Today's the 29th anniversary of the destruction of the berlin wall. Tell us your opinion of this historic event and highlight where you were on this day (most of you autist probably weren't born anyway)
Celebrating the fall of the berlin wall
The Hoff played a big part in this event.
They weren't breaking down a wall to escape a constitutional republic.
Yah, diss guy.
I was at school, everyone was super excited. Too young to understand what exactly it was about but it felt good to see everyone being so happy. Saw a bit of it on TV in the evening
I was born a few days later
Grew up in the 90s
Shit was 120% lit
I was somewhere over here. It was pretty cold and tons of people were on the streets.
The worst thing that could have ever happened to eastern Germany, now their being destroyed by the naive imbeciles of the west via immigration.
Unified Germany was a mistake, it's nothing but trash
Those who identify as "Europeans" they sicken me deeply
I became aware these europeans are perverts too, furries
Build walls not bridges.
Why would you celebrate the falling of the wall, Ossis where the master race and are now the last stand against degeneracy in Germany
feels good bros
Have you BEEN to Eastern Germany? The people there unironically look like fucking goblins.
I was there with my grandfather on business when it happened. Bought a couple of Russian soldier hats.
4th November - Russian Independence Day (sort of, we have never been dependent)
6th November - October Revolution
11th November - Polen Independence
Now this? All in the span of a week.
had an ossi gf, she was cute
ok wessi...
I'm actually from Eastern Germany and have moved West a few years ago. Now whenever I travel back I do notice the people there are generally much uglier.
The start of the fall of the iron curtain. Born a year after this. Fully experienced the transition between socialism and capitalism.
Shit was so cash. Ask me about it, the transition was arguably better than full capitalism.
gay as fuck bring back the wall
Was the beginning of the end
>My parents aren't home