Only Cunts with a navy can post ITT

Warships thread, post em boys lets measure eachothers navy dicks.

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why compare ourselves to burgers? They are an order of magnitude unfathomable compared to us abbos

What dicks, compared to America, the best you have are clits.

To be fair burgers own nothing about "their" military, it's all there for Israel

we allied with you for the bants, nothing else.

This. Do you guys know what the largest air force in the world is? The United States Airforce. Do you know what the second largest air force is? The United States Navy.
Duh, it's all there for whoever pays the most. How do you think a military industrial complex works, pablo?

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How come American "marines" are just another army?

I respect the German craftsman ship on their navy, but got damn were their admirals incompetent.

The british navy would be nothing without the manx

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Walen don't even have a coastline bro

How come the Canadian Army is couple dozen drunk leafs Larping??

They do different things. When you want to go in and fuck someone up, you call the marines. After the marines have done their job, being brainless, idiot killing machines. Then the Army comes in, sets up and does it's thing. The Marines are who you call when you want idiots to kill people. The Army is the pudgy nerds who set up shop.

they arent, army are an emotional support group filled with spics and niggers. the grayon eaters are fucking killers. friends with a first wave iraq bro, hes showed me pictures of the teeth marks in the butt of his rifle.

Actually the Army is the one shelling this shit out of the enemy from 20 miles away...

Don't hate them because they know how to do basic math and lob shells.....

Yeah, they're the ones who set up in the back, play occupation and peace keeping.

>admirals incompetent.
how so?
our navy was simply never large enough to compete with the British (and later American) navy

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In the rear with the gear....

Better than in the air on a chair...

or is it?

thread theme

If only you guys could hit the right targets...

>Putting a ramp on your Landing Helicopter Dock

We have boy scouts tougher than you. Then we have a real military.

when german submarines block your path you just get rekt, based wolfpack


>*teleports behind you*

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Marines are a branch of the military specifically trained for sea/land assault. Often they are on front lines because of ability to exploit coastal weaknesses.

Army "can" attack amphibiously, but the majority of strength is mobility, armor, artillery, airdrop and extreme climate training.

Marines are all psychopath trained killers. Army is just a job.

This is kinda true, too. Army has a number of infrastructure positions, while Marines don't, so much.

That ship is fugly as hell...but if you need that to keep yourself safe from Indonesians then ok...just invest more money on your safety, the world sucked Yesterday and Tomorrow is gonna be far worse

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they are not just another army, they are navy

United States Marine Corps Department of the Navy