I'm a Coptic Egyptian AMA

Living in Amman, Jordan. My origins are from the Delta region.

Attached: coptic family.jpg (400x520, 74K)

Stay safe my brother

God bless. im sure you are in some way, culturally at least related to slavs (Russians in particular)

Nice big beautiful family but you really are asking for it posting your family pic on Jow Forums of all places. prepare for bombardment of the most extreme personal abuse. I think you knew that though, as i will take teh benefit of the doubt that you're not stupid.

Is Taharrush Gamea still a big thing in Egypt? Didn’t it originate there?

do you see yourself as a shitskin or as a white man

heh, not my family. It's a placeholder. It's how Copts in Lower Egypt look though.

The Kiwi is correct. I don’t understand why people put pictures of themselves or their families on this dumpster fire of a website.

Anik Mohamed

They look nice. just a decent bread and butter family , god fearing (regardless of who their god may be)
I would sacrifice my life to protect the little girls and boys even if im a white nationalist. But that doesnt mean open borders until our own people and youth are replaced in their own schools, cities etc. Im sure Egyptians feel the same way, except they would never even have this debate as they're not stupid enought to inject such suicidal nation wrecking invasion policies into their politics.

I'm not white and have never met a Copt who identifies as such except in the diaspora. Even there few do nowadays since there are no gibs for being white, as i understand it.

About one in 10 Coptic men from Lower Egypt and maybe one in 5 Coptic women from the same region can pass as white. These people are over-represented in media and the diaspora which may distort your view of Copts.

Literally no Copt from Middle or Upper Egypt can pass as white. Upper EGyptians (Copts or not) are closer to black than white genetically and in appearance. Pic related: Coptic American musician Halim el-Dabh.

Attached: halim eldabh.jpg (350x514, 48K)

Are you well treated in Egypt?

>Pic=a bunch of Copts protesting in Middle Egypt.

Attached: copt rally.jpg (640x429, 40K)

God protect you guys. If our governments were properly Christian again we'd have massive protection of you guys instead of sending money to (((them)))

With Copts being the original Egyptians before the Arab raids, how does it feeling knowing you have not 1, but 2 disgusting ethnic groups trying to claim your history as their own. African American niggers, and Muslim Arabs.

ok thanks for answering

Coptics are based

>church gets bombed
>people get gunned down in the aftermath
>church has memorial vigil to mourn the catastrophe
>gets bombed again
heh yeah love it here home sweet home

They look like the kind of family that would split their last piece of bread for you, reducing the amount among all the other members of the family, just to uphold their sense of humanity

WHY are we bombing these people for isreali kike interests? im done with it

I was talking about how the Egyptian population sees the Copts, obviously they are being persecuted

Bro Copts are a Christian ethnic group. of COURSE they are persecuted in any Muslim majority nation.


I don't have any questions sir.But i do want to say God Bless You and Stay Strong.

That’s a lovely story, towelhead.

Always liked you guys. I did a CK2plus run with coptic Egypt in your honor a couple of years ago, tagteaming to death muslims with the help of the Byzabros

Anyway, what do you think about the original Coptic language? is the community interested in revive it? if Jews did it with biblical hebrew, you can do that too

The Coptic people I've known were some of the most trustworthy and generous people I've met. Cashed my check, and when I forgot my money on the counter they came to my house and returned it

Do you walk with your arms bent and fingers extended?

>Anyway, what do you think about the original Coptic language? is the community interested in revive it? if Jews did it with biblical hebrew, you can do that too

Good question Spaghetti, im also curious now.
Nice to know there are anons here with a sense of political and historical knowledge instead of this double digit IQ retard

Probably some leftist trash trying to shit up the board and create bad optics for us. One major disadvantage of being anonymous image board. Every man and their dog can post.

i say let all coptics into the west, show the libtards we are caring, take all white South Africans too, solve the demographic issue, then SLAM the door shut for the next 100 years.

Do you consider yourself a descendent of Ancient Egyptians?

What do you think of Egyptian mummy portraits from the Roman period? Do they look like the Copts you know?

Lucky for you Semitic Christian converts are ay okay with pol

How to you get your women to be so loyal? Literally every Coptic woman I have ever spoken to said they will only date and Mary coptic men.