In honor of our 'stralian brothers, I present you a drink

In honor of our 'stralian brothers, I present you a drink
Made in their honor.
A half pint of Fosters mixed with a Chocolate Milo.

Behold, the "shitpost"

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that's fucking disgusting. Nice work. but it needs to be drunk out of a gumboot then it would be the full australian experience.

Milo comes in a can in america, wtf?

Bro how can you drink that and not puke? Also, who sells Fosters, I've never had it. Phoenixfag here.

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Do you guys drink that stuff? I'd heard nobody there drinks it and it's just an export for the most part.

i thought Foster's was a meme beer that's not even sold in Australia?

It's extremely popular in one street in Sydney, Oxford street I think it is, very lively night club scene.

you never learned that milk and beer don't go together.
Drink up, you'll learn

That’s a waste of good shitty beer.

>working class user
>no one touches that crap, not even old people

Just the fosters is enough to make me puke. You'll rarely find it on tap here. It's revolting swill which is why we export it.

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It's barely stocked here everyone hates it for the most part. You want a real bogan beer? try vb or xxxx that's true blue.

Aussies don’t drink Fosters. They drink VB and Tooheys.

but why?

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OP here, onto the next fosters

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nice tits

Can't ever remember seeing Fosters on tap anywhere here.

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show us ya tits luv

Fosters is shit

you must love water aye

OP is a soi.boi with tiddies lol

Ive had the green can. It's not bad but its not great either.

Never tried it.

OP looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his adidas shirt before Jow Forums. Very very disrespectful.

Nobody drinks Fosters, here, cunt.

Coopers or Little Creatures.

Sorry lads, just a fat fuck with moobs


I thought you kangaroo fuckers only drank Very Brutal

also why the hell is beer so expensive in AUS? For a nation of bar fighting alcoholics it sure costs a lot to get wasted

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Its not that bad for the price

Get a couple of bush chooks

I make a cocktail called the Dolphin Flipper.

1 cumshot
1 beard, shaved
40 cicada wings
Bacon garnish
3 litres of unleaded petrol

melbourne upperclass dads money fag libcuck detected

like like it tastes like shit. just like this shit post.

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Ruddster raised the alcopops tax, not sure about bier.

I am pretty shit at being Australian, I drink very rarely because I gots shit to do.

Coopers makes some fine malt extract for those of us here in the States that enjoy homebrewing as a hobby.

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Incorrect. Sydney, working class, just haven't killed my palette with elephant cum like you user.

only relativity cheap alcohol available now is wine, your average 6 pack is fucking 20 bucks now for fucks sake. They are gonna push us to revolution solely on expensive ciggis and beer desu.

I love a homebrewed Ginger Beer. My friend used to make it, we'd drink it at band practice and it was fucking evil.

>soft hands

I can respect a fat man if he has working hands, you are not that kind of fat man.

Many gas stations and grocery stores in NV

look how fucking fat you are... HAHAHAHA

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Never brewed any Ginger beer before. I have heard that it'll sneak up on you and kick your ass from the alcohol content.

This cunt doesn’t use his 10 dollar six pack receipt coupon from Woolies.

the ale version? worth the price as is the pilsner (not much)

Makes sense. I enjoy craft beers but will drink anything. Natty Light is actual great sipping beer when you are going to be drinking a long time while you're working with your buddies.

What really fucking got me was when I went to England and went with some dudes I'd just met to go drinking. They all stocked up on Budweiser. The fuck? Ended up drinking from 10 am until 8 pm when we went for Indian food at some fancy place downtown. Two bites of my first curry and I ran outside and pulled one of pic related in front a crowd of nearly dressed people in line for the place. Never touched indian food again.


As someone that has done nothing but sit on a couch and drink 12-20 beers a night for the last 5 years I have literally no idea how anybody gets above 20% bodyfat

OP did you eat twinkies in the womb?

jesus christ you can get a fifth of vodka for $10 in america, and that's mid shelf shit. A basic 6er is 4-5 dollars and gas station tallboys are like 1.25

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$1.50 mate but you'd probably throw it up

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Wow, the one club in Sydney. Congratulations. Are you sure it wasn’t a gay bar?

depression is one hell of a drug

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Are we just going to ignore the post ID???

Lol jew

vb is ok. I can't find anywhere that sells forex. It's a shame, really.
Does it compete with lion red for top dadbrew?

probably still drinkable

>No emu liver pulp

It looks like jenkem

It was very popular in Aus before Aus got The bottles used to explode under pressure and corks used to pop everywhere.

How old are you? Once you hit a certain, and it seems different for everyone, some people just balloon. I was the same way in my 20s, but I'd drink anywhere from 12 beers to a fifth of liquor every night, ate whatever I wanted and was in great shape functionally and aesthetically. Around 32 I quit drinking and started eating better and it's really hard to not be fat now.

>all these posts
>nobody notices ID cuz tits
Newfags everywhere


I dont care about this "you just balloon up" nonsense. Thats not true. Thats not fucking reality. That has no fucking place with the physical laws of the Universe.

You burn or store the energy you take in. Thats all there is to it. You simply just stopped fucking doing stuff.

Protip: a chess match can burn thousands of calories so its likely you also do very little thinking

Tits or gtfo.

>has tits
>56% colored hands

>malt liquor, but with hops
I'm intrigued. I used to get tall boys of Colt 45 in college.

Yeah, you're not going to get fat if you're not eating like a fatty, I get it, but age fucks with you at some point. Enjoy that feeling of invincibility while it lasts, mah dude.

looks like shit

"Age fucks with you" thats a stupid fucking way to say you started eating more and doing less

>That'll be $25 thanks

Attached: aussies do it better.jpg (512x384, 35K) many have you seen the catalog?? No redpill threads for weeks bro. No one knows or believes it's the Jews anymore. They don't even know why the Jews did this. So many who even call themselves redpilled don't even remember the Romans scattering the Jews throughout the empire. Or about the Balfour declaration. We still need these threads and our /nsg/ to convert people to the truth. Someone even gave some bigass schizo disinfograph for fascism that mentioned God's and cosmic energy..the good guys gave up, got bored, and left

бoльшe нaпиткoв eщe бoльшe для мeня

Boomers drink wine, no way anyone is going to touch that shit.

I've already said I eat way better and stopped the alcohol jew pretty much completely.

It literally comes from the same vat as Carlton crown

Ahh fuck my reading comprehension thought you were talking about fosters

now throw it on the street and you have made it for your pajeetbros as well.

Fosters ale isn’t bad but it always gives me the shits the next day.

>chocolate flavored energy drink
that's not Milo you fucking cunt, nobody knows what the fuck that even is. Milo goes in milk you dunny fucker
dead set gayest cunt out

Don't be intrigued. It is the maltiest, most corn syrupy barley wine you'd ever sip. Only proceed if you hate yourself enough

Yeah mate. Drink three of those little fat lambs and you're gonna be in a for a hell of a fucking hangover

Foster's is actually a byproduct of Australian beer drinking, collected at urinals Australia-wide. The ultimate shit-post. No one drinks it here.

Aw man, they don't sell Milo in Mexico anymore, shit is fucking delicious, I miss it.

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25 years old AND retarded? Impressive.

They drink VB, which is marginally better.

genuinely curious, did this taste as horrible as it sounds?

also, since when does Milo come in a fucking can?

And as an energy drink apparently

It's worse, it's much, much worse.

that's how they sell it here in America.
honestly, it really was not that bad. tasted like a bitter Fosters with a hint of cocoa powder.
7/10 would probably drink again

>in a can


Aussies don't drink that. They only drink the cum from each others cocks.

What is Australia's opinion on xxxx?
It's one of the few commercially available beers here apart from the ubiquitous Fosters.

trash but cheap

Listen here cunt I said Aussies don't drink beer, they drink cum from each others cocks.

I got as try this fuck I wish I had some milo

I'd hate to have that ID though.

Prove that you can have energy without consumption

The nobel fucking prize will be awarded to you

That doesnt change the fact that your caloric need has been decreasing from lack of activity

Looks like content of sewer. Why?

Drinkable on tap, pretty shit tho.