Acosta Video Confirmed FAKE

It's over. It's been officially confirmed by ACTUAL EXPERTS.

Acosta did literally nothing wrong and Trump, who regularly bashes so called "fake news" is actually distributing FAKE NEWS!

Attached: _20181109_105442.jpg (1079x1067, 163K)

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>according to Abba Shapiro, an independent video producer who examined the footage at AP’s request.
every fucking time

Don't the British have actual news to report on in their own country rather than running tabloid bullshit in America?

I don’t get it, the only difference was they edited out a small part about a video. The actions were still the same. Don’t they mean edited? We should just start calling all cnn footage doctored when they cut or edit.

Video was zoomed in, not faked in any way.

Man, if slowing down and zooming in a video constitutes doctoring for them, no wonder burger media is so rectal wrangled about election interference from a bunch of ads.

Attached: 1410273645215.jpg (250x296, 19K)

opinion discarded

Thats how they work. They know that 90% of people are too fucking busy to actually, properly, follow the news. So they pull these stunts to mislead that 90% - that is their target market.

They are fully aware that anyone who is even slightly informed can see through their bullshit, and they dont care.