I'm About to meet a Jew for the First Time in My Life

Level with me user: Are the memes true? Should I expect underhanded behavior?

He's a secular racial Jew in Amman on business.

Attached: hitler palestine.jpg (165x306, 7K)

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leave your wallet in the car

why do you larp as white when you're a sandnigger?

If you're white, just think about the first time you met a black person. Thats what he sees when speaks to you, a low iq subhuman

They're charming but will betray you casually and genuinely not know they did anything wrong

the interaction will be fine, just make sure to thoroughly analyze anything he proposes, as they like to fuck people over in business

I don't.

Levantines are different than Gulf Arabs, culturally and racially. We're conservative but not autistic; you can party and fuck here, it's not really mainstream but it's legal.

That said, we're not white even if we're closer to whites than Saudis or Egyptians are.

>If you're white
look at his fucking flag ffs
He's a fucking kebab

It will be his way or the highway, in a roundabout way, remember you're inferior in every way in his eyes.

and you're a fucking white man. whats the difference?

both are dumb as a rock

Aren't you the people who LARP as Coptic Christians? (Who are much darker skinned on average than Levantines, and none of whom look white from Middle or southern Egypt, even if a minority do in the north.)

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you're a desert b*douin dog

T.whitey who have to do business with lot of them.
Rule 1 and only rule: no trust. Ever.

>we're not white
fair enough

okay, didn't know you were a fucking lefty.
Why don't you just go to hell and stay there motherfucker

How did you manage to never come across a jew your entire life?


No im an ashkenazi and you are a subhuman

I'm Jordanian. Jews are despised in the Arab world and especially the Levant. Even the Christians hate them because their kin (the Palestinian Christians) were also ethnically cleansed in 1948.

Ask the rest of pol

I met a guy from Jordan once. He was a good man and they have better culture. The U.S. is incredibly degenerate.

my old hash dealer was a jew we nick named him king david he has the best hashish money could buy and he was always fair knowing him allowed me to never fall into the jew meme because I knew better thats my 2 cents

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Are you going to meet a female Jew?

Agreed. I honestly have no desire to move to the US. Especially when your women come to me for "NGO" nonsense.

Since Jordanian conservatism is more cultural than by-the-books literal, it's socially acceptable for us to have sex with hookers or Americans, just not Jordanian girls who are non-ironically expected to be virgins until marriage.

The first time I met a jew is when my wife took a dna test....i know...

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Ah, so fake conservatism, just like everywhere else in the middle east.

Don't do business with jews friend. Seriously they're going to backstab you, i'm not memeing. Don't say I didn't warn you when you get scammed.

The first time I did it was painful... physically painful...

>Level with me user: Are the memes true? Should I expect underhanded behavior?
I mean why are you meeting him ? If its business or anything that deals with money changing hands i would be wary but otherwise w/e

It's more about maintaining the dignity of our women then making the men be incels.

He probably knows you post here.

Sounds like america pre feminism be careful though It will eventually create resentment in the wahman folk and turn them to feminism though

Shoot him.

If you smell the scent of lavander when you meet do not be alarmed.

you are not our friend mudslime.
You and jews are sides of the same shitty coin.

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Based christians. I know about the mutual hate, but they have zero presence in Jordan?You meeting a black men that is not a violent criminal does not change the fact that where ever the black population increase there is an increase in crime. Meeting a jew that is not actively trying to undermine the host nation does not deny their effect in society as a group.

We have millions of Syrian refugees in Jordan. (Speaking of which: what about the absurd memes that Arab countries have taken none of them? Topic for another day I guess.) Most of these people are farmers from Syria--the middle class mostly made it to Northwest Syria (which isn't war-ravaged at all) or immigrated to the Gulf States. He thinks he can employ a lot of these people.

He could actually identify me from this thread but he's an oldfag (60s) so I don't think it's likely.

>ur less white than me lol
Uh guy......

Is it true that Arabs still keep Black African women as sex slaves?

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>What about the absurd memes that Arab countries have taken none of them?
I believe that was specifically about Saudi Arabia.Turkey also have take small numbers

Keep saying that when your kids end up with Tay-Sachs disease lmao.

Oh how they yearn to undermine the great nation of Brazil.

your low IQ makes me want to bomb Palestine, will you stop with your shit faggot. Your IQ is too fucking low to trick even a fucking child. You're larping at fucking 0-tier. GTFO

Turkey has taken more than any country in the world, even more than Jordan. Saudi Arabia, you're kind of right. They HAVE taken in a lot of Syrians but the ones they took, while fleeing the war, were overwhelmingly upper-middle class, people who could help the Saudi economy. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refugees_of_the_Syrian_Civil_War

The "white altruism" meme is just stupid. Race is certainly real in terms of temperament and IQ (and of course you guys are considerably smarter than us on average; even though somehow (in the case of Americans) still less cultured) but something like "altruism" is clearly an incident of culture. Hence you don't see any of this in Eastern Europe, racially the same but culturally distinct.

Jews lay verbal traps to get you to expose your views. It works on low IQ people. If you ever find yourself agreeing with him on some thing you did not expect to, do not expose yourself.

I'd recommend you go in with caution and think hard about who's jewing who.

The same way they do if yours.

If you fall for their shit just because they try and give off the impression or being charitable or moral in public then you shouldn't return.

Prove you're a real nazi. Gas him with a smelly fart.

so you're a lefty then

>asking for irl advice in Jow Forums

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All human behavior has a genetic component to it at some level, of corse culture can influence it, but culture is also a manifestation of a peoples nature.

I think the extreme altruistic behavior is more common among the people in nordic region. Living in isolated areas where everyone is a close cousin to each other you start treating everyone as equal, because they are, but when you start to expand this behavior to all the world it start to create problems.

>Economic superpower attracts the wealthy.
>Favela attracts...uh...
They're definitely undermining you, though! The source of all your problems!

A full deviation higher than yours on average. Kiss my foot nordic sissy

Can you answer this?

something something the dignity of women

youre supposed to wait a while before you go spouting sage, fag

Expect to be humored and come away thinking the memes are bullshit. They'll be the nicest people in the world so long as they're in front of you...to the extent that you'll likely begin to trust them.
>That would be a mistake.

Who said anything about favela?
Jew in the US have an overwhelming control of media, entertainment banking system and politics, and that is true of Brazil as well.

That is true of Libya.

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I'm trying to party and fuck your women. Do they like white bois?


You should expect underhanded behavior, probably hidden behind a veil of charisma. If they're dumb, the underhanded behavior will show. If not, be aware of possible usage of verbal IQ.

Imagine being this dumb.

That hash has made you sterile, goyim. Ehehehhhhh

All the Jews I've met were completely normal people with their own hopes, dreams and fears.

The real truth is that Jews themselves are manipulated in the same way as whites by the top Jews. (((They))) control the media and universities and basically inculcate and train the general public by exposure and propaganda and exploiting people's desire to conform and other cognitive biases and weaknesses in the human psyche.

This is above the head of most of Jow Forums, who simply go for the simpler (but demonstrably untrue) idea that all Jews are in on some kind of conspiracy.

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he's completely trustworthy like all jews , it's goyim you should watch out for .

Enough are

He's Mossad you dumb fuck

All groups of people have sluts. But in doing so, you shouldn't feel anger towards losing your white women to browners and blacks. Get out of your degenerate mindset and seek matrimony.

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I did antisemitic jokes around my friend. Little did I know he was jewish.

We don't talk much anymore.

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My advise to you is to do exactly the opposite of what he says. Take it or leave it

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I'd trust them as much as any other semite

Don't believe anything he says. Don't tell him anything that he can use as leverage. Don't trust that he will ever keep up his end of a bargain. Double your prices because he will jew you down. Don't sign anything. Remember that to him, you are an outsider to be used without guilt for your resources then tossed away.

i dont think anyone thinks its some kind of all-jew conspiracy
it might as well be though because the end effect is the same so theres no real reason to split hairs about it

This. Based and redpilled


Jews are assholes in business, they will try to severely fuck you, watch out for this

Jews also think it's fun to argue even if they don't care about the topic. Jews favorite thing to do is to push people out of their comfort zone they try to push buttons are try to introduced things to you that they probably know you won't like, and then will argue why you're being an asshole.

They'll try to turn you gay, or open to change, or turn you away from whatever faith you have, or have deny what ever political beliefs you have.

At the end of it they'll either say jews are better than you or are hateful towards jews because you can't see past their jewishness.

Same stuff all people do. Jews just do it to the point you want to kill them, or at least punch them in the face.

Death to Jordan(Levant niggers)
long live Lebanon(Levant white men)

polishanon why polish girls in Canada and west are among most degenerate?

It IS fun to argue even if you don't care about the topic. It's a deep cultural thing.
t. secular ashkenazi jew

show him this picture.(i know you won't)
fake jew kike amalekite, stop calling
them jews, they're not ewe sheep they
are goats.

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But, the ad hominem reveals no faith in the actual argument, which is your bread and butter. Your method of argumentation is for bullying those not confident of themselves, for whatever reason. You would never actually go toe to toe with a Samurai once you had surveiled him as such. Pathetic.

Expect an average human completely clueless on who the big dogs are

I don't like to engage in ad hominem, myself. I do like to argue, but I'm not going to call you inferior or anti-semitic if you best me logically. I'm going to learn something from it. That's kind of the point, you put your ideas up against each other and you both get to learn something.

he's a mossad agent and he's going to try to recruit you. the twist is if you say no you're dead, and if you say yes he's going to send you to your death. say goodbye.