
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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>Amazing Grace 11/5/18
>God Bless The USA 11/4/18

>WHStratCommDir Schlapp on FBN 11/8/18
>USDA Veterans Day Ceremony 11/8/18
>KAC outside WH 11/8/18
>KAC on FoxNews 11/8/18
>TrumpWave: Enemy of the People 11/8/18
>Pres Trump Press Conf on Midterms 11/7/18
>[Former]AG Sessions leaves DoJ 11/7/18
>JCSViceChair USAFGen Selva @USFK CoC 11/7/18
>StateDep Press Brief (DepSpox Palladino, SpecRep For Iran Hook) 11/7/18
>RNCChair McDaniel on FBN 11/7/18
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 11/7/18
>KAC on FBN 11/7/18
>KAC on PBS 11/7/18
>KAC outside WH 11/7/18
>KAC on F&F 11/7/18
>DoEVideo: Changing the World We Live In 11/7/18
>PressSec Sanders on FoxNews 11/6/18
>KAC Election Night Press Conf 11/6/18
>IntDepVideo: Happy Veteran's Day 11/6/18
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Cypriot FM Christodoulides 11/6/18

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Fuck Jannies
Useless cunts

oh Boy, that last bread though.
Amirite, lads?

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well yeah, Ginsburg is dead and the Dems committed blatant sloppy voter fraud AND Trump just got a new AG

Big things are coming my fren


can someone explain to me why these faggots used chairs to break open windows to escape the shooting but no one charged or threw the chair at the gunman? they some kind of pussies?

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meanwhile, in Sweden

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it`ll happen again.

I doubt you are vietnamese

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Vote Democrat: Get the Kalergi Plan
Vote Republican: Get Wars for Israel

holy godamn shit
they are fucked.

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>can someone explain to me why these faggots used chairs to break open windows to escape the shooting
Thank god. I'm glad some people finally got wise and started doing this shit.
If I was even in a facility and I heard gun shots, That's what my ass would be doing

We haven't been able to forget your gf either, user.

please delete this


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you make a great point user
I was thinking among the lines of having a predator for cockroaches

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So how many votes ahead is Rick Scott now?

Someone said 13k but i see 15k

So the question remains: why do Donald Trump's tweets have so many spelling mistakes and bad grammar?

With 51 votes, the Reps are going to vote another right wing judge in, so they are just fighting the inevitable. All it takes is for Trump to pick one that isn't anti-abortion, and they will sail right in.

>With 51 votes
I thought we grew 3 seats in the Senate?

After the midterms, I haven't been able to stop thinking about exposing my feminist gf to neonazis online. I'm a liberal. Why is this happening..

that;s a big awoo

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So does Ginsberg have Alzheimer's?

so his enemies broadcast his message and look petty by picking at the spelling and grammar

i have a machete under my bed
can't afford a firearm yet


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>be teacher
>get cancer
>get treatment
>get punched in the face your first day back


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My folks wouldn't leave first, so i'm stuck here for a while longer.

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Someone give me the lowdown on McSally on Scott. Are they fucked?


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>My folks wouldn't leave first,
what does that mean?

idk maybe it's being a vet, but i run TOWARDS gunfire and explosions
i don't like people who panic and act like a herd and have no survival instincts
literal npcs

FL SHOULD stay R, but Broward shenanigans almost flipped the state Blue.

AZ, now the Democrat leads, more votes still to come
And a special election still left in Mississippi. Tbh you shouldn't count it until it is done.

Everyday I am thankful for not having oversize bugs as wildlife. I like spiders but holy shit there needs to be a size limit.
Depends on cicumstance, a bullet is faster than a thrown a chair and if your closer to a potential exit then I don't see why not especially if others around you can be evacuated instead of watching a person fail at laping as a hero.

So, supreme court again? Will these guys ever catch a break with these activist judges?

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>water is wet

If i had a CC pistol then it would be a different story

so who's going to end up being the House Minority Leader?

wouldn`t surprise me.

crowding around an exit is a gauranteed way to bottleneck and herd yourself in one direction; it's not necessarily the best strategy.

thanks frezn

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You need a buffer against Romney and the women

yeah but it was CA wasn't it

the NYT forecast still give Arizona to McSally

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Who cares? It's theatrics from here on out until the already decided finale for this play, senpai.

I can't believe McSally is going to lose AZ now

Watched that debate they had, SInema is fucking robotic and Hillary 2.0. McSally is a war hero who was the first woman fighter pilot. AZ are out of their minds and we need this state in 2020.

Rick is fine. McSally is in the danger zone

they stop updating the forecast two days ago

>ywn have Hatsune Miku performing on your pizza box

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According to an anonymous source- Florida election law was violated when they votes where not counted by the deadline. This article says that Scott is starting lawsuits0

McSally needs more time to finish counting votes.

>yeah but it was CA wasn't it
my god, you could rampage that entire state like a motherfucker, couldn't you?

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>5 bucks in the hands of taxpayers would be used to purchase good and services
5 bucks (or $705m, taking into account all taxpayers) on consumption isn't even close to being the same as >$20 billion on investment, those $5 (times 141.3 million, the number of taxpayers in the US) would be distributed all across the economy.

the fact this is even being allowed to happen is a good indicator that we are fucked going into the future

What is gong to happen to all those irregular ballots found? Are they going to be thrown out? Will she finally be put in jail?

This doesn't answer why Trump is making spelling and grammar errors. If people use it as ammunition against him, wouldn't it be even more of a reason to write correctly? Could it be that this is the best Trump can write? (Yes)

fish in a barrel

Which is crazy because she's a god damn improvement from McCain (who won his senate seat 53-40 in 2016)

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The event of your last digits.
Once Saigon fell, it's all over.
Some people didn't get the message, so here i am.


>Tbh you shouldn't count it until it is done.
True that, the first one still isnt done

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It's a toss up, we always knew this, it's gonna be close

Florida looks like straight up fraud though, Scott & Rubio are straight up cuck neo cons, they wouldn't ever attack Democrats if it wasn't extremely important

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Why are Drumpfies paranoid little bitches?

Scared you’re gonna lose?

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she relaxed

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Scott just got the RNC to drop the hammer on Snipes and Brownard county, again. I wouldn't say this is just being allowed to happen right now.
This shouldn't have happened at all though, after these fucks got caught multiple times.


>lol, hey all you liberal viewers of my 2-scoops-rage-man-show
>look at what DRUMPF wrote today!
>he spelled "saying" as "Saiyan"!
>[laugh track]
>Isn't he just so dumb

>audience now has heard a truth that no one in the media said before
>they forget the spelling error
>they remember the truth

where are the webms of thieves getting shot when you need them

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You replaced a war criminal backstabbing fuck for someone who's going to run on that same war criminal stature to win the seat to begin with. And she's a woman, yeah maybe we just need to realize that Arizona is pozzed and it actually is because we're even having the conversation of a recount.

Western US dropping that ball bigly because of the invasion, no surprise.

Hoky mother fucking shut WHAT

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>not knowing the code

Sorry, Finnshill.
I ain't tellin'

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one time i was a kid and on a teeter totter and the kid on the other end surprised me and when i got lifted in the air i jumped a little and flew forward and the handle went in my butt is that gay

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I agree it's a risk however for the average person (npc as you put it) the mental risk assessment deciding to fight an attacker or escape, the latter seems preferable as it seems to be perceived as having the least amount of threat. Failing to subdue an attacker might have even worst results, too great a risk and lower likelihood that many wouldn't participate to subdue him together, essentially awaiting for the "hero".


Not in this lifetime. Another one who needs to go.

Wouldn't be, if the Dem retard in charge could actually answer basic questions, like where they found the votes, and how much is left.

>someone who's going to run on that same war criminal stature to win the seat to begin with
Nigger do you even live here?

no one?

Will any AZ votes be counted today...?

I REALLY like this guy's drawings.

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user-kun, denwa.

you really dont get it do you?

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JFK was fucking shit. Where does this meme come from that he was good?

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People like him because he was handsome and got his head blown off.

another one?

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Hey janny, we have a situation here, come and get your ass back to work!

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