Why do you want to kill mee ?

Despite being a fag, I'm 100% nationalist.
And for me Islam, niggers and commies are the greatest treats for the white world.
They are also a treat for lgbt's rights.

>muh refugees
>muslims comes
>they kills us

Why so much gays are suicidal liberals ?

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You are just so killable.

This is a very good thread.

Fuck off gay

you sick son of a bitch.

I blame your nosy family. You should gotten this out of your system when younger and home alone.

based, i guess

Please get help.

T. Known Boss

Its never too late to find the Lord user but as it stands, queers get the bullet.

Your death will just be a side effect of me pounding your boipussy user

my opinion on you depends entirely on whether or not you are cute

> implying /pol wants to kill sexy traps
> doesnt understand what "i want to fuck that shit up" means in context
pretty much every /poltard doesnt give a wet shit if youre gay, we all can agree that faggots are worthless though.
i for one dont care how you get down, i just hope youre gettin it regular, but GAYS arent the problem. faggots are.
much like Black People arent the problem, but niggers deserve only the rope.

You're not a fag, you're a tranny. You want to be a girl not fuck other men. Your kind doesn't deserve to be in the Gay movement.

Based and red pilled

I'd smash, then kill you.

And yet you fail to point out the greatest threat to the white world but then again its a meme flag so it must be a (((coincidence)))

you are mentally ill. A human should not be switching its gender. It's unnatural and against everything what the bible preaches

I'd rather live in a multicultural brown dystopia than in an all white country where being gay is accepted.

I wish you would wrap those lovely stockinged legs around my face.

Then I'm gonna fuck your ass. Mmmm mmm good.

Personally, I have mixed feelings towards the homosexual population. On one hand, in small numbers, they are relatively harmless compared to (((other demographics))). On the other, if allowed to spread (((their))) agenda, the homosexual and lgbt community becomes a cesspit of degeneracy that should be forcibly removed from society.

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Dammit stop trying to make me gay you fruit loop. Feminine stuff turns me on even if it’s just a guy in drag.

Agree to stop spreading herpes and HIV all over the place and don’t diddle any kids and we ahould get along fine.

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fuck off faggot
consider suicide, degenerate

I have zero problems with faggots. I don't care who fucks you or who you fuck. I'm 100% for equal rights however equal rights doesn't mean being above criticism.

I personally don't agree with your lifestyle and do not want my children being indoctrinated into that perversion. be gay fuck literally whoever you want but STFU about it. it's like being gay is the only defining charismatic you people have.

all so called victim groups suffer from this problem though. you all see discrimination where no exists. me not agreeing with your lifestyle isn't me being a bigot. I 100% don't agree with a lot of peoples lifestyles but since they aren't in the left's hallowed victim groups nobody cares when I shit on them.


And have MORE mutts in the world? lol you're probably a mutt yourself

Being accepting of faggots and the mentally ill isn't politically incorrect so I'm afraid I will have to report you for offtopic :^)

Also reported myself for announcing a report so don't worry.

choosing death over life, Ted was right about you people

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You don't look girly enough to keep.

Better a mutt than gay. Unironically.

Because you are a representative of the fall of the Western man. Faggots are notoriously weak and submissive, and their profileration is a symptom of a more serious societal disease. Like a rash that never goes away because you keep scratching it and weep as it grows larger.

There's literally nothing wrong with being gay

Keep telling yourself that

Based and rainbowpilled.

That's pretty gay.

Aside from the fact that it suits the New World Order agenda for population reduction, while also chipping away at the cultural norms and values of the Nation.

Trans or just wanting to be a cute boy?

Gays aren't a huge issue most of the male population still wants to fuck women

>Why do you want to kill mee ?


U need a doctor. Paranoia is a hell of an indicator of schizophrenia

Is the normalization of this a benefit to society?

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You’re encouraging in and participating in behaviors that only being about societal decline. The things we agree on are not enough for me to turn a blind eye to the shitty lifestyle you live. Therefore, you can’t be part of the world I’m working to build.

No, but that seems to failing. It just makes genetic dead end adults feel validated.

Gay Leaf.

>white """""""people"""""""

Hating fags is just another deception from the enemy.
They want humans hating and fighting amongst one another.
Public decency laws, however, are more then a necessity.

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Reminder it is easy to push faggots to self-harm and they usually attempt suicide at some point.

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Only if we get to smash your boi pussi

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I dont, I want to fuck you. Even sit on your dick, get my prostate massaged really good and then have you make me come handsfree.

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I expected better from Russia. You've changed my mind entirely you degenerate fucks.


You are a part of the problem, fix yourself to even start thinking about a solution.

This is the future, and I like it

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Not you, you fucking gypsy.

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I thought Putin took care of you faggots

Conservatism doesn't include degenerate faggots

Only if there were more people like this user.

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I wouldn't care if you didn't cause most of the pedophilia, STD's, degeneration of our family values (you think that fuckin other man in the ass makes you same as man and woman having children and family?), not seeking of spiritual liberation but hedonistic prison of mind and urges that never end but just grow and get sicker and sicker, all that sick culture you have with parades and elite backed propaganda to destroy everything that is good in this life. You people think that you've born that way when in fact you were manipulated by elite to be that future transgayveganretardlowenergysoyboy population that can't produce and takes everyone around to hell.

at every

I would cum inside you instead

>.On the other, if allowed to spread (((their))) agenda, the homosexual and lgbt community becomes a cesspit of degeneracy that should be forcibly removed from society.
I think that's the crux of the problem, certain older cultures had no problem with that.
So I think it's mainly a cultural problem, being caused by this cancerous agenda.

My wife works with a 'trans person' he's a nice enough kid, dresses like a bird which is bit uncomfortable but I make the effort for my wife, my wife says "oh by the way *faggot* has a new friend" and she shoes me *faggot*'s FB and its another transperson who convincingly looks like a woman. She said the friend is married to a dude etc etc She is treating it as 'Oh this is great, progressive world'

I straight away and said you know they are going to fuck each other right? like all 3 of them will probably pile into each other at some point, I continued: Faggots are deviants love, they fuck anything not bolted to the floor and then some.

My wife didnt quite believe me....


Um gay

I want to cum in this bussy

I wanna fuck you and your mom whitey

you need to be gassed.

Jealous? I sure am

It's because of you, white girls breed with niggers and sandniggers

I love how your shitty movement is based more on hatred than the quality of your members.
It's truly disgusting. This is why leftists will win in the end.


>your movement

What does that even mean? You can be a faggot or tranny without being attached to any movement.

Get big titties and I will breed you

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