Calibro... I’ve been up to those parts and it’s beautiful and a shame that it’s burning...


>Both Chico and Orville on the verge of being BTFO
lol, this is going to be a disaster of epic proportions. I'm not sure if I should stay in Chico or wait and hope.

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I told you guys to start your own wildfires to counter these. The coincidences will happen until you're all dead.

Chico is already being evacd. You should just leave now dude

People are already fleeing Chico, if you come down to Oroville you got about a 30 min drive of land, and if you go far enough, a body of water to separate you from the fire.

Gold Country Casino is takin' refugees as well until the fire dies down if you get evacuated and got nowhere to go.

Stay safe user, godspeed.

i heard many, if not all, of these fires are done by mexican and black arsonists. can someone confirm.

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Looking too much into it. Yes white people are hated now but this is one of those things that happen and especially in that state. Gota just see stuff as tragedy once in awhile user

based desertification

Those trees are not intact, you can literally see toothpick trees. Also, Pines are built to breed in fire, they just survive cause they have sap that stops the flames.

Which university was buying up all the water rights? Was it Harvard or...
Anyhow, how are their properties fairing these days?

Some species of trees are adapted to fire prone ecosystems. Houses are not. People need to clear their fucking brush or they deserve what they get.

Cool story IDF Anons. Doesn't really matter what you say anymore because you Israelis are all gonna die soon.

You post here so you would have been going to that FEMA camp soo enough anyways.

>random guy is randomly accusatory
Thanks. Look at the twin Palms on the lower right, they look like giant match-sticks.
Also, your house has alot less wood, and no water in that wood, and alot more weight. Trees are literally built to survive fires. Your house is not, unless it's the world trade center, then it is built to last about an hour.

Why don't they start chopping down the eucalyptus trees? They're like gasoline plants

>tfw in Chico right now

Do I play WoW or evacuate?

Ive heard there is a push to do exactly that, fucking aussies fireposting us for 100 years

Evacuate and play Runescape on your phone.

leave this world behind and enter the wired

Sorry to hear user. Pretty mountains near there.

Holy shit I forgot about Runescape Mobile... Later bros!

poor liberals

illegals with gas cans

Some are caused by Mexicans being drunk in the wilderness while camping and throwing lit cigarette butts in the bushes or not putting out fires properly

DEW's don't work like that. They're very precise weapons.

Yours is good though

I'm hanging out with my friends now that my house doesn't exist anymore and we are asking a similar question.
nigger, we voted for Donald Trump and reelected our conservative representative.

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Over in Britain you must not have gotten the news that almost all these fires start when illegals in the countryside get cold and build a fire on a dry area.

I'm sorry, bro. Take care.

I visited paradise in around 1985. I had been camping up on MT Shasta with some friends and were hitching back to Santa Cruz where we were more or less living . A woman gave us a ride and let us stay over a night at her place in Paradise . I got kind of affectionate with her and she had a small boy about five... I gave him piggy back rides and he took to me.. When we were going to leave the next day he became distraught and didn't want me to go.

I told him I would come back though I really had no idea that I actually would but just to assuage his sorrow... I regret not having stayed.. Jow Forums would call me a cuck if I stayed but she was attractive, kind, and the boy was a beautiful angelic blonde haired nipper who needed a guy around.. Its one of my regrets ...

Paper burns easier that charcoal

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sometimes people just go out and start them
like this based arsonist

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