Can I get a qrd on the current election fraud?

can I get a qrd on the current election fraud?

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They were close enough that recounts are being called and since the reps all declared absolute victory already, they're chimping out and throwing down every "voting fraud" card they're holding.

Since Democrats use illegals and rape hoaxes to retain power, fraud wouldn’t be too surprising.

>Democrats use illegals and rape hoaxes to retain power
>actually believing this

browardfag here. boxes of vote suddenly materializing from nowhere... someone posted a video of election supervisors adding boxes to a truck used to transport votes.

>not acknowledging facts
Kill yourself shitlib

Broward county has been found tampering with elections before, and even was sued for it. The lady who was sued for it is still in power.

Yet we are still considered 1st world with some fucking WHORE rigging every election.

70,000 Dem ballots have appeared in Broward County over two days. Law requires active counts every 45 minutes. Inspectors not in room, have to watch from a windownabd can't hear what is going on. Ballots still appearing.

Big time Dem lawyer is down there helping out.

Ballot boxes being stuffed and/or appearing out of thin air has been a thing longer than any of us have been alive.

just arrest Debbie

McSally lost. Wonder how she feels desu a veteran losing to a Taliban sympathizer... I'd curse the days I wasted in the military if that were me. Scott winning is 50/50 and DeSantis will probably lose still.

Pretty good operation by the Dems they always win in the end because the right are a bunch of cucks


>56% white
>declining standard of living
>press 2 for english

The US isn't first world, it's south africa in 1990 on the tipping point of being kiked into oblivion.

Time to load up boys.
If you're record is clean get some guns and ammo legally, if your record isnt clean find some other way to get geared up

DeSantis is doing better than Scott right now. He's 50k ahead, Scott less than 20k.



> Inspectors not in room, have to watch from a windownabd can't hear what is going on.

Thats messed up. Although whats worse is even if inspectors were watching ballots every step of the way, its Broward so they'd probably be on the payroll and look the other way.

Funny guy. The AWB did that in Bophuthatswana to stop the ANC from taking that bantustan over too but then the South African military came in to stop them

A South African general got up on stage in front of ten thousand people and asked them if they wanted him to take over the country. Then he cucked out, or rather he was actually controlled opposition to make the right complacent since that same general was involved in the "peace parties" they held with the ANC.

We are in an all or nothing battle with the Dems and the GOP is losing because the GOP have "Nostalgia Syndrome" or "Normalcy Bias"- they always think in terms of the 1950s, when things were on the level and society wasn't jewed and commies could legally be imprisoned for being commies. The GOP is under the illusion that conservatives are still dominant in America when 10 million illegals probably voted on tuesday. We have been invaded and if Trump had gone OPERATION WETBACK on them then Republicans would have won in tuesday. He didn't because he listened to Sessions who claimed he was totally hardcore on immigration, then sessions solution to illegal immigration was to hire more judges so each illegal could waste time and money arguing their case as though invasion is something for which you must be found guilty of instead of just summarily shot for violating sovereign borders.

Trump is Reagan is Nixon is Eisenhower- the left has subverted every Republican since the end of WWII. And Ford and the Bushes are outright on the side of the left, openly pushing the "based non-whites" meme when the only non-whites who vote Republican are conquistador rapebabies like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio who desperately want to be considered fully white. Only minorities who want to be white care about Republican issues because the Republicans are the party of whites. Trump forgot this, lost white voters and now WV and MT and FL and AZ have Dem senators. GG no RE.

Honestly, I have a condo down there. All the communities are Jewish, that being said almost everyone I speak to is a trump supporter in these communities, and they’re very open about it. In the last 2 years ive only met one person who wasn’t between west palm and Delray Beach.
I don’t doubt at all that it was rigged. There’s no way in hell the Dems won.

>... someone posted a video
probably more fakery by James O'Keefe. Don't people remember when he was caught running BARE ASS NAKED around a parking lot? Of course the conservitard "echo chamber" completely ignored it. Guy is seriously unballanced, to say the least

I disagree.
A lead sled can be shot from a massive distance.

>counting all the votes is election fraud
yea okay buddy

The seriousness of just ONE vote being lost or corrupted needs to be fully understood.

>turns out trump didn't even win the senate
lmao @ trump cucks

>muh fraud
Face it there is no fraud other than the votes being processed a tad too late.
Broward and Palm Beach would be counted by Saturday. And Nelson will win.

Arizona would be finished by Saturday. Sinema will win.
Tester already won.

Jow Forums BTFO as always, keep crying cunts, you only have the orange man to blame for being such a faggot that suburban areas are disgusted of him.

This is an 18+ site buddy.

Can you provide a link to that video?

The story. Dems do not count ballots from heavy Dem counties until they see how many they need to win. They then take ballots that were tossed and guess the voter intent and fill it out. If they are down by to many votes they then find thousands of boxes of ballots

This topic is being slid so hard right now

Yup, very convenient reported school shooting

Ballots are being pulled out of an ass by two bitches so corrupt even the democrats found them distasteful.
One county involved is where the parkland clusterfuck happened and all I know about the other is that’s the one where the mafia hang out.

They don’t even have the diginity to say they’re abscentee ballots or something like that, just mysteriously pulling more than ten thousand democrat votes on election day out of thin air and finding boxes of more votes for only one candidate.

They’re in violation of multiple state laws ignoring the election fixing.

((((((((((Left behind))))))))))

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>creating ballots after the election is over isn't election fraud

kys nigger

>In their lawsuit against Broward County, Scott and the National Republican Senatorial Committeee (NRSC) allege that officials there are hiding critical information about the number of votes cast and counted. And in a parallel suit against Palm Beach County, Scott and the NRSC charge that the election supervisor there illegally used her own judgment to determine voter intent when reviewing damaged or incorrectly filled-out absentee ballots, while refusing to allow impartial witnesses to monitor the process.

>Earlier this year, a judge found that Snipes had illegally destroyed ballots in a 2016 congressional contest, leading the secretary of state's office to assign election monitors to supervise her.

>"In 2016, Brenda Snipes’ office posted election results half an hour before polls closed – a violation of election law," Scott said. "That same year, her office was sued for leaving amendments off of ballots. In 2014, Brenda Snipes’ fellow Democrats accused her of individual and systemic breakdowns that made it difficult for voters to cast regular ballots. All Floridians should be concerned about that."

>Sorey said she also reportedly contacted her friend, Democratic State Rep. Shevrin Jones, who the newspaper noted was a close confidante of Tallahassee mayor and Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum (D), seeking help about the discovery.

It's everywhere, that's the qrd on election fraud. It's everywhere and it's leading to a lot of anger.

How does that prove that his videos are fake?

Oh (((Broward)))

I am going to lose my fucking shit if Trump does not completely expose this NOW

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>just learnt greentext
>still newb retard

Random boxes of 75%+ dem ballots keep showing up with no chain of custody or anything, and the US doesn't put any identifying information on the ballot itself, so anybody could just be sitting in a room filling out the overprints as we speak.

Tim canova posted the video. A democrat.

Broward county is America's Tower Hamlets isn't it?

Ban us from the internet, taking our soap box.
Rig our elections, taking our ballot box.
Ignore violations of election law, taking our jury box.
Elect politicians and push propaganda to take our ammo box.

We're running out of boxes.

You think we have a chance to tell dems to get fucked? They got lawyers ready so you know they're gonna fight this to the grave.

Fuck Rick Scott. He's a fucking criminal who defrauded Medicare and slashed retirement for EMS workers.
t. Floridian


Even if it were him it wouldn't matter because it'd be in video

lol the tweeting idiot potus he's going to tweet right to the end isn't he

> "new ballots" isn't election fraud
yea ok buddy

Guess you'll have to save your money like a functioning adult now.

They already found it in Texas but they failed. It's obvious they are doing it elsewhere but fucking republicucks will let themselves get cucked once again. It's so frustrating thinking we can finally have peace but this happens.

>Knox says Broward County allows election workers to transport the ballots by themselves.
typical O'Keefe hysterical distortion

Florida Democrats are cheats

In 2016, Detroit (a Democrat stronghold) counted the same ballots as many as 6 times.
Interestingly enough, the original ballots had gone "missing", so a hand count couldn't be made to correct the numbers and the original count had to stand.
Trump won Michigan last election by a very slim margin, how much did Trump actually win by? Note that no one went to jail over this massive fraud.
Guaranteed that this happens all the fucking time, especially in heavily Democrat districts.

Arizona, California, Florida, Texas, Georgia, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, Washington, Minnesota. Anything else that I missing? The Democrats are the most corrupt people on this planet. There is no bigger threat to this country than them.

Florida did this shit in the Bush v Gore election. I forget how many recounts they did (hanging chads and all that shit) but it was getting ridiculous. And each recount gave Gore more votes.
The country watched Bush's lead dissappear from something like nearly a million, to the final count claims that Gore actually won with a few hundred thousand.
Bush was a shit head, but even back then those counties were playing games like this. It's ridiculous as fuck how much the democrats get away with and then no one is ever thrown in jail.
It took the fucking SCOTUS (liberal controlled at the time mind you), to finally say "enough" and award the election to Bush based on the most recent full recount.

Spotted the shill, thanks for the bump

100% truth. All commies, all jews need to be hung.

Butthurft Drumpftards facing up to losing the house and the senate, soon they lose the WH and then the Supreme court, because when we have finished exposing this corrupt orange mobster every one of his appointments will beimpeached. You see they underestimate the forces that are being mobilized against them.

still cant believe you cunts dont have voter id. Literally 3rd world tier democracy ripe for fraud.
even abos and emus need voter id in Australia.

>they're openly fucking with the votes
>trump just let "law enforcement" handle it instead of getting the FBI to raid every fucking DNC headquarters and seizing all their shit

seriously these fuckers need to be brought to heel, you have to play dirty with these cunts


The same FBI that tried to fuck trump in his own election?

The problem is it seems pretty everyone with power has been compromised. It's almost like the dems can basically fuck your wife in front of you while laughing and you can't do a thing.

time for military junta

The real crises is that the real people who care about election integrity won't go work in the city office and instead shitpost online both dejected and defeated.

>they always win in the end because the right are a bunch of cucks
I often wonder why we continue to believe non-violence is a winning strategy, particularly in a nation that was forged in the fires of war.

>he does it for free

Always accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing.
Just remember, It's not fucking RUSSIA meddling in the election. It's the democrats themselves.

Basically people on the chans are seven years into the future in terms of thinking and feeling about the present moment. Normal people do not have the same sense as we do. I am sure some do, but very few by a large margin. In the near future people will feel very violated, and they will see what we see. I hope it is sooner than later, but this is a precarious time for everybody.

Violence is never the answer is a bluepilled ideal used to subvert the goyim. If this was the case, Israel wouldn't need nukes or a huge ass army.

Watch what Israel does and learn.

Wait. Do you not?

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Just a day after that cunt bag Pelosi says she wants to play nice the dems start committing open voter fraud. The whole party needs to be punished. Criminal charges.

Ballots are being sent to Minnisota from Broward county. This will not end well for Democrats!

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Safe to say whatever this lying, projecting, pathologically deluded racist fuck says: the exact opposite is true.

Just Florida being Florida. Though this wouldn’t have happened if the democrat won.

>Telling about election fraud
She fucking won

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Democrates are cheating, nothing new. They do it with illegals all te time

>Oh shit guys *another* box of 50,000 ballots, 40,000 of which voted for the democrat senator but left the governor vote blank


Broward has the worst record for election fraud in recent history - officials in Broward have been caught stuffing ballot boxes, destroying legitimate ballots, letting people vote multiple times, etc in the last several elections.

>playing deathmatch in a game of capture the flag

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It's Bush v. Gore all OVER again

Bay County FL here..

Our county was completely destroyed by a Cat 5 Hurricane. Just about every building has damage or completely condemned....Yet we still managed to get our count in accurately and one time....not to mention Gulf, Franklin, Leon and Washington Counties..All affected by hurricane Michael....

What's Broward and Palm County excuse??


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Won what exactly?

Every time one of you says this shit i get so fucking hard.


Governor doesnt matter in Congress does it?
Imagine that


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>someone posted a video of election supervisors adding boxes to a truck used to transport votes.

I thought the implication was removal of votes in trucks to be destroyed........which means a recount is pointless.

Doesn't this woman running the show there have a history of destroying votes? Why is she not in jail???

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This is pretty good my man, underrated as fuck

>someone is allowed to commit a crime
>repeats that crime
I know that's a simplistic view but it's the system that allowed them to go unpunished so they'll keep doing it until they are


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Raw unedited footage from an investigation journalist, vs 4am issued talking points to a multi billion corporation.

Does running naked around a car park make your video falsification skills better?