Increasingly Low Total Fertility Rates

Why aren't more people sounding the alarm? Even homogeneous first world nations with little merchant influence are dropping below replacement rates. It doesn't matter where, Asia, Europe, the Americas, practically any country that isn't a complete shithole either has a low birthrate or is in rapid decline.

Poland for fuck sake has a rate lower than Japan, despite being very traditional and religious. China's birthrate is now equal to Canada's.

Countries that incentivize having birth still are dropping below replacement. Realistically, what else can be done?

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Because millennials dont care and zoomers are too autistic to do anything.

people think of the future of their monetary wealth and if they can afford a kid before just popping out 10 kids and hoping for the best. it’s not that weird and it has nothing to do with them not being able to have kids physically.

>we live in a world where the overwhelming majority of white women spend most of their few fertile years on birth control

Kind of crazy when you think about it

Humanity is doomed anyway. Why would i put a child to this world when I know it will suffer.
A. Global warming escalation
B. WW3

Serbia and Albania has a higher fertility rate than Romania. I want to believe.


Think about the black population in America though, the government is basically paying woman to have kids as a full time job yet their rate is only slightly above white women.



"fertility" is misleading, people are still as fertile as before. More appropriately, we should use the word birthrate instead..

fact is, women are not having children because of a combination of reasons:
1. muh career and muh dried up womb
2. muh hypergamy and dating/marrying up
3. daddy spoiled me by calling me a princess and buying me everything. I expect the same or even more from my husband to be.
4. daddy-issues/single motherhood.
5. etc.

Women are the problem. Not men. Not western/eastern civilization.

Just wait five or so more years; monogamy will become illegal and polygyny will be enforced to sustain the economy and demographics.


Kids are too expensive now, porky needs those profits.

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>Why would i put a child to this world when I know it will suffer.
That never stopped most people before and doesn't stop them now. Very few people actually consider that before having kids.

Of course we do have decent birth control now so the ones that do have reservations can opt out rather than remain celibate as they used to.
Total fertility rate is the technical term for what most people call birthrate. Birthrate is actually the number of births in a population of 1000 instead of the amount of births per woman.

nigger people don't want to have kids, and honestly dropping birth rates aren't a problem as long as one-sided Keynesian economics is replaced with something less growth oriented

Pretty much this too.

>Realistically, what else can be done
Nothing. Enjoy degeneracy and embrace our slide into extinction.

Low fertility is only a problem for economies which depend on infinite growth

Also, explain Poland. I'm not fucking with you, there are nations that haven't had that big of a culture shift and yet have terribly low birthrates.
They're a problem when you realize that Africa is not going to stop pumping out kids any time soon and is going to look elsewhere for resources.

this is one of the last waves of humans in this epoch.
one by one the good races develop AI and venture out into the cosmos leaving the lesser ones behind.
This is not the first time its happened.
Every time it happens niggers are left behind and humans evolve out of them and then they too leave, ditching the little disposable monkey fucks to doe of starvation in the ruins of civilization.

don't say that people don't consider it. they did consider it, especially as hardship and privation was more immediate in history. it's just that they didn't let it stop them, and they decided it the good was worth all of the hardship the child would face. that's a fundamental attitude difference. if you say they never considered it, then one might be led to believe that we're more enlightened somehow than our ancestors. it's an important distinction

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Men produce sperm at half the rate that men did 50 years ago. Womens cycles are in a constant state of flux due to birth control.


People aren't sounding the alarm because it's slowly and insidiously become the new norm to not want children or a family.

But it's not that simple. People have more access to entertainment, travel and casual sex than ever before. We fetishize the idea of experiencing as much as possible before death (see: FOMO). So why would people with reasonable income and free time want to get "bogged down" with starting a family, when it's an immense financial and time commitment?

The other more important factor is the fact that every level of hierarchical control, from global government to local media subverts human relations.

The family unit is to be despised and undermined. Male vs female. Black vs white. Engineered division for decades now.

good luck with that. nothing short of total collapse will produce the restoration of values needed

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CEO rates increase with their level of risk you commie twat. Step out of line and a board cans your ass. Have wrong thoughts or opinions at any point in time, fuck you.

Why do you care so much about replacement?
Let it go go. Population doesn't need to be constant. Nor human are necessary.

I see what you mean, but we have to ignore the pre-birth control ages in order to have a fair comparison. It wasn't realistic for most people to remain celibate or basically starve to death as they got older and couldn't support themselves.

I don't think the population of Afghanistan, for example, which has a really high birthrate and very tough conditions thinks of the greater good or the good of their future kid when producing. They're doing what the think is in their self interest as humans have always done. I wouldn't confuse it for altruism. Surely there are a lot of areas where it's better to not have been born at all.

pure darwinism, glorify scum, treat good guys like pus

we zerg now

Gee I fucking wonder why it costs more

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Gee I fucking wonder why college is more expensive

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most ceos just rely on mass immigration and money printing to increase profits, because all they do is sell sugar water or some crap, you are a tard

the sky high salaries helps to make the elite appear much better than what they are, and normalises being a cunt

It depends on if you want to avoid a painful death when the fragile economy collapses from a low birth rate or the high rate of immigration that replaces it.

We're so close to leaving earth for the stars, greatly increasing our lifespan and figuring out if there's any purpose for our existence. It would be a shame to die off before that point.

i agree, although there's the matter of decisions across time to explore. a lot of people that didn't do the altruistic thinking beforehand don't realize what they have done until it's well underway already. if you survive long enough to look back at your life, it's likely you'll notice the good outweighed the evil. after all, you're still alive. that's the wisdom of the elder that gets codified for descendants.

Forced schooling. Really. See John Taylor Gatto.
It has infantalized the population.

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Choose to live with less luxury so that you can afford more children. Individual sacrifice is necessary for our people to survive.

blame feminism.

>Unironically believes global warming alarmist bullshit.
Look into James Corbett's coverage of global warming

You don't think there's a bit of survivorship bias there? The people who can reflect on their lives in their old age usually are lucky enough to live in stable times and that extends to their kids. They got lucky with the roll of the dice.

On the other hand, the parents of someone who produced a skinless deformed baby that lived in pain before dying or had their kids die in a war or by suicide do not think it was for their good. It's hard to understand what is worth it without understanding what we are doing here or the point of it all. Most people live because there's nothing else to do and out of fear of the unknown. Very few people have any real zest for life beyond that. I'm not convinced that life for the sake of life is worthwhile.

People around the world are waking up to the fact that humanity isn't worth perpetuating. Let the niggers and sand niggers keep things going where the whites leave off.

>Africa is not going to stop pumping out kids any time soon
stop sending them aid and this problem self-corrects

Behavioral sink


Watch they live, the parasite kills the host. They have no creative ability of they own. They also are very tasty lol. An artificial means of preventing population growth has been spread around the world by the false song of globalism to the spreaders own detriment.

Unfortunately our ahem leaders won't. They send aid not out of any humanitarian angle but rather a genocidal obsession of their own race. They're a menace and danger to everyone.

The other thing that schooling does is delay average child birth by nearly a decade limiting the amount of time that people have to reproduce but I'm just not sure that forced education flips a switch down the line when people are deciding if they should have kids or not.

Would early humans have kids if they could choose not to and it wasn't going to have a negative effect on their life? I don't know.
It's too late, we can't undo all the knowledge and technology we gave them. They've reached developing status and most of the population wouldn't die off if aid was stopped. While they are in this stage, they're still reproducing quickly but have much lower infant morality rate than they did and so the population goes through the roof. Our only hope is that they stop being niggers and reach developed nations status which may take a long time, if it ever happens.


>global warming

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Overpopulation could be it or the idea of overpopulation

>Our only hope is that they stop being niggers and reach developed nations status
Don't hold your breath

What's the point of having kids? (((They))) will corrupt them or their children at some point. Also I feel like genetic material is decaying. i mean I'll be the first out of the hundreds of men of my lineage to never attract a woman...

>Why aren't more people sounding the alarm?

Your dying fool... You and everyone around you, please do it quietly.

Because wealth lowers the birthrate, even for shitskins that move to rich countries, their birthrates plummet after a generation or two.

What exactly is the parasite? The Jewish birthrate isn't that high. Israel reaches about 3 births per woman but that's not uncommon for the area around them or the middle east.

They are obviously influencing culture and that can decrease the birthrate, but I don't think it's the main reason for it so declining rapidly. Some of the least kiked nations have the lowest birthrates.

It's a function of modern lifestyles in the Western world.

If you're comfortable and have it good you pretty much don't want or put off having kids.

You have no desire to colonize other worlds in this universe? If we get off this planet there is a decent chance our species may actually discover WHAT the universe is, WHAT life is eventually...

you could stop eating the monsanto corn and onions made in a lab with bacteria dna. its been linked to infertility in small mammels within 3 generations.

how about the plastics, oops. atrazine runoff in the water. birth control pills in the water supply from womens piss, yes we all drink it. look it up.

fertility in modern civilization harmed by lifestyles and chemicals. im sure it was all just a simple series of accidents that the media wont talk about and the normies dont believe.

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Shut the fuck up Sweden! Go suck arab dick you fucking loser. Swedes should be kicked off this board for being so cucked

oral contraception was intoduced in 1961. in one decade the fertility rates were destroyed in the West. the US went from nearly 4.0 to 1.8 and Europe went from 3 to 1.7

thank two Jews for that one.

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>Meme flag
Show yourself.

I don't think humanity should go out without a fight. We should at least try to understand as much as possible before forever leaving the game.

>Realistically, what else can be done?
Take away women's rights, specifically remove women from the workplace.

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What do you mean? Keynesianism has been dying since the 70s, Western nations have completely dropped it in favor of neoliberalism, which is even more pro-free market and growth oriented. If anything things were better during the Keynesian era

Onions? Do you have a link?

imagine being this delusional, enjoy your pathetic little asteroid landing in 50 years.

literally 2,000 people could defend the border, what do you think guns are for?

lol, i gotta get at least 5:1 for my knights to fight the foot soldier

birth rates are nowhere near as important as migration rates.

If CEOs are employees of the board of the directors, and do not own the means of production, does that mean that they are, technically, exploited proletarians?

Anyways, while increased costs of living certainly do not help, poverty was and is certainly not barrier to popping out children. It's oftentimes an excuse.

The lack of pressure towards individuals to actually tie the knot, have children, and propagate themselves, hmm, that can't POSSIBLY be the case. No, silly, it's all economics and ebil rich people...

Birth control was inevitable as an invention user, it's the cultural decay in Western (especially Anglo) countries that's creating the "hypergamy" epidemic as people call it.

We can spread to other worlds, and as long as we get our 'eggs' into more than one 'basket' I think we may actually figure out what the fuck we're doing here.

Children of men was a documentary

>It's too late, we can't undo all the knowledge and technology we gave them.

Does he really think Africa is going to conquer Europe in direct military conflict?

>Global warming

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Women are too picky

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What's delusional about what I said? You provided nothing of substance.

Individualism is opposed to reproduction since there is no longer an hedonic advantage to having children. People have been taught by the right and the left to be selfish, meanwhile communitarian ideologies (see Catholicism, pre-industrial and monarchic governments) are dead.
People need to be reoriented towards communitarian practices and theologies before our species faps itself out of existence.

I don't know if that will work anymore with modern birth control and most people choosing to entertain themselves to death instead of seeking any real meaning. Most women on welfare don't have that many kids and do fuck all. Stay at home wives aren't being called to motherhood unless that's the reason why they wanted to be stay at home in the first place. Within the next hundred years, most of the population will stop working full time due to automation anyway.
It's actually a bigger problem than migration. Even if you froze immigration, we would lose hundreds of thousands of white people per year from woman not having enough kids to replace the dying population.

no one is going to care about space exploration once the entire western world will be filled with mutt slaves and their jews overlords.

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

>It's actually a bigger problem than migration. Even if you froze immigration, we would lose hundreds of thousands of white people per year from woman not having enough kids to replace the dying population.
It's called industrial society, it doesn't require constant growth in birth rates, let alone replacement. Population levels are obviously at historical peaks in case you haven't noticed regression could easily be healthy.

this, but at the same time they are not meant to fall into your lap and pick you.

I know that. I'm 100% in agreement with you. I'm saying that we could achieve such things if we succeed in turning the ship around.

We can't. We can stop helping them but they're not going back to only mud huts and hunting and gathering. They'll retain a high birthrate and lower child morality which is the problem with developing nations.
Do you really think any western nation is going to let them starve to death? We can barely kick out illegal immigrants without people chimping out. They don't need to conquer anyone to be a huge pain in the ass. It's hard to sell resources to a place without anything to buy it with and they're going to need resources from outside of Africa soon.

The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

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Because there is no point alarming. An overwhelming majority of wamen in all white countries advocate for muh feminism to certain extent -- starting from just being overly entitled to wealth, success, dominance over men to literal feminazism. Taking into account that and the cock carousel principle, I can definitely exclude 95% of all women from my potential dating pool. In addition, I am by myself excluded from the most dating pools because I am
1) short -- shorter than 6'
2) introverted -- I don't like clubs, ubiquitous traveling, going out every day
3) not handsome enough
4) not well-off
You can easily draw a conclusion that my chance to date someone (let alone marry and have kids) is very close to zero. Nuff said.

what ship? You mean the one that's sinking?

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.

.. Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, the jew married mutt aristocrat that created the pan-European movement with funds from the Warbug jewish banking clan, 1925.

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Traps are superior to women. Take the trannypill.

Your points are incomprehensible to me. Regression would collapse our bullshit modern economies. There's simply no way to greatly reduce population without massive upheaval.

I know that

But 4/10 women think their hot shit
And want a model tier guy

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>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

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Whatever our enemies may plot, whatever sufferings they may inflict on our German cities, on German landscapes and, above all, on our people, all that cannot bear any comparison with the irreparable misery, the tragedy that would befall us if the plutocratic-bolshevistic conspiracy were victorious.

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You mean so picky that they won't even have Chad's kids? Mate selection isn't that big of a problem because big daddy government or child support will pay for the kids in most western nations.

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They have the highest rates of abortions. Also there is literally no reason for us to have more than 1 billion in this world.

Yes, that one. I know it's likely not going to happen, but I refuse to give up hope or stop fighting. I'm in the engine room manually operating a bilge pump.

then let it crash, it's due for a correction that is normal and natural. production should be fine though because again industrialized and technology is advanced.

If you stop migration it doesnt matter

Exactly this, humans could survive easily at much lower population density

The total number isn't really what I'm getting at. If kids per woman in first world countries stays below 2.1, we are going to die off. It doesn't matter if the population is 100 or 100 billion.
See above. Even if you stop immigration, white people are still dying off.

>He says as his county's language, heritage and technology is getting outdone by a 50% mutt country
You don't believe the 50% euros are the ones making the contributions do you?

Women choose white niggers who beat them instead of me. They need to die off.

They only want to have chads kids

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