Oy Vey! Live a little!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Checked. The devil will always be there to tempt you in one form or another. Vigilance and abiding to the natural order are the strongest countermeasures

Your tricks have no power here

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nonut november is scaring the jews. they realize the power our nuts contain

Why aren't the zoomers wasting their life with alcohol and drugs OY VEY!!!

Just wait till No-Fapruary. I already can hear the kvetching.

Its shit like this that convinces be that we will win long term. We may never be fully rid of our (((troubles))), but we'll rise again and stave off the apocalypse by another 100 years at least. Wheel of civilization and all that. Strong men create good times, etc. etc.

Weak willpower of the mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.

They dont even try to hide anymore

Gradually, I began to hate them.

Have you been watching your daily quota of pornography? If not, get to it. It’s good for you, and it feels good.

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This is true, idiots.

Willpower is a finite resource that gets drained throughout the day.

This is the epitome of Jow Forums blaming new age degeneracy on the Jews with no proof whatsoever

We are in a rare moment in the history.
Jews always have been hated but we cant talk about it cuz "mhu holohoax". Sooner or later this shit wont work anymore and we will expel them again and when they are alone at Israel we will eradicate them from existing.

Im doing great this no nut november ty

>NoFappers are racists, sexists and ebil!
You've no idea how much I hate pornographers, porn actresses/actors and any and all "people" involved in its production and marketing.

>know when to give in to temptation
they are barely hiding it anymore

>Stoicism is bad you should instead be ruled by your appetites

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It's not willpower if you've taught yourself to not even have the urge in the first place. Resisting an urge is what drains you, when the urge is gone there is no more drain.
I bet you can't even go 2 hours without a cigarette.

No we are just sick of proving it every week to new fags and left wing shills.

>when you want to fuck a nigger and you're like "but he might beat me" and then this article comes to your mind and tells you to just give in to the BBC no toll will be claimed don't worry about it :^)

wtf is this degeneracy?

You will keep watching porn.

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We just need a gimmicky no fap name for every month.

To elaborate on this, what is with modern “people” and their issues with self control? Why do they want to defend being overweight (no self control eating) pedophiles and other deviancy (no self control sexually) and any religion promoting this kind of thing? Look at how Christians have been attacked, and now bhuddists with this shit going on in Burma. The only religion the media defends is the one with basically zero spiritual content (Islam) all about the physical world basically. Is this literally the demiurges doing? Or is it something else?

I will lose a battle for sure but not war

>people not jerking off
>jews write a million articles about it

Nofap has been a thing for most of the past decade. Why is discovering its existing now so triggering to the juden?

Haven’t nutted yet.



They don’t want people to realise there is more to life than the physical, and living like an animal. It gives people way too much independent thought when they realise how powerful the human mind really is

who is the author?

The jewish overlords and their twitter shiksas finally warped the world around enough for them to become daywalkers.

No more hiding in the shadows. The demon jews will walk the earth again.

June Not Fap This Month
Dry Cocktober

Degenerate free December.

>___ ___berg

Be gone kike, Jewish causality has been argued and proved so many times it’s not even worth reiterating. Go to BookSC and download The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and just read the section on sexual liberation if you’re lazy. Disprove that.

heil hitler

>Yes goy sinning is GOOD for you, just be a degenerate like the rest of your fellow goyim and stop thinking so much

Hitler did nothing wrong

Neither of those is an argument to back up ops claim.

Furthermore, not that it's relevant, I am neither of those


Theres three Jews still on my back I need to shake off
Porn jew
Sugar jew
Tobacco jew
Kek give me the will to shake them off

I’d say lurk more if you weren’t so obviously d&c

>No proof whatsoever
Slowly I began to hate them

Quit smoking several times, depending on the nature of additional tasks it made me too tense for execution. Physical work, working out was good, emotional, intellectual tasks remained turbulent.
So there seems to be trade offs.

Once I realized diversifying your irl task bar will help preventing burn-out.

Now I ask could we categorize various types of willpower, maybe based on the goal and requirements to reach it?
That way it might be nurturable, too.

That's what an echo chamber does.
No idea what you're talking about with c&d

Marx was a dialectical materialist. His basic premise was that religion created a reverse world consciousness, meaning the proleteriat saw afterlife structures as rewarding the poor and punishing the rich, in direct opposition of class society as he saw it.
Marx wanted the end of class society and thought that religion would be obsolete if the real social hierarchy was abolished.
As we know, this is a one-side view of religion and even most neo-marxists accept that religion is used to answer the existential concerns and provide support for even the elite in society and any subsequent attempt at revolution did not end religion.
So knowing that religion doesn't just go away, it makes sense that the neo-marxists would encourage the religion that allows social norms to be enforced so effectively, like Islam because it for easily influenced hegemonic control.

No, ego depletion doesn't actually exist. The whole study fell apart relatively recently when it was put under peer review.


somewhat related:

I don’t even smoke

>We are surrounded by messages that more self-control is better and that there basically could not be enough self-control,” says Liad Uziel at Bar-Ilan University in Israel.
Lizard Uziel from Israel is 100% Jewish
>But is it time to question some of these assumptions? Uziel believes so.
That Jew is pushing this

I was once like you. But look at the sources and authors and you will see the truth.

Are you Josh?

Hentai doesn't count right ?

The Cannadian pointed out: Decreases throughout the day. Throughout the day you‘ll get tired.

>no proof whatsoever

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Directly from the new scientist article:

>“We are surrounded by messages that more self-control is better and that there basically could not be enough self-control,” says Liad Uziel at Bar-Ilan University in Israel.

That 2nd video you linked is one of the biggest redpills of the century, why is it not viral?

>loosen up


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Probs just allergic

My point is not this specific degenerate study you brainlet.

There's a thread up currently where Anons talk about how they don't like going outside and how they're anxious around people. Doesn't sound like strong men to me. We're the weak men. Should things eventually kick off, we'll be in out 30s or 40s or even 50s. Most of the men that would do the majority of the fighting would be of the generation that comes after the Zoomers (along with the second half or tail-end of the Gen Z). It would probably be kids that grow up in a more hostile society with fewer resources, both economically and socially (families even more fucked, fragmented society that is fighting their human nature etc.). Not like we did, in my case all pampered in the 90s , without a care in the world, all white kindergarten, 90% white elementary school, >95% white high school.

And who do they echo, user?

Protip: It's not Breitbart or the Federalist.

Pron addiction and frequent masturbation brought me lower than meth addiction ever did. Not to defend meth. I'm just offering some perspective.

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>my point is not this one example

said the shill for the 200th time that day

>David Robson

Almost as predictable as reddit there kiddo

Don't exercise either!

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I've given you proof that in this instance, a Jew is peddling this shit You said that
>this is the epitome of Jow Forums blaming new age degeneracy on the Jews with no proof whatsoever
I would assume that "this" is specific to this study. You say it isn't. Even if you're misdirection is accurate and you're speaking to a greater trend, than surely data like does that too (that infograph isn't everything, look at other articles authors, sources etc and look at the activities of Jewish interest groups). So we have evidence for large-scale degeneracy pushing by Jews and degeneracy pushing by Jews in this instance.

What more do you fucking want?

Almost as predictable as a jew being behind degenerate shit.

"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day.

The media really pushes hedonism hard.

Temperance is bad
Self-discipline is bad
Organisation is bad
Monogamy is bad
Masculinity is bad
The nuclear family is bad

Gluttony is good
Lust is good
Promiscuity is good
Recklessness is good
Escapism is good
Degeneracy is good

I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me ... (sing it if you know it!)

Willpower is a funny thing.
If you never give in, it never drains.

BUT when you give in, that's when the dominoes begin to fall and your willpower drains.

Whoever lost no nut november will never have self control

>I'm not sure what exercise does for your body
Lmao what? Pretty sure any retard knows it's good for happiness, health, etc. >they pretended not to understand
Wow would you look at that

I found that I can easily achieve stuff without actually doing anything
willpower is shit



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I used to think the alphabet soup agencies were watching you watch porn, but now I think they're watching out for you NOT watching porn.


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what's in it for you?

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Oy vey, the goyim know

based high-functioning autist

Time to take up fasting.


>No proof

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>No proof whatsoever

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It seems they really want to mold everyone into an animal

>Oy vey they dindu nuffin!

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Why are jews so terrified of white men living well? It's insane.

More porn not less ???? He doesnt even hide it anymore. Sad.

>The epitome

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There will never be any form of peace in this world as long as you animals exist.

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Go kiss a dick. Certain people are to blame for maintaining degenerate standars in society and normalising them. It makes people easier to control when they're flushed with dopamine.

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Thanks to everyone in the thread for filling up my jew/porn link folder

haha what if this guy died at the hands of a nofap mass shooter who also busted a nut in his dying face that he'd been holding in for years haha it would almost make it worth it to prove his outlandish, disingenuous point correct hahahaha