Well the jew says it can replace you, can they pol?

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Other urls found in this thread:


fake news

they have been working on it since 1945

>fake news
yeah, the NYT is indeed fake news

Attached: nyt.jpg (1485x2290, 1.35M)

Attached: jew replace.png (439x501, 413K)

no my friend is actually true


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>fake news

Really nigga?

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I appreciate you user


Attached: muh 6 million imm.jpg (1538x924, 135K)

death to all jews and death to Israel

Attached: 4564326.jpg (381x245, 14K)

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now now we don't want death we want scrutiny. we must have deep investigations launched into our Gov. affairs

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>nazi meme flag
>"death to all jews"

Whatcha doing, rabbi?

Pro tip: The 'gas the kikes' and 'the holocaust didn’t happen but it should have' rhetoric is spewed by jew shills to discredit facts, rational ideas and the people expressing them.

Attached: hey rabbi.jpg (1125x631, 136K)


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>6 million

Attached: two rabbis.png (686x672, 461K)

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I doubt it. White birth rates were the highest in the nation last year and the year before. Immigration is getting reformed. Boo hoo for the kikes.

>White birth rates were the highest in the nation last year and the year before.
True. A lot of people don't seem to know this. Trump effect? It's the first time in years this has happened.

Attached: 2016-birth-rates.jpg (720x956, 157K)

this. first time i see someone who understands whats up.

>Trump effect?
Probably directly economy related. White people are smart enough to not have a bazillion babies when they can't afford it.

youre retarded, and i never said the holocaust happened.
>pic related

Attached: 1541676115188.jpg (635x542, 15K)


No, they always lose.

The have been kicked out of what? 300 countries? What that means is that they have tried this 300 times, and failed 300 times. They always go too far too fast and then pay the price.

Thought experiment - you are a young man in Weimar Germany. Imagine how hopeless it must have seemed at the time - say mid 1920's - yet, they prevailed. Same will happen again in America.

They will always fail, this time - there is no-where left for them to go.

israel lol thats why it has to burn

well there are other planets though. Some of them are gas planets though.

So i grew up on a farm. We had a huge chicken run that would often get infested with rats. About once a year we would clear them out.

The easiest way to clear them out is to flood all the nests except one. The rats will naturally flee to the last nest - then you let the Jack Russel loose and it kills them all, because they are concentrated in one nets and there is no where for them to run.


Attached: king of the jews.webm (220x400, 723K)

Attached: HelpUsDrownTheRats.jpg (330x256, 23K)